Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Mearl Oil Company Case
Mearl oil company case review The case is about a manager environmental support system of Mearl Oil Company named Leslie Milne which noticed that there are serious potential environmental and health hazard problems in areas which industrial facilities were discharging wastewater into open ditches. According to this discovery, company made a memorandum of wastewater discharge, environment and health standard to all Mearl subsidiaries which were then called by Environmental Impact Targets (EITs).The EITs provide very detailed and specific manufacturing standards down to the process and controls that facility had to apply to its operation related to health and environment. Then the protest came from MearlCan, Mearl Canada subsidiaries. Maya Stevenson, Mearl Canada senior environmental manager said that EITs just added a level unnecessary bureaucracy with little positive improvement to MearlCan performance. She stated that in developing country like Canada, the local regulation is alread y high so then EITs would be redundant and often be ignored in reality.The objection of EITs implementation by MearlCan is also because the swelling of expenses which will reached $ 2 million will occur as a result of Secondary treatment plant for sanitary waste system that required by EITs. Based on the above reasons, Maya Stevenson was going to request deviation from the EITs requirements that could be covered under MearlCan Memoranda and also consideration of possibility EITs equalization with MearlCan Memoranda which is regulation that already applied in Canada.In this case, there are conflict between Milne and Stevenson. Milne embraced absolutism understanding in EITs implementation which that policy needs to be implemented without exception in all Mearl subsidiaries. While Stevenson embrace relativism and teleological understanding that related to local custom, belief, necessities and consideration to the outcome and result of EITs implementation impacts in MearlCan. And also and ethical problem in this case is â€Å"Would it be ethical, when ompany good willingness of environmental enforcement by policies initiation compromised by the interest of financial issues and local situations? †The intention of EITs requirements compromise came from MearlCan. MearlCan see that EITs implementation will costly, and unnecessary due to existed standard which already high. In my point of view, we can take utilitarian action to address different perception among Milne and Stevenson.Both perceptions have logical different perspective that needs to be accommodated. The compromise of EITs implementation to be applicable and suitable by local situation is still acceptable, as long as not reducing standard level and deviate the initial goal of EITs as the realization of Mearl’s company environmental awareness. The principle of environmental enforcement should be placed at the top and should not be compromised by other thing such as money. Mearl Oil Company Case Mearl oil company case review The case is about a manager environmental support system of Mearl Oil Company named Leslie Milne which noticed that there are serious potential environmental and health hazard problems in areas which industrial facilities were discharging wastewater into open ditches. According to this discovery, company made a memorandum of wastewater discharge, environment and health standard to all Mearl subsidiaries which were then called by Environmental Impact Targets (EITs).The EITs provide very detailed and specific manufacturing standards down to the process and controls that facility had to apply to its operation related to health and environment. Then the protest came from MearlCan, Mearl Canada subsidiaries. Maya Stevenson, Mearl Canada senior environmental manager said that EITs just added a level unnecessary bureaucracy with little positive improvement to MearlCan performance. She stated that in developing country like Canada, the local regulation is alread y high so then EITs would be redundant and often be ignored in reality.The objection of EITs implementation by MearlCan is also because the swelling of expenses which will reached $ 2 million will occur as a result of Secondary treatment plant for sanitary waste system that required by EITs. Based on the above reasons, Maya Stevenson was going to request deviation from the EITs requirements that could be covered under MearlCan Memoranda and also consideration of possibility EITs equalization with MearlCan Memoranda which is regulation that already applied in Canada.In this case, there are conflict between Milne and Stevenson. Milne embraced absolutism understanding in EITs implementation which that policy needs to be implemented without exception in all Mearl subsidiaries. While Stevenson embrace relativism and teleological understanding that related to local custom, belief, necessities and consideration to the outcome and result of EITs implementation impacts in MearlCan. And also and ethical problem in this case is â€Å"Would it be ethical, when ompany good willingness of environmental enforcement by policies initiation compromised by the interest of financial issues and local situations? †The intention of EITs requirements compromise came from MearlCan. MearlCan see that EITs implementation will costly, and unnecessary due to existed standard which already high. In my point of view, we can take utilitarian action to address different perception among Milne and Stevenson.Both perceptions have logical different perspective that needs to be accommodated. The compromise of EITs implementation to be applicable and suitable by local situation is still acceptable, as long as not reducing standard level and deviate the initial goal of EITs as the realization of Mearl’s company environmental awareness. The principle of environmental enforcement should be placed at the top and should not be compromised by other thing such as money.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Personal Selling
Personal Selling, relationship building and sales management Personal selling, unlike advertising or sale promotion, involves direct relationships between the seller and the prospect or customer. In a forma sense, personal selling can be defined as a two-way flow of communication between a potential buyer and a salesperson that is designed to accomplish at least three tasks: (1) identify the potential buyer’s needs; (2) match those needs to one or more of the firm’s products or services; (3) on the basis of this match, convince the buyer to purchase the product.Finally, it is a complex communication process, one still not fully understood by marketers. Importance of personal selling The importance of the personal selling function depends partially on the nature of the product. As a general rule, goods that are new and different, technically complex or expensive require more personal selling effort. The salesperson plays a key role in providing the consumer with informat ion about such products to reduce the risks involved in purchase and use.Insurance, for example, is a complex and technical product that often needs significant amounts of personal selling. It is important to remember that for many companies the salesperson represents the customer’s main link to the firm. In fact, the salesperson is the company. Therefore it is imperative that the company take advantage of this unique link. Through the efforts of the successful salesperson, a company can build relationships with customers that continue long. Personal selling is an integral of the marketing system, fulfilling two vital duties: one for customers and one for companies.Lacking relevant information, customers are likely to make poor buying decisions. For example: Doctors would have difficulty finding out about new drugs and procedures were it not for pharmaceutical salespeople. Second, salespeople act as a source of marketing intelligence for management. Marketing success depends on satisfying customers needs. If present products don’t fulfill customer needs then profitable opportunities may exist for new or improved products. If problems with a company’s products exist, then management must be quickly apprised of the fact.In either situation, salespeople are in the best position to act as the intermediary through which valuable information can be passed back and forth between product providers and buyers. The sales process Personal selling is as much an art as it is a science. The word art is used to describe that portion of the selling process that is highly creative in nature and difficult to explain. Before management selects and trains salespeople, it should have an understanding of the sales process. Obviously, the sales process will differ according to the size of the company, the nature of the product, the market and so forth.Sales objectives: 1. Information provision: Especially in case of new products or customers, the salesperson nee ds to fully explain all attributes of the product or service, answer any questions and probe for additional questions. 2. Persuasion. Once the initial product or service information is provided, the salesperson needs to focus on the following objectives: – Clearly distinguish attributes of the firm’s products or services from those of competitors. – Maximize the number of sales as a percent of presentations. Convert undecided customers into first-time buyers. – Convert first-time customers into repeat purchasers. – Sell additional or complementary items to repeat customers. – Tend to the needs of dissatisfied customers. 3. After-sake service. Whether the sale represents a first-time or repeat purchase, the salesperson needs to ensure the following objectives are met: – Delivery or installation of the product or service that meets or exceeds customer expectations. – Immediate follow-up calls and visits to address unresolved or n ew concerns. Reassurance of products or service super priority through demonstrable actions. The Sales Relationship-Building process For many years the traditional approach to selling emphasized the first-time sale of a product or service as the culmination of the sales process. Marketing concept and accompanying approach to personal selling view the initial sale as merely the first step in a long-term relationship-building process, not as the end goal. The relationship-building process which is designed to meet the objectives contains six sequential stages.These stages are (1) prospecting, (2) planning the sales call, (3) presentation, (4) responding to objections, (5) obtaining commitment/closing the sale and (6) building a long-term relationship. When a buyer and a salesperson have a close personal relationship, they both begin to rely on each other and communicate honestly. When each has a problem, they work together to solve it. Such market relationships are known as functional relationships. A person may have such a relationship with along-term medical or dental practitioner or hair-cutter.When organizations move beyond functional relationships, they develop strategic partnerships or strategic alliances. These are long-term, formal relationships in which both parties make significant commitments and investments in each other in order to pursue mutual goals and to improve the profitability of each other. Marketing managers and sales managers must make some very important decisions regarding how the sales fore should be organized. Most companies organize their sales efforts either by geography, product or customer.There are two obvious reasons why it is critical that the sales force be properly controlled. First, personal selling can be the largest marketing expense component in the final price of the product. Second, unless the sales force is somehow directed, motivated and audited on continual basis, it is likely to be less efficient than it is capable o f being. Controlling the sales force involves four key functions: (1) forecasting sales; (2) establishing sales territories and quotas, (3) analyzing expenses and (4) motivating and compensating performance.Conclusion We attempted to outline and explain the personal selling aspect of the promotion mix. An emphasis was placed on describing the importance of the relationship-building aspect of the personal selling process. For organizations that wish to continue to grow and prosper, personal selling plays an integral part in the marketing of products and services. As long as production continues to expand through the development of new and highly technical products, personal selling will continue to be an important part of marketing strategy.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Challenges in Workplace Communication
Challenges in Workplace Communication Anjeshni  1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The main purpose of this report writing is to find out about communication and communication challenges that are faced by different people in their workplace. Our major focuses was on business house based in South Auckland. This was made possible by conducting interviews on three different people working for different companies and doing various research. After completion of this research it was easier to know how communication challenges are faced by people in their workplace and how problem can be solved. To start off on our research a request letter for interview was send to three different people working for three different business. This was done to find out communication challenges and strategic that are faced by people in their workplace. Time and date was set for an interview with them and interview was conducted with a set of questionnaire in relation to communication challenges at their respective workplace. The three different peopl e that interview was conducted were Mrs Bikashni Prakash, Mr Romit Prakash and Ms Nicky. After the completion of interview thanks giving email were send to each one of them for giving their precious time and related information regarding communication challenges in their workplace. According to interview the most common communication barrier that was found in workplace were language barriers. As my interview environment was a supermarket and many customers that come in supermarket were of different races and not all of them know English. Some of the customers are from India and they speak Punjabi language so it becomes hard sometimes to communicate with them. The final step was to prepare report based on communication challenges and barriers that are faced at different workplaces with different people. Since communication is a vital part of any business it must be understand well by people a single breakdown in communication can lead to a big problem for a business. It is important for every individual in a business to know how to faced challenges. Table of Contents (Jump to) 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 COMUNICATION 2.1.1 Types of Communication 2.1.2 Advantages of Communication 2.1.3 Disadvantage of Communication 2.1.4 Communication Barriers 2.2 TERMS OF REFERENCE 2.3 OBJECTIVES 2.4 METHODOLOGY 3.0 FINDINGS 3.1 Candidate 1 – Background 3.1.1 Communication Problems and Effect on Workplace 3.1.2 Outcomes towards Communication Problems 3.2 Candidate 2 – Background 3.2.1 Communication Problems and Effect on Workplaces 3.2.2 Outcomes towards Communication Problem 3.3 Candidate 3 – Background 3.3.1 Communication Problems and Effect on Workplaces 3.3.2 Outcomes towards Communication Problem 4.0 CONCLUSION 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 6.0 APPENDICES 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 COMUNICATION Communication is transferring information from one place to another. Communication is a simple definition but how we communicates becomes a lot more complex. Proper communication lead s to understanding of a situation. If there is a communication breakdown misunderstanding occurs which leads to problem in a business. The theory of a communication states that communication involves both sender and receiver passing information through communication channel. Communication channel is a way in which we communicate. It is important for a business to choose a proper communication channel since it has different strength and different weakness. Communication are always complex and it is a two way process. Communication in a business can be of two type internal and external. Internal communication occurs within a company among employees, between employers, supervisors and workers. External communication happens outside the company it mostly occurs between customer or clients, suppliers, government department e.g. bank, IRD and with other companies and stakeholders. Therefore it is a must to have better understanding of a communication and its process.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Analysis of Coca-Cola Company Strategies Assignment
Analysis of Coca-Cola Company Strategies - Assignment Example The case analysis revealed that the strategies of Coca-Cola have been to focus on global marketing as well as on local manufacturing activities. On the other hand, the objective of the company has been to enhance the total volume of sales of the products, to amplify the share of ‘prepared to drink-beverage’ sales and to enlarge economic value-added by enhancing economic profit (Badal, 2007). Through the case study, it can be analyzed that there has been rise in the bottle water consumption all over the globe which has proved to be quite favorable for various products of Coca-Cola such as ‘Dasani’ and ‘Smart Water’. As per the data of Data monitor, it has been identified there has been rise in the soft-drink market in Asia-Pacific region by 4.1 percent in the year 2010. It is expected that there would be further rise in demand of soft-drink products to 23.3% by the end of the year 2015. It has further been expected that the demand of complementary food will escalate the consumption of drink. Therefore, it can be anticipated that greater number of people are most likely to purchase the products of Coca-Cola along with the complimentary food products. It has further been observed that the company has attained success in past performances with some innovative products such as Coke Zero. Hence if Coca-Cola creates such new products, then there is gr eater opportunity for business growth (Badal, 2007). One of the biggest threats to the company is increasing rivalry with other competitors. The biggest competitors of the company are PepsiCo, Kraft Foods as well as Unilever. Furthermore, the changing taste, as well as preferences of the company, can also be pose threat to the company. Most of the health advocates in present days tend to suggest people on declining the consumption of high fructose corn syrup which is a form of sugar contained by Coca-Cola products.
Discovering Computer Dc 2005 (Website) dc2005 Essay
Discovering Computer Dc 2005 (Website) dc2005 - Essay Example The pages load quickly, making it ideal for time-conscious people. Their menu lists exactly what departments they have, and all the pictures shown display exactly what they have - there are no questions what they do not have since departments break everything up, and they only have four categories. The Campus virtual interview was informative, and gave me some things to look at when I interview. I went through it twice - once with the answers I would give, and the second time to give answers that were the complete opposite. I have to work on how confident I sound, how to rephrase certain skill levels, and how to focus on what direction I would like to take my career. There were ones that repeated a couple of times one was about criticism. The one I found difficult was leadership and management. While I haven't really had title of manager, there have been skills I have obtained which would make me a good mangaer. Leadership means different things to people/companies, and to answer that effectively for the company I am interviewing at, I would have to ask them for their definitions. One tip I found interesting and helpful was people always have to improve their skill level no matter what industry they are in.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Metaphysics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Metaphysics - Term Paper Example ics, so everything and object that is used computationally and mathematically in any field whether research, medical, defense, communication, manufacturing industries etc are the outcome of the great science of logics. The details and explanations of Logics are not that alike throughout the history, perhaps the philosophers are constantly engaged in critical argumentations about logical principles and logical views. The ancient logic and the modern formal logic differ in various aspects, logic is perhaps a science and knowledge i.e. is always developing and growing for better. It should be kept in mind that the contemporary logic is the result of many philosophical views that develops time by time and era by era. Hence these philosophical views are not futile and it is worth understanding these views and discussions on logic. The concept of philosophical logic started with the arrival of great philosopher Aristotle and it is the learning of arguments and reasoning. Aristotle’s six main works on logic is named as â€Å"Organon†in the Greek terminology. These were the first formal achievement on the subject of logics throughout the human history. In the modern age, modern logicians have proved falsification of some of Aristotle logical concepts. On the contrary the main focus of Aristotle’s logic was to investigate the working dynamics of inferential systems so as to provide a solution for argumentation. The philosophical perspective of different philosophers regarding the credibility of logic differs excessively. Some philosophers were of the idea that logic is gateway to reality while some other argued on this and they just keep logic to human endeavor for finding a truth, some other explained the gap between logic and reality as the flaw of human limitation, while some explained th is gap understanding as a function that only God’s domain. Logic went through different ages, and several modification and up gradation. Different philosophers contributed in
Friday, July 26, 2019
Housing and Kitchen Reform in the Post-War Era Research Paper
Housing and Kitchen Reform in the Post-War Era - Research Paper Example Political ideologies determined the kind of domestic life that people adopted. This paper will discuss how these ideologies affected the reform in architecture and design. Great Kitchen Debate The great kitchen debate happened in 1959 in a Moscow exhibition. The debate erupted as Nixon guided Khrushchev through the half kitchen in the exhibition1. After the Russian leader caught sight of the newest model of the American kitchen, he reacted in disregard of the capitalist luxury portrayed in the architectural design of the kitchen in the subject (Figure 1). Nixon tried to highlight the fact that the kitchen was a model that featured the essence of giving women easier work in the kitchen. In order to ascertain the logic behind the debate, there is a justification of examining architecture of the kitchen in question2. The Evolution of the Kitchen in America in the Post War Period After the Second World War, every American wanted to own a house. At this time, multiple slums offered inadeq uate space insufficient space. In a bid to solve this problem, modernism in architecture resulted. There proved to be a dire need of providing people with sufficiency and convenience in their houses. This need led to the innovation of architectural design. ... The process involved evolution of the kitchen architectural space into an organization that symbolized consumption and hygiene. According to the streamlining ideology, the kitchen adopted a linear sequence that had gained popularity in America’s industrial setting (Figure 2). The sequence was a symbol of the active flow of activity in the kitchen, analogous to the real picture in the industrial setting. The kitchen portrayed the highest reflection of the rampant technological advances during that period3. In addition, it served as a bookmark of the American values and consumer habits. The materials used in the kitchen floors, walls, and appliances were an indication of the latest innovations in the American society. Streamlining of the kitchen involved effective use of the available space. Usually, cabinets assumed a linear arrangement. In addition, architecture in the post war period had aspects of the ease with which Americans had started taking life. Architecture of the Pos t War Kitchen The post war kitchen had a sink beneath the window and consisted of inbuilt-wall to wall cabinets. The ‘kitchen work triangle ‘concept of designing a kitchen in the new era took its roots. The guidelines for designing an effective kitchen in the 1950s demanded that the door should have a door that presents the kitchen with a clear opening. In addition, the door should allow should not cause a distraction to the functioning of any of the appliances. The design and position of the inbuilt cabinets should leave free space for operations. The free space, commonly designated as the triangle working area, had set dimensions. In essence, the total distance travelled in the work area could not exceed 26†(Figure 3). The work triangle resulted from
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Organization of context in nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Organization of context in nursing - Essay Example Holy Mercy Hospital currently has a total of 500 beds; the ICU and CVICU units have been allocated 25 beds each. For a hospital classified under Acute Care Facilities, with programs in emergency medicine, critical care, cardiovascular medicine and surgery such a bed capacity is a significant internal strength. The hospital handles mostly patients requiring specialised attention and therefore having enough beds greatly improves the quality of service offered to clients. Firstly, the comfort of patients is paramount in healthcare and with such a number of beds; the Holy Mercy Hospital is able to effectively deliver on comfort to patients as they await or receive care (Liew and Kennedy, 203). From the perspective of evidence-based practice, it has been established that boarding especially in acute care settings significantly worsens patient outcomes. Boarding involves holding patients for longer periods in emergency units due lack of space or low bed capacities in hospitals and this causes overcrowding. Some negative impacts of boarding and ultimately crowding include delays in care delivery, diversion of ambulance services and increased periods of stay at the hospitals. Cases of medical negligence, financial loss and medical errors also increase with boarding in hospitals and these culminate higher patient mortality rates. One high impact solution to the challenges above in hospital settings is to reduce triage times and increase bed capacity. With increased bed capacity Mercy Hospital is able to achieve this and even register patients at the bedside. This eliminates the need for long queues and waits in the process of registration. As a result of the bed capacity, the hospital is at times able to completely bypass triage and effectively streamline service delivery. Patients who show no critical signs for instance are send directly the area where they wait on beds for service. This improves quality as physicians take their time to listen to the patients and
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Global Employment or Job Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Global Employment or Job Industry - Essay Example A notable factor is that organizations are focusing on their human competence bases and their development. The market values of such organizations are dependent on business knowledge, the loyalty of customers and other examples of human capital. Most organizations are focusing on ways of acquiring monetary capital and the manner in which their tangible assets are deployed. The wealth that is attributable to businesses and nations is dependent on the skills and knowledge of the people. The aspect of competencies is not a new concept. It had been in existence for centuries. Changes in the concept have been elicited by the fact that educators have come up with skills that guide curriculum development. Over the years, people have been developing the groups of objectives for the behavioral, cognitive and affective sphere including knowledge, attitudes, and skills. However, the approaches and definitions are diverse. If organizations are to choose among the objectives, it is their respo nsibilities to determine the definitions, development, and deployment of human competence with regard to the advantages and disadvantages. Competency has various definitions in the job fraternity. Some of the meanings refer to the work, duties, results and productive outputs. Skills, knowledge, and attitudes could be used in the description of the characteristics of the people that are working. Some people consider job tasks and other organizational activities as competencies. Job descriptions are usually based on the tasks that are expected of the employees and they may not necessarily be presented as competencies.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
The role women played in todays society Research Paper
The role women played in todays society - Research Paper Example As a result, more women were more open to the idea of sticking to the traditional perception of women as housewives and PAs, as opposed to high flying career women (Empey 152). While women ascribed to feminist opinions that suggested otherwise, many still harbored conservative perceptions which characterized them as having intrinsic limitations and therefore unable to choose between careers and marriage (Empey 152). In high schools and colleges, young women were found to have aspirations that saw them stick to the traditional roles regarding family and gender. A further study carried out on a sample of 1194 girls spread across high schools and colleges in Washington revealed that 80% of them preferred marriage to careers, while only 8% preferred careers to marriage (Empey 152); the remaining 12% was unsure about where they stood. The overwhelming majority of the sample stated that the most important role of women in the society was to get married and raise a family. The small remaini ng percentage favored both career and marriage as being a woman’s most significant obligations to society (Empey 152). Some other responses to the survey that support this stance include the opinion of majority of the surveyed women that they would not take up jobs to which their significant others were opposed; they would not move away from their families immediately they had settled, in pursuit of better career prospects elsewhere; and they felt a greater sense of accountability towards preserving the repose of their families (Empey 152). Fast-forward to the 1970s and the number of women pursuing professional postgraduate programs upon completion of their college education rose sharply in the United States (Goldin and Katz 730). Expectedly, the age at which women got married for the first time also escalated drastically (Goldin and Katz 730). Beginning in the 1970s, more and more women began to venture into professional courses such as law and medicine; a scenario which saw the number of female law graduates increase by well over 26% between 1970 and 1986 (Goldin and Katz 730). In the same breath, the number of married women among college graduates began to take a dip (Goldin and Katz 731). While Goldin and Katz attribute this phenomenon to the increased popularity of the birth control pills, what is agreeable is that more and more women postponed the decision to get married to much later years than before. The pill was seen by women as giving them more sexual freedom without facing the consequences of unwanted pregnancies and hence facilitating the ability of women to invest in their careers in the long term. More women found that the pill enabled them to delay marriage and engage in establishing their careers, as the pill greatly reduced the cost of doing this in what Goldin and Katz refer to as â€Å"reducing the cost is the marriage market†(731). The overall effect was that women could delay marriage for as long as they pleased. The number of women graduating from college and getting married within two years of leaving college plunged (Goldin and Katz 731). Consequently, more women compared to men began to pursue professional courses after graduation from college. In the present the day, the situation has changed even more significantly. According to Wallop, more and more women are getting married in their 30s and 40s than ever before ( The mean age which women found appropriate to get married in 2008 was 29.9
Chinese fiction Essay Example for Free
Chinese fiction Essay â€Å"No Longer Human†is a Japanese novel written by Osamu Dazai. It is considered as Dazai’s masterpiece and categorized as the second-best selling novel in Japan, whereas â€Å"To Live†was written by Yu Hua is a Chinese fiction. â€Å"No Longer Human†is describe as a labor of fiction, the novel is recited in the first person and have several elements which laid down an autobiographical source, such as suicide, a recurring theme in the author’s life whereas, the story of â€Å"To Live†started some time in the 1940s. The main character of this sotry is Xu Fugui who is a local rich mans son and habitual gambler, who lose his family property to the tricky Longer, driving his father to his grave in the process. His attitude also causes his long-suffering wife Jiazhen to leave him with their daughter, Fengxia and their unborn son, Youqing, the same thing with Oba Yozo in â€Å"No Longer Human†. The novel â€Å"No Longer Human†covers the portrayal of the life of Oba Yozo, who is a trouble soul not capable of revealing his true self to others and who is instead forced to uphold an impression of worthless jocularity. This story tells the emotional and interesting story of a young man who is caught between the disintegration of the traditions of a northern Japanese aristocratic family and the impact of Western ideas. The novel is made up of three chapters which narrate the life of Oba Yozo from early childhood to late adolescence. In the first chapter of the novel, it deals on how the overcome by an extreme feeling of alienation and finding it nearly impossible to socialize with those who besiege him, Oba Yozo can but resort to buffoonery in order to ascertain an interpersonal relationships and fit into place in a vain effort to disregard the furious sexual abuse he was subjected to by a couple of servants during his childhood. In the second chapter, Oba Yozo becomes more and more troubled over the potential penetrability of his cheerful impression, which, together with the pressures of academic life, leads him into a violent cycle of drinking, smoking and harlotry, ending in a one-night stand with a married woman with whom he planned to commit double suicide. Though he survived, the woman passed away, leaving him with nothing but an unbearable feeling of guilt. In the this chapter, several years later, Oba Yozo is dropped out from High School and commits into a relationship with a destructive woman, who immediately betrays him with another man. Oba Yozo is once again driven to the edge of committing suicide, but was not able to do so because he becomes an alcoholic and a morphine addict. The story comes to a close with Oba Yozos confinement in a mental institution where he finally assumes he is no longer human, neither happy nor unhappy, but merely a man of excesses. The story of â€Å"To Live†is somewhat similar to the novel â€Å"No Longer Human†in a sense that both the main characters of the novels were engaged into alcoholism, drug addiction and losss of their families. However, in the novel of â€Å"No Longer Human†the main character’s story ended upon his confinement in a mental insitution, while in the story of â€Å"To Live†the main character after he loses his entire family fortune, eventually reunites with his wife and children, but is forced to start a shadow puppet troupe with partner Chunsheng to support his family. The story of â€Å"To Live†during the Chinese Civil War is in full swing, and both Fugui and Chunsheng are forcibly enlisted into the Kuomintang forces during a performance. After a heavy battle, Fugui and Chunsheng are captured by the communist side, where they quickly become entertainers for the troops. Eventually Fugui is able to return home, and once there, finds out that Fengxia has become mute due to a fever. The story of â€Å"To Live†gives emphasis to the peak of the Great Leap Forward. During this period the local town chief enlists Fugui and Jiazhen to donate all scrap iron in their possession to the national drive to produce steel and make weaponry for liberating Taiwan. As an entertainer, Fugui performs for the entire town, which has been devoted entirely over to producing steel. They enter this work with great passion, and the movie devotes some time to portraying the familys unity and happiness. For example, the young boy Youqing defends his sisters from bullies picking on her for her muteness. Aside from the Great Leap Forward period, the novel also give attention to the period of Cultural Revolution. The village chief advises Fuguis family to burn their shadow puppet drama props, which have been deemed as counter-revolutionary as they are traditional cultural elements. Also, Fuguis daughter is now grown up. Her family arranges for her to meet Wan Erxi, who is a local leader of the Red Guards, a worker with a salary, and also a kind-hearted and caring man, but lame in one leg. They fall in love and marry. During Fengxias childbirth, her parents and husband accompany her to the county hospital, where they find out that nurses are in charge as all doctors have been sent to do hard labor for being reactionary academic authorities. The nurses assure the family that they have nothing to fear, but the family is skeptical, and manages to retrieve a doctor from confinement to oversee the birth, under the pretext of making the doctor see his revolutionary mistakes. As the doctor has not eaten for several days, the family purchases for him seven steamed buns. However, the young woman begins to hemorrhage, and the nurses panic, admitting that they are only students and do not know what to do. The frantic family and nurses seek the advice of the doctor, but it is found out that he has overeaten and is semiconscious. The family is helpless, and Jiazhen can only hold the hand of her daughter as she slowly dies. The story ends several years later, with the family now consisting of Fugui, Jiazhen, their son-in-law Erxi, and grandson Mantou. The family visits the graves of Youqing and Fengxia, where Jiazhen, as per tradition, leaves dumplings for her son. Erxi buys for his son a box full of young chicks, which they decide to keep in the puppet drama prop chest, now empty of its contents. â€Å"To Live†such is not the same as â€Å"No Longer Human†because as you can see the character of the novel â€Å"No Longer Human†is more on of being useless to the family and to the society because Oba Yozo just ended up in confinement because his woman had another man. Another distinction between the two stories was that the character of â€Å"To Live†realized and did something good for himself and for his family, whereas in the novel â€Å"No Longer Human†the main character shows no changes in his life. â€Å"No Longer Human†on the other hand is basically autobiographical, founded on events from Dazais own life. He was a literary rock star, but a deeply unhappy guy, attempting suicide several times before finally succeeding. There is in fact a monument at the spot where he killed himself that is, along with his mistress. The book is uncommon from what we think of as autobiography, in that the reason for writing is not so much to tell a story there is no real employment, beginning, middle, and end in the traditional sense, but rather, the text is a sort of rambling exploration of the self. There is no forced form, instead, an effort to create a straightforward relation between author and reader, to explain a precise point of view. The book itself is very fascinating. It makes the reader want to learn Japanese, for beginners, because no matter how talented the translator, there is no getting throughout the fact that the grammatical structure of Japanese is completely different from that of English in that it is completely possible, and even ordinary, to compose a sentence in Japanese with no subject. Clearly, the entire book is written in this form, which would be particularly appropriate to the work itself. The book is the related story of a very unhappy guy who is essentially chronicling his downward spiral. Nevertheless it is hard to say if it is really a downward spiral, that is, though he does identify a moment at which he came to an end to be human, it is not totally clear that he was ever really human, through his own definition, to begin with. One question is what it means, in his eyes, to be human. . Oba Yozo’s character is raging against rationality, and the way, in which it dehumanizes people, so in a sense, though he calls himself a mouse, etc, he could be seen as claiming that he is really the only human. Dazais character, Oba Yozo in the novel, sees himself as inhuman, primarily, it seems, because he lacks certain fundamental human character. He maintains for instance, that he has in no way felt starving. On the other hand, there is also a certain issue of domination at play like; he is not capable to say no to anyone, to refuse permission for anything. In this sense, one could say that he is entirely determined by the outside world. Notwithstanding the fact that he has an inner life, he maintains it hidden from the outside world. As a matter of fact, his behavior is entirely, he claims, an act, he plays the clown for the pleasure of others, declining to let his own emotions reveal. The main characters of the novel have a clear similarity to notes from deeply unhappy men who are convinced of their own uniqueness, but there are definitely differences the way they choses to end up their stories. References: Dazai, Osamu. No Longer Human. New York: New Directions, 1973. Yu Hua. To Live: A Novel. (1993). Trans. Michael Berry. New York: Anchor-Random House, 2003.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Sports textile Essay Example for Free
Sports textile Essay Sports textile is one of the branches of technical textiles. Now a day’s sophisticated technology are used in technical textile to produce sports wear. Hi-tech textiles in sport are 1 S. NO TOPIC PAGE NO 1 Introduction 2 2 Objective 3 3 Properties/Function required for sports wear 3 3. 1. Desirable attributes of functional sports and leisure wear 5 3. 2. Properties of sports textiles 6 4 Textile material and fabric structure for sports wear 7 4. 1. Development of fibers 7 4. 2. High-performance fibers 8 4. 3. Special fibers used 10 4. 4. Types of fabrics 11 4. 5. Layered fabrics 13 5 Market size for sports wear 14. 5. 1. The key impediments to the growth of sporttech product 15 6 Application/Uses of sportswear 16 7 Conclusion 16 8 Bibliography 17 nothing new. In twenty first century, clothing is an important issue for general consumer, active athletes and for those who practice sports just for fitness in their leisure time. The sports fabrics are generally ultra-breathable and have high heat and moisture management properties, light weight, fast drying properties and feature elasticity properties. These fabrics also have superior strength and durability. The latest sports textile materials are much more function for fulfilling specific needs in different sports activities. The sports such are i. Winter sports ii. Summer sports iii. Outdoor games iv. Indoor games v. Football vi. Cricket vii. Climbing viii. Cycling ix. Flying and sailing sports x. Athletics xi. Other sports The people are paying more attention to sports activity and that the market for sportswear continues to expand. So the consumers seem to be prepared to spend considerable amounts of money on sportswear and other functional fabrics, which have made the market attractive to many producers. In sports, previously a traditionalapparel textilewas used. For that theplayer hasto face so many problems such as: i. Sweating – which stick the fabric with body ii. Feeling hot during run iii. Improper stretch ability iv. Extra weight of the fabric v. Give protection to body skin during fall on the ground vi. Inadequate fabric for fluid resistance for swimmer vii. Windproof, waterproof fabric for sailor 2 viii. Light weight shoe with proper strength air circulation ix. High tenacity resistance to abrasion for the skiwear uniform x. Improper gripping of the shoes during run etc. Therefore,technologyhastodevelopfortheaboveshortcomings. Andforthattheresearch activity took place; and the country who were in the foremost are: Japan, Sweden, Spain and United State. To bridge the gap and promote the partnership and collaboration between the stakeholders government-end users. 3. PROPERTIES/FUNCTIONS REQUIRED FOR SPORTSWEAR Many different aspects have to be considered when designing clothing for a particular sport. 1. The protection/safety functions to protect wearers from adverse weather (wind, rain and snow, etc). 2. The comfort function which gives wear comfort (thermo-physiological comfort, skin sensorial comfort, body movement comfort) to wearers, 3. The exercise function to assist positively improvement of athletic records and attainment of one’s target, 4. Aesthetic appeal and high fashion ability. In order to meet such requirements, waterproof/moisture permeable fabrics, perspiration absorbing/ fast drying fabrics, warmth retentive fabrics, stretchable fabrics, etc. have been developed. From sensitivity or aesthetics point of view softness, surface texture, handle, luster, colour comfort are important factors. 3 5. For active sportswear requires super lightweight, low fluid resistance, super high tenacity stretchablility. For those who are seeking comfort healthy pursuits critical features include thermal regulation, UV resistance, sweat absorption fast drying, vapour permeability. 6. Moisture management is one of the key performance criteria in todays apparel industry. It is defined as the ability of a garment to transport moisture away from the skin to the garments outer surface. This action prevents perspiration from remaining next to the skin. In hot conditions, trapped moisture may heat up and lead to fatigue or diminished performance. In cold conditions, trapped moisture will drop in temperature and cause chilling and hypothermia. Excess moisture may also cause the garment to become heavy, as well as cause damage to the skin from chafing. Table no. 1 Function of sports textiles. S. No Function Description 1. Heat transport performances The sport fabrics require to maintain body temperature during various sports activities. The heat transport properties of fabric make possible to feel the sportsman cooler in summer and warmer in winter. The fibrous material, bulk entrapped air within the fabric affects the heat transport properties of the sportswear. 2 Moisture transport performance By changing the cross sections of the fiber and by using special chemicals; fabrics are made which have high moisture transport properties. Such fabric keeps the body dry by keeping moisture away from body surface in vapor and/or liquid form. 3 Anti-static performances Sportswear fabrics have a very high electrical conductivity, so they can dissipate electrical charge. 4 4 Antimicrobial performances Keeping a normal level of bacteria on the skin offers a high level of comfort and personal hygiene, especially during athletic activities. 5 Ultraviolet protection Sports fabrics can remove UV-A and UV-B rays that are dangerous to the skin, and guarantees an improved level of defense compared to the majority general natural and man-made fibres. 3. 1. Desirable attributes of functional sports and leisurewear: a. Optimum heat and moisture regulation. b. Rapid moisture absorption and conveyance capacity. c. Good air and water permeability d. Prevention of a long term feeling of dampness. e. Low water absorption of the layer of clothing facing the skin. f. Quick drying fabric to prevent catching cold. g. Pleasant to skin, soft, non-abrasive and non-chafing. h. Dimensionally stable even when wet. i. Durable j. Lightweight k. Soft and pleasant touch l. Easy care m. Smart and functional design Table no: 2 Required functions on the main sportswear S. No. Sportswear Required Function 1. Shirts for tennis,volleyball, golf, football, rugby, base ball uniform, tracksuits etc. Sweat absorption, fast drying, cooling. 2. Skiwear, wind breakers, rain wear Vapor permeability, water proofing 3. Skiwear, wind breakers, tracksuits Sunlight absorbing and thermal retention 5 4. Swimming race and skating costume, ski jump and downhill skiing suits, cycling costumes Low fluid resistance (for water and air) 5. Swimwear, leotards, skating costume. Stretch ability, opacity 6. Skiwear, snowboard wear, football and base ball uniform High tenacity, heat melt resistance to abrasion 3. 2. Properties of sports textiles: Sports textile must have comport ability, easy to wear, easy handling. Sports textiles fabrics have a very high electrical conductivity, so they can permit the effectual dissipation of electrical charge. It should be light as best as possible. Fabric filaments are made highly effecting in moisture management thus they can wick the moisture as known as sweat away from the body keeps body dry. Sports textile should have good perspiration fastness.As this sports fabric has a special property well known as heat conductivity make possible to feel the user cooler in summer warmer in winter. Garments manufactured from sports textiles fabrics, keeps the normal stability of body comfort, because these fabrics are ultra-breathable, fast drying and possess outstanding moisture managing properties, which rapidly wick moisture away from the body. These garments are also very less in weight feature elasticity properties, which provides immense comfort and independence of movement.Keeping a normal level of bacteria on the skin offers a high level of comfort and personal hygiene, especially during athletic activities. Sports textiles fabrics remove UVA and UVB rays that are dangerous to the skin, and guarantees an improved level of defense compared to the majority general natural and man-made fibers. It also provides superior strength and durability. The athletics the leisure activities for their better performance in the sports. 4. TEXTILE MATERIAL AND FABRIC STRUCTURE FOR SPORTSWEAR: 6 It is not possible to achieve all required properties for sportswear in a simple structure of any single fiber. The right type of fiber should be in the right place. The behavior of the fabric is mainly depending on its base fibers properties. The most important properties are: fiber type;weave construction; weight or thickness of the material and presence of chemical treatments. 4. 1. Development of fibers: The evolution of fiber developments has gone through the phases of conventional fibers, highly functional fibers and high-performance fibers. Polyester is the single most common fiber used for sportswear and active wear. Other fibers suitable for active wear are polyamide, polypropylene, acrylics and elastanes. Wool and cotton fibers are still finding applications in leisurewear. Synthetic fibers can either be modified during manufacture, e. g. by producing hollow fibers and fibers with irregular cross-section, or be optimally blended with natural fibers to improve their thermo-physiological and sensory properties. Synthetic fibers with improved UV resistance and having anti-microbial properties are also commercially available for use in sportswear. Improved fiber spinning techniques in melt spinning, wet spinning, dry spinning as well as new techniques such as gel spinning, bi-component spinning and microfiber spinning, have all made it possible to produce fibers, yarns and fabrics with unique performance characteristics suitable for use in sportswear and sports goods. New technologies for producing microfibers have also contributed towards production of high-tech sportswear. By using the conjugate spinning technique, many different types of sophisticated fibers with various functions have been commercially produced which has resulted in fabrics having improved mechanical, physical, chemical and biological functions. The technique of producing sheath/core melt spun conjugate fibers has been commercially exploited for producing added-value fibers. Unitika produced the first heat-degenerating conjugate fiber with a core containing zirconium carbide (ZrC). S0ince ZrC absorbs sunlight (visible and near-infrared radiations) and emits far-infrared radiation, one feels warmer when one puts on a jacket made from such fibers. Other types of heat-generating fibers contain ceramic micro-particles. 4. 2. High-performance fibers: Today, a wide range of high-performance fibers is commercially available for technical and industrial applications. These types of fibers are used in sports protective wear/equipment 7 developed for impact protection and in textile reinforcement in sports products for different applications. Among the speciality fibers already established are the following. Aramidfibers: Figure no: 1 aramid fibers Figure no: 2 Gloves made from aramid  ± p-aramid fiber will provide high strength and ballistics.  ± m-aramid fiber will provide flame and heat resistance. Ultra-high tenacity polyethylene fibers (UHMWPE): Gel spun, ultra high molecular polyethylene fibers with extremely high specific strength and modulus, high chemical resistance and high abrasion resistance. Polyphenylene sulphide fibers (PPS): Crystalline thermoplastic fiber with mechanical properties similar to regular polyester fiber. Excellent heat and chemical resistance. 8 Polyetheretherketone fibers (PEEK): Crystalline thermoplastic fiber with high resistance to heat and to a wide range of chemicals. Novoloid (cured phenol-aldehyde) fibers: High flame resistance, non-melting with high resistance to acid, solvents, steam, chemicals and fuels. Good moisture regain and soft hand. PBO (p-phenylene-2,6-benzobisoxazole) fibers: The strength and modulus of this fiber exceed those of any known fibers. Table no: 3 Characteristics of High-performance fibers High-performance fibers Characteristics Glass fiber High resistance. Aramid Mechanical strength and high resistance to flame and heat. High tenacity polyethylene High mechanical strength, chemical and abrasion resistance. Polyphenylene sulfide Excellent chemical and heat resistance. PBO(polybenzoxazole) High mechanical strength. . 4. 3. Special fibers used: †¢Hygra20 †¢Killat N23 Killat N from Kanebo Ltd is a nylon hollow filament. The hollow portion is about 33 per cent of the cross section of each filament due to which it gives good water absorbency and warmth retentive property. The manufacturing technology of Killat N is 9 very interesting. The yarn is spun as bicomponent filament yarn with soluble polyester copolymer as the core portion and nylon as the skin portion. Then by giving alkali weight loss treatment the soluble polyester copolymer of the bicomponent filament will dissolve and a large hollow portion (exceeding 30 per cent of the cross section) will be created as shown is Figure 5. †¢Dacron 4-Channel Polyester a generic term for a high-performance four-channel fiber engineered to move moisture and speed the evaporation of perspiration. It is a superior fabric for wicking action, drying time, moisture absorption and transport. A high-performance, four-channel fiber engineered to move moisture and speed the evaporation of perspiration. It is a superior fabric, for wicking action, drying time,moisture absorption and transport. Lycra25 Figure no:3 Swimwear made by lycra Lycra, a truly synthetic fiber of long chain polymer composed of at least 85% segmented polyurethane, finds wide range of end uses such as swimwear, active sportswear, floor gymnastics because of its comfort and fit2O. Adding Lycra to a fabric gives it stretch and recovery, particularly in gymnastics and swimwear where body skin flexing and stretching are inevitable. Lycra T-9026 requires still effort for the same extensibility. Roica and Leofeel 10 Roica is a polyether type spandex made by dry spinning method and Leofeel is asoft nylon-66 yarn developed by Asahi Chemical. The combination of Roica and Leofeel in mixed knitted tricot fabric gives a soft touch and excellent stretch. It is mainly used in swim wear . 4. 4. Types of fabrics: A wide range of woven, knitted and nonwoven fabrics are commercially available for sportswear and normal wear. These fabrics differ in their structure such as entrapped air, pore shape and size, bulk and surface properties etc. which may affect the heat and moisture transmission characteristics of the fabrics. For sportswear, knitted fabrics are preferred as these fabrics have greater elasticity and stretchability compared to woven fabrics, which provide unrestricted freedom of movement and transmission of body vapour to the next textile layer in the clothing system. With new combinations of fabrics and yarns, and with developments in fabric construction, knitted fabric appears to be the ideal base for active sportswear. Knitted garments are mainly worn next to the skin and therefore deserve particular attention.Entrant Dermizax EV is a lightweight fabric having a feather smooth texture with excellent waterproof/moisture permeability and durable water repellency such as 20,000 mm of water pressure resistance and moisture permeability of 30,000 g/m2/24 hrs. It is an excellent and original active sportswear fabric with globally top class water proof/moisture permeability, as well as excellently durable water repellency. Its action of waterproofing moisture permeability. fig no:4 Entrant Dermizax EV fiber †¢Entrant HB is a new generation fabric with hybrid structure that synergistically integrates the advantages offered by a coating (well-balanced moisture permeability) and lamination (high waterproofness). It has high resistance to water pressure and high 11 durability against repeated washings (80 points or higher after 20 wash cycles). Its main application is outdoor wear. Toray has developed H2OFF made up of polyester microfibre fabric with a unique high-density weave structure comprising millions of microcrimped fiber loops. It also feature superb and durable water repellency, superior breathability and wind-chill resistance and attractiveness with soft hand. †¢Naiva30: Unitika has developed Naiva fabric by combining the Naiva yarn with a nylon microfibre. Naiva is an Eval/nylon bicomponent filament yarn and Eval is nothing but a copolymer resin of ethylenevinylalcohol. Naiva yarn composition is 55% Eval (23% ethylene + 32% vinyl alcohol) and 45% nylon. In the Naiva fabrics there are many nylon micro loops on the surface, which are formed by making use of high thermal shrinkage property of Naiva yarn. Naiva fabric not only has good moisture permeability but also has some other positive features like lightweight, softness and has capability of secondary finishing. The fabric is very successfully used in mountaineering wear and other active sportswear. fig no:5 structure of Naiva 30. Field Sensor21: Field Sensor is a very popular high-performance fabric from Toray, which employs a multilayer structure that not only absorbs perspiration quickly but also transports it up to the outer layer of fabric very rapidly using principle of capillary action. It is composed of coarser denier yarn on the inside surface (in direct contact with skin), and fine denier hydrophobic polyester yarn in a mesh construction on the outer surface to accelerate quick evaporation of sweat. COOLMAX: DuPont CoolMax is a high-performance fabric that can help the athletic performance of the people who wear it. CoolMax ® moves sweat away from the body to 12 the outer layer of the fabric, where it dries faster than any other fabric. In moisture management tests, garments made with CoolMax dried almost completely in 30 minutes. Cotton, by comparison, remained wet by nearly 50%. Better evaporation means you spend less energy to cool your body, which increases your performance and endurance. CoolMax fabrics are specially designed to provide not only superior moisture management, but also to enhance the wearers comfort. All of the benefits of CoolMax fabrics are permanently built right into the fiber, requiring no chemical treatments. 4. 5. Layered fabrics: Layered fabrics became common for active sportswear. The performance of layered fabric in thermophysiological regulation is better than single layer textile structure. Each layer has distinct function; the layer next to the skin is to wick away the perspiration rapidly to the outer layer, which absorbs and dissipates it rapidly to the atmosphere by evaporation. In doing so, it takes away some of the body heat and keeps the body cool. On the inside, a synthetic material with good moisture transfer properties, e. g. polyester, nylon, acrylic or polypropylene is used whereas on the outside, a material which is good absorber of moisture, e. g.cotton, wool, viscose rayon or their blends can be placed. The conductive inner layer transfers the liquid perspiration rapidly to the absorbent outer layer chiefly as a result of the capillary effect. The absorbent outside of the textile material functions as a buffer zone for excess perspiration. In another way of constructing a physiologically functional fabric is three-layer structure. The use of superfine or microfibre yarn enables production of dense fabrics leading to more effective capillary action, with better thermo-physiological regulation. 13 14 Cellulosic or other Hydrophilic Fibres. Fig no:6 Two layered fabric structure for active wear 15 16 Cellulosic or Hydrophilic fibres Polyester micro fibres Polyester or other wicking fiber Fig no:7 Three layered fabric structure for active wear 5. MARKET SIZE FOR SPORTS TEXTILES: The technical textiles usage in the Sportech segment is valued at Rs 2,632 crore in 2007-08. The sports footwear components account for around 85% of the total segment value followed by technical textiles usage in sports composites with around 11%share. The sports footwear components are valued at Rs 2,250 crore and are expected to grow at around 11% y- o-y over the next 5 years. The technical textiles usage in sports composites is valued at Rs 293 crore. Sport composites include inflatable balls (footballs, volleyball, basketballs, etc), cricket protective equipments and boxing equipments. Around 30% of the sports composites are exported. Artificial turfs are valued at Rs 26 crore and account for about 1% of the segment only. The artificial turfs are not manufactured in India and the demand is met through imports.The usage of technical textiles in parachute fabrics, sleeping bags and hot air balloon fabricsisestimatedasRs18. 4crorein2007-08whichisexpectedtoincreasetoRs28crore by 2012-13. The consumption of sail cloth in India is negligible. †¢Sports nets, high performance swimwear and tents account for the remaining technical textiles consumption in Sportech with market size of Rs 5 crore, Rs 0. 84 crore and Rs 39 crore respectively in 2007-08. India exports around 40% of its sports nets production and around 25% of its tents production. The usage of technical textiles in sports nets and tents is expected to increase to Rs 30 crore and Rs 49. 8 crore respectively by 2012-13. Overall, the usage of technical textiles in the Sportech segment is expected to increase 17 fromRs2,632crorein2007-08toaroundRs4,358croreby2012-13,growingata CAGRof just below 11%. Sportech segment of technical textiles is estimated to provide employment to 88,000 peopleofwhomnumberoftechnicalemployeesisestimatedat70,000andnumberof non-technical employees is estimated at 18,000.The sports footwear industry is expected to grow by at least 8 percent per annum and accordingly, the demand potential for sports shoes and the attendant requirement of fabrics would be as below Table no: 4 Market Potential for fabric requirement for sports wear Year Sports Shoes Requirement of fabric (million meters) Million Pairs Value(Rs. Crore) 2001-02 570 5100(1020). 105 2003-04 595 5950(1200) 120 2007-08 804 8040(1600) 140 Note: Figures in brackets indicate approximate value of technical textile shoe component 5. 1. The key impediments to the growth of Sporttech products:- Inadequate domestic demand The raw materials and machinery for products like Ballooning fabric and Artificial turfs is not available in India which render these products expensive as compared to other manufacturing countries Demand for products like parachute fabrics, tents, etc is driven primarily by the defense sector onlySportech products are typically labour intensive, availability of skilled labour is a major impediment to growth Licenses and clearances required for products like Ballooning fabric are a major impediment as well. This interactive workshop on Sports Textile focuses on building bridges between the Users and Manufactures. It will provide thought leadership and strategic vision to the technical textile industry in general and Sports textile in particular. 6. APPLICATIONS/USES OF SPORTSWEAR: Sports textile has versatile use. Some uses of Sports Textile are given below: 18 i. Sports composites ii. Artificial turf iii. Ballooning fabrics iv. Parachute fabrics v. Sail cloth vi. Sports nets vii. Sports footwear viii. Tents for sports ix. Swimming costume x. Sleeping bags xi. Sports equipment xii. Cycling xiii. Golf xiv. Tennis xv. Mountaineering, xvi. Skiing, xvii. Cricket, etc. 7. CONCLUSIONS Modern peoples are paying more attention to sports activity. The use of sports fabric is increasing day by day in various sports and leisure activities. The consumers seem to be prepared to spend considerable amounts of money on sportswear and other functional fabrics. During designing the sportswear fabrics, the aspects which are considered: protection/safety functions to protect wearers from adverse weather, comfort functions which gives wear comfort (thermal, sensorial and body movement comfort), exercise function to enhance performance of athlete, and aesthetic appeal and high fashion ability. The required functions of sportswear fabrics differ in different situations such as type of sports, environmental conditions and level of activity etc. Sportswear developed by using special type of polymer, type of fibrous material, modifying the fiber/yarn/fabric structure, lamination, finishing technology and manufacturing technology etc. The introduction of high functionality and comfort in the sportswear fabrics provide unlimited scope for sportswear fabrics. 19 8. BIBILIOGRAPHY: ?Development Active Sportswear Fabrics and Synthetic Fibre Producers, JTN, Dec. ,1983, ?Sports Textile/Sporttech | Properties of Sports Textile | Application/Uses of Sports Textile, http://textilelearner. blogspot. in/2012/03/sports-textilesporttech-properties-of. html Assessed on 24. 12. 2012 ?International Journal of IT, Engineering and Applied Sciences Research (IJIEASR) ISSN: 2319-4413 Volume 2, No.1, January 2013 ?i-Xplore International Research Journal Consortium www. irjcjournals. org ?Active Sportswear Fabrics ? Dr. Devanand Uttam, Assistant Professor, Punjab Technical University, Giani Zail Singh Campus, Bathinda, India ?FICCI Presents interactive workshop on sports textiles by Ministry of textiles. ?COOLMAX ® Performance Fabrics, 11495_CoolMaxSS_v3 2/25/04. ?Textiles in sports†by R. Shishoo ?An emergence of sport-tech in technical textile industry by M. Nithiyakumar,G. Thamotharam ?www. indiantextile journal. com ?www. fibre2fashion. com ?www. texmin. com ?www. design-technology. org/sportsshoes1. htm .
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Concept Of Time In Architecture
The Concept Of Time In Architecture Time is a very important factor for the design process of a park. Time ÃŽÂ µÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ½ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ±ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ ÃŽÂ ¼ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ± ÃŽÂ µÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ½ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ½ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ± ÃŽÂ ±Ãƒ †Î ·Ãƒ  Î ·ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¼ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ µÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ½ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ·, every person apprehends time differently. The issue of time always preoccupies the landscape architects, and regardless their intentions, their design will be surely affected by time, or from natural processes or from human interventions, a park has continuity, whereas in architecture time can be totally excluded. Time is located in landscapes in different ways. We see time in the growing of plants and trees; we see also time in their season changing. The movement of the human through a park also symbolizes time. Time in a space, like an urban park, is like a movie, snapshots showing the movement and the behavior of the people in it, while the light changes gradually. One can see the passage of time in a park through the social, political and cultural changes. For example Victoria Park, the biggest park of East London(1845) ÃŽÂ ´ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ·ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¼ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿Ãƒ †¦Ãƒ  Î ³ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ·ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¸ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ·ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ºÃƒÅ½Ã‚ µ after a big demand of the East Londoners because of lack of green spaces in the area and as a way of reducing the big number of annual deaths and diseases at that time, corollary of a industrial and densely populated area. As expected peoples park very quickly had a big impact to the people and became the centre for social and political informal gatherings and talks. In the more recent past and today the park is famous for hosting the biggest music festivals of the city, since the social face of East London has changed dramatically and the area has become quite fashionable.++++ Time as a design tool The designer cannot be fully aware of the future of the park that he designs, the development of a park is affected by time, which time is an instable factor in this process. What a designer should know is that time will tell if the design will be successful and that à ƒà †¦ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ½ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ µÃƒ â‚ ¬ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ±ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ³ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ µÃƒ „Π±ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ if it will be loved and enjoyed by people. There is a true difficulty à ƒà „Î ¿ ÃŽÂ ½ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ± à ₠¬Ãƒ  Î ¿Ãƒ Æ’ÃŽÂ ´ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿Ãƒ  Î ¹Ãƒ Æ’Ã „ΠµÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ the impact of time. We appreciate time in different ways, so every landscape architect approaches time in his mind and designs in another way and this way of seeing affect sometimes the solutions itself. Some designer make solutions where the park is evolving and changing slowly, whereas some others, want to have direct results and want the park to look like the park in the drawings, that could mean planting big trees and that results more expenses, or even could affect the choice of the trees he will use, instead of using sycamore trees that need time to mature, he could use the fast growing honey locust trees. A landscape architect that his designs were really affected by time was Roberto Burle Marx (Brazil, 1909-1994), he once stated: The garden is always a problem of time. Time completes the idea. Time and its instability became an important framework in his work and an eternal concern throughout his career. He was really à ƒà †¦ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ½ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ µÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ´ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ·Ãƒ „Π¿Ãƒ â‚ ¬ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ·ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¼ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ µÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ½ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿Ãƒ ‚ of the importance of time in the development of his projects. After completing a project, he never thought of it being over for good and all, this was only the beginning, the starting point, the places he designs seem that they never have an end, someone could say that they are characterized by timelessness. His projects were continually changing through the years, he kept on visiting them and do changes on site (mostly with vegetation), in a point that some of his landscapes ÃŽÂ ´ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ µ ÃŽÂ ¸Ãƒ †¦ÃƒÅ ½Ã‚ ¼ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¶ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿Ãƒ †¦ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ½ à ƒÎ µ à „Î ¹Ãƒ â‚ ¬ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿Ãƒ „Π± his original plans. He had the habit to do changes on site, without transferring this changes in the old plans, as a result if you visit a park of his only the half of the plants will be recorded. Maintenance is an important framework of time in a park. Is fundamental for its success and for its continuity through time some designers believe. Nofried Pohl considers maintenance very important: I do not like public parks of stature that are created once and for all. That is why I am more and more interested in architectural support for managing the ripening process of public parks. Whereas other designers should be very ÃŽÂ ±ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹Ãƒ Æ’ÃŽÂ ¸ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ·Ãƒ „Π· and let the natural process of a park speak, but this way should be chosen consciously and has to be thought primary during the design process, by choosing for example a grass that looks nice when it grows and the doesnt need cutting often, this result is quite desirable for the eco-parks à „Î ± ÃŽÂ ¿Ãƒ â‚ ¬ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ± à ₠¬ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ »ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ·ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¸ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ±ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ½ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿Ãƒ †¦ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ½ nowadays that all the landscape design approaches are tuning into a more ecological direction. Time(Present) in Vauxhall Spring Gardens As soon as visiting Vauxhall Spring Gardens I got the impression that the park fluctuates between two worlds, better between two different times. Situated south of River Thames, if u stand in the middle of the park you cant help of noticing two different images of time. On one side of the park next to the river you get the view of literally a metropolis, huge modern buildings hosting companies which hide the horizon line and on the other side of the park a city farm, Saint Peters church dated from 1863, a building of historical importance, a gothic church made from brick and houses with a more traditional colour, architecturally speaking. The one image reflects the future and the other the past. When I look at the modern side of the park is like my inside clock is getting affected, It stresses me, on the other side when I stare the city farm and the Victorian buildings my pulses are reducing. The image of this side of the park is like frozen on time. In a way this contrast is quite i nteresting, cause the future image gives value to the old image and a poeting meaning and dimension to its pure side. The presence of the past Landscapes are changing through time, this is a natural process. Speaking in general this is something that has to be done, we have to evolve, this is the essence of life. What we have to do is to decide what we want to keep from the past if there is anything important that has to be kept. Strict preservation of a place would be a life denial movement. This crucial and very important process of the selection of the past elements has to be made after a very careful analysis and survey, since it seems like forever people were very attached to the past. We have seen that when a place changes suddenly and with a high speed people are getting disorientated and they dont know how to behave, because there is no doubt, that the environment that surround us and we live in, affects us emotionally. Especially when change of landscape comes to a community level its like breaking a link of the continuity of the community itself. Our bonding with the past doesnt come only through familiarity, we w ould also get annoyed by the destruction of a symbolic and historic location, although we are talking about a clearly touristic place that we could have possibly never visit. The survival of these even unknown places makes us feel secure by having this sense of continuity that balances us. Kevin Lynch said that: A portion of the past has been saved as being good , and this promises that the future will so save the present and he continues: We have the sense that we and our works will also reach uninterrupted old age otherwise we would feel lost in a strangers world. Lynch also notices that there are big differences in mood and behavior of groups of people that have a valued past, in which the feel rooted and in a way balanced, and in groups that are living in an isolated present. To return to my previous thoughts, the idea of preserving everything is quite nihilistic or for a designer could mean that he run out of ideas and inspiration. Nietzsche said: Man must have the strength to break up the past. The difficulty of judging and evaluating the past ÃŽÂ µÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ³ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ºÃƒÅ½Ã‚ µÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹Ãƒ „Π±ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ à ƒà „Î ¿ à ₠¬Ãƒ †°Ãƒ ‚ ÃŽÂ ¿ ÃŽÂ ºÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ±ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¸ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ µÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ½ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ±Ãƒ ‚ ÃŽÂ ¼ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ±Ãƒ ‚ perceives the past. The designers must be able to explain their decisions, so they have fully understand why something has to be saved and they have to wonder about the importance of this past objects and connect them with the past and their meaning of existence towards the future. In every design project the reasons of preserving things may be quite different. In some cases we may decide to save things because they are related with historic persons or events, or because they keep important meanings or symbols for another group, or in most cases a designer gets to keep what he thing as best and important according to his aesthetics and judge, without saying if this is politically correct. For some people, new landscapes and environments are often being seen as escapes from old usual places, even if they are totally new to them without any memories. Future There are different ways of seeing the future. Some people see future as one hour ahead, some see it as one week ahead and some other as one generation ahead. The future may seem something ahead of us that we could either face with optimism and ÃŽÂ ¿Ãƒ  Î µÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¾ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ·, or with fear and concern as a vehicle of time that runs towards without our control. In that case it seems that worrying about the future could deter enjoying living the present. Our future actions may be affected by past experience. It seems that future, present and past are interconnected between them, we all have this idea of shifting times but each of us carries it with different analogies. And of course these analogies have to do with our experiences during the passage of time. If our past has been disappointing or indifferent, we will try to delete this image of the past in the future. And sometimes, if our past has been compulsive and precious with the combination of a dull present, this image will visit our minds more often. Since past and future are present concepts, built in similar ways out of present data and attitudes, their correspondence is no t surprising. Kevin Lynch notices. The past is made of a plethora of experiences, and is brought to our minds by triggers of the present found in our environment. Wanting to create a mental future image, we have to imagine the results of our present actions driven by our emotions. A landscape architect has to query this interconnection of layers of time. In order to see how landscape represents past, present and future we have to look to ourselves and see how are bodies experience time, how time is fitted inside us. We have to find a balance between the time inside us to the outside time. Looking in landscapes we can find an image of time, that could be strengthen depending on the allocation of objects and events in space and time. We experience landscapes inside the framework of space-time. When we design a landscape we want to enrich it with both temporal and spatial qualities. Hence, also a temporal dimension: transporting the past into present, blurring past and present, recreating the past. Vision of landscape has a temporal dimension and thus brings the temporal dimension into the spatial dimension. The landscape perspective foregrounds time. p.3/landscapes of memory and experience
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Lincoln the Tyrant Essays -- Essays Papers
Lincoln the Tyrant There is no doubt that Abraham Lincoln is widely regarded as one of the great American presidents. The general public, when asked about Lincoln, will often tell the tale of a great man. Holding their head high, they will embark on the journey of a benevolent leader, praising the man who envisioned a new America: a great country of racial equality, and the pillar of human liberty. There are some, however, who have quite the opposite view. In his work, The Real Lincoln, economic historian Thomas J. DiLorenzo tells quite the different tale. Daring to criticize this beloved president, DiLorenzo defends his antithetical statements with several key points: Lincoln was more similar to a dictator than an American President. Arguing that the War Between the States was wholly unconstitutional, DiLorenzo corrects the popular misconception that Lincoln’s war was one of abolition. War was not necessary to end slavery, but it was necessary to fulfill Lincoln’s true agenda – to destroy the most significant check on the powers of the central government: the right of secession.1 During the civil war, Lincoln blatantly disregarded the U.S. Constitution and adapted his own form of government. His first step was to suspend the writ of habeas corpus. With such rights thrown away, Lincoln arbitrarily imprisoned those who publicly disagreed with his principles. American citizens accused of crimes have a constitutional right to a speedy public trial by an impartial jury, to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation, to be confronted with witnesses against them, to bring witnesses in their favor, and to have the assistance of legal counsel. On April 27, 1861, Lincoln decided that such constitutional... ...rica’s great Tyrant. Footnotes 1. Thomas J. DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2002) 9. 2. Thomas J. DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2002) 135. 3. Thomas J. DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2002) 145. 4. Thomas J. DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2002) 141. 5. Thomas J. DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2002) 150. 6. Thomas J. DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2002) 35. 7. Thomas J. DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2002) 11. 8. Thomas J. DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2002) 48. 9. Thomas J. DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2002) 275. 10. Thomas J. DiLorenzo, The Real Lincoln (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2002) 269.
Standing Up For Yourself :: Personal Narrative Writing
Standing Up For Yourself My first year of junior high, (in our school that was seventh grade) I was not spending all my time trying to be popular like all the other people in my grade. I was just being me how I always had been. One day at I was sitting at the lunch table with a bunch of people I would hang around with sometimes. Some of them were talking about there weekends. Then my friend Sami said, "Hey guys you wanna know what I did this weekend?" Everybody was like "yea" Sami continued on saying, "Well I went to this party with my cousin and we were drinking and they she gave me a couple of joints and from there on I don’t remember the rest of the night, but it was awesome." "I think that I am gonna do this more often you get a really awesome high of it." By this time everybody sitting around her was like that is so cool. Everybody was really into what Sami said, and as the days went by they acting almost as if she was a god and they had to follow her everymove. One day I was talking with my friend Rosie during Lunch when Sami came over. Sami interrupted us saying "Would either of you guys like to join me outside for a joint?" I said "No I have homework to do and anyways I have better things to do then kill off my brain cells." Sami just glared at me for a minute. Then said "Rosie what about you, Are you still cool or do you wanna be a dweeb like some OTHER people at this table." So Rosie left. Later that day during study hall I tried to talk to Sami. "Hey Sami" I said, "What is up over there?" "Not much" she replied. "I really need to talk to you about earlier today in the lunch room." "What about today?" Sami asked curiously "Well, about you pressuring Rosie into feeling like she couldn't do what she wanted to do, but like she had to do whatever you want her to do like you are her mother or something. What is up with that?" "Well you know she really wanted to do it." "If she did then why did you have to almost force her to go with you. I think you are taking this cool thing a little to far." Sami snapped back, "I think that you are just jealous cause everyone thinks I am cool now and I am center of attention and your NOT!"
Friday, July 19, 2019
Hard Times - The Theme of Education Essay -- English Literature
Hard Times - The Theme of Education In this piece I intend to explain how Dickens is trying to represent education in the Victorian era and how he feels about the style of teaching that is widely used during his times. I also intend to make references to how the representation of Victorian schools by Dickens compares, historically to the actual conditions in a school from the Victorian era. As soon as the book begins we are introduced to a style of teaching that is dependent only on facts. One of the main characters of the novel is Thomas Gradgrind and he is the enforcer of this utilitarian style of education and is described as a man who is very strict. Dickens introduces us to this character with a description of his most central feature: his monotone appearance and attitude. â€Å"Stick to facts, sir!†This exclamation suggests that the character likes to shout and sound firm. The short, punchy sentence suggests an assertive and strong character. Dickens also makes Gradgrind seem boring and grating by the gravelly and rough sound of his name and how it is pronounced. â€Å"Grind†, in particular suggests the grindstone, and flogging away at work constantly and is associated with the mechanical, repetitive drudgery of the factory system. Dickens also employs the outer appearance of Gradgrind to parallel the inner personality of Gradgrind, â€Å"Square coat, square shoulders and square legs†. This seems to highlight Gradgrind’s nature of unrelenting rigidity. Dickens also uses tricolons to really exaggerate the impression of this character being dull, boring and old fashioned. As a result, his educational ideas are seen to be dull and boring too. We get the overall impression from Dickens that he doesn’t ... ...stressed by the ‘factory’ style approach to the children and their education. He exaggerates this to show the ‘production line’ attitude to education is wrong and does not help the child. He believes that the school in Hard Times treats all children the same and there is no exception to the rule. He sees it as a rather utilitarian style approach, a ‘one size fits all’ kind of regime and believes that this system has obviously failed. His distress seem to turn to the kind of anger a activist would show in a protest and in a way his writing of the book is his form of a protest which is made through humour. He strongly believes that children at such an early stage in their childhood are too young to be exposed to such a formal and rigorous style of education and should instead be allowed to express their emotions and have their youthful imaginations nurtured.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
King Arthur Essay
While significant attention is given to the potential historical origins of King Arthur, the Arthur who lingers in pop consciousness is the product of the romantic imaginings of literature and poetry. It is frequently asserted that he is a product of a medieval zeitgeist, which needed a heroic figure to represent the values of its culture. Arthur is a rather complex hero in the wake of the Greek heroes that preceded him, a medieval modern who stands in stark contrast to his classically antiquated predecessors. The tales identify Arthur as the bastard child of the lady Igraine. Merlin used his skills to help Uther Pendragon come to her under the guise of Igraine’s husband the Duke of Cornwall, and Arthur was the fruit of that adulterous union. Merlin takes Arthur and raises him, and when he reached manhood he becomes King of Britain. Arthur’s ascension is detailed as having begun with an embrace with his destiny by obtaining the sword Excalibur. Depending on how the tale is told, he either obtains it by pulling it from a stone or anvil, or it is given to him by the Lady of the Lake. Either way, this dramatically proves his worth despite numerous challengers to the throne. As King, Arthur takes a wife and assembles a gallery of knights who convene around a round table and go on quests in search of the legendary Holy Grail, as well as unifying the various geographical and political factions of Britain as one kingdom, governed under the utopia capital of Camelot. However, despite his desire for peace and prosperity for Britain, the foibles and flaws of his peers continue to disappoint him. Eventually he faces his own mortality, when he is challenged by his own son Mordred for the right to rule, despite his desire for a peaceable settlement. Mordred is defeated but Arthur is fatally wounded and dies. Arthur exemplifies a hero who struggles with duality. Despite the mythic stature accorded to him, his ability to command respect, his strength of courage and his fair-minded sense of justice makes him an exemplar of pure Christianity: liberal in disposition and democratic in temperament, but he is also rather arrogant and inflexible. His crusades also place him in a position in which he frequently neglects his responsibilities as a leader, despite having fought for the right to rule among petty bickering would-be monarchs. The Queen he romanced is left neglected during his adventures, and she betrays him through adultery. His cunning and courage is remarkable, but is witness only abroad never to be put to good use within the kingdom. The Greek heroes are significantly darker, which sets them apart from the rather romantic and idealist tone of Arthur’s mythical self-journey. Consider for example, Achilles: Like Arthur, he was born of an arranged union. Zeus was afraid of a prophecy which told that a child of Thetis would overthrow him, and thus provided for her to conceive with a half-mortal child. Whereas Arthur’s parentage was largely a design of Merlin’s to obtain a new protà ©gà © to raise, while Achilles’ parentage was a political one, insofar as the machinations of gods can be political. Additionally, Achilles’ alienation from humanity is more pronounced, because he is literally ‘less than human’ in his partial divinity, though this divinity makes him cruel rather than virtuous, a far cry from Arthur. The superhuman Beowulf is also comparable to Arthur. While he is able to defeat monstrous opponents in single combat, he parallels Arthur as a monarch whose grim demeanor softens as he ages, and concludes his life with a confrontation with his own mortality. He emerges victorious but fatally wounded, ready to embrace death with the same kind of acceptance that Arthur does.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Biblical Counseling
In the field of battle of conduction, the capital considerations that those in the field who argon practicing straightaway or indirectly take hold something to do with the previously held belief system, or the terra firmaview or philosophy behind the smell of tender-hearted behaviour. This goes to speculate that integrity who ventures into the byplay of healing and curing emotions and psychological problems necessity get into a thorough fellow touching of his/her some corpseal come near to the study of hu homophilekind behaviour.The advocator seeks to explain hu valet de chambre temperament, the study of ungodliness or prbably emphasizing or reducing the Scriptural hu patchnessdate and divinity fudges verdict (whichever side he/she is on), and which eventu whollyy dictates disturbance strategies, if every. The rudimentary counselling idea common to or held by close psychologists increases the likelihood that the scriptural sageity faecal matter be ver y public opinion-provoking to get into, oft judgment of credit less, practice. It is even frank as to say that counselling in whatever front is basic every(prenominal)y sacred in nature be receive in the end, what is upheld or emphasized by the counselor expresses implanted philosophy or apparitional beliefs.The reports assumption thusly is to append an impetus that sells scriptural counselling as superior, efficacious, and more than attractive than the psychological science models t step to the foreed today. It tackles the presuppositions of twain psychology and biblical counselling and the arguments in each of the specific aspects that ar perceptible as valid or invalid. watchword of honor talk over in the field of psychology and biblical counselling At trump fall surface, psychology prefers to integrate counselling from biblical gear up as surface as give-up the ghost these with what is categorized as empirically tried and aline techniques posited by psychologists.The basic way of doing the union or integration is that the Christian worldview takes precedency over the rest of the approaches. Although m any(prenominal) of the concepts and premise of each guess menti nonp beild atomic human activity 18 gruelling and at times efficacious, when it clashes with the faith-based surmise, the practiceer essentialiness give way to the latter. Interpreting a problem that a lymph gland suffers for instance, entails that the divinatory viewpoint that a practician is convinced(p) with, expressly has break off chances of congruously brain the malad merelyments that the node had been measly.To come up with the match worldview (an integration in separate nomenclature), the cor replyence amid the trustworthyms menti geniusd, including the line up march of human individualists and the adjust nature of paragon (or theology) be properly considered. Thoroughly accepting the extra that at that place is no contes t between the natural and the religious moreover that troubles acquire when angiotensin-converting enzyme realm is overemphasized at the disbursement of a nonher. This thin line or handsome tension between the two levels is surmount expressed in the personhood of messiah Christ, who was a perfect man as well as perfection.If a person starts to be atomic number 53 egotism and others with that nonion (which is familiarly casualty) and he/she starts to think that he/she is balanced, indeed(prenominal) this person surely lacks chthonianstanding or real self-awareness of the fact that he/she is late and grievously out of balance and this is one reason wherefore he/she ineluctably supporter. Christian discuss admittedly embraces in public, a basic integration of the biblical precepts on the view of man and psychologys scientific break by means ofs in addres hellg the dilemmas that chivy human individuals.Depending on the persuasion of the practitioner, peculiarl y whether he or she comes from either the strictly theological or secular preparation, Christian focussing can either heel to certain degrees of theology or psychology. tally to Larry Crabb, If psychology offers insights which consecrate alone sharpen our talk over skills and increase our effectiveness, we want to k straight offadays them. If all problems are at core unearthly matters we dont want to neglectfulness the critically necessary resources available through the Lord by a defame emphasis on psychological theory (Crabb in Anderson et al, 2000).Dr. Crabbs position sure ensures that science in particular, has its place in counseling in as a well deal as theology does. He make sure that all means are intercommunicate as the counselor approaches his profession, peculiarly in the real(a) conduction of some(prenominal) the diagnostic and therapeutic or intervention phases (Crabb in Anderson et al. , 2000). Trauma inducing and crisis triggering situations check spiraled its occurrence and in its primacy in the US and in many other countries in recent years.Its broad spectrum ranges from the national tragedy category much(prenominal) as that of Hurricane Katrina or the 911 terrorist strikes in New York, Spain and England, to private instances such as a loved ones attempt at suicide, the maul of a spouse or child, the head start of psychic illness, and the worsenedning situation of national violence (Teller et al, 2006). The exquisite crisis episode is a consequence of battalion who experience sedate events and feel overwhelmed with difficulty resolving the intragroup conflicts or anxiety that threaten their lives.They seek the help of counselors, paramedics and other wellness workers in crisis intervention centers to tide them over the acute episodes they are encountering. These are defining moments for hatful and essential be adequately addressed else they lead lives with dysfunctional conduct patterns or disorders (Roberts et al, 2006). In the integrated or eclecticist approach the goal of the therapy is non just relief to the patient or client. Although an agile relief is very helpful, this whitethorn not uncea hellgly be the case in most illnesses.The goal as mentioned in the preceding pages is to provide long-term lessening of the symptoms and the occurrence of the disease altogether if possible. The charge thence is not impossible nevertheless neither is this easy. Specifically, the counselee or patient essential want to heal or swear that there is going to be therapeutic make in the process. It presupposes that he/she moldiness learn to trust the therapist in his/her capabilities as well in jumper cable or facilitating the changes or modifications.It is very much essential that (in the perspective of a cognitive-behaviorist) that the client understands consumeership to the deeds and woofs in thought patterns he/she made are crucial to the recurring or occurring condition that s/he expe riences (Rubinstein et al. , 2007 Corey, 2004). Basic scriptural centering Premises View of human nature from psychological viewpoint somebodyality is more than poise, charm, or physical appearance. It includes habits, attitudes, and all the physical, emotional, social, religious and moral aspects that a person sufferes.However, to be more precise, the explicit behavioral styles, perhaps, silk hat captivate an individuals constitution and how he/she is understood. With the different behavioral styles, an boilers suit pattern of different characteristics is seen. standardised a psychograph, a persons visibleness is pulled together and at a glance, the individual can be compared with other people in terms of relative strengths and weaknesses (Corey 2005). Psychologists get it on there is often a okay line between noetic health and rational illness. For them, it is of the essence(p) to understand that mental illnesses vary in their severity.For example, many adolescents s uffered from various levels of anxiety or depression. Others drive property suffered from serious mental disorders with biological origins. Education around the adolescents mental illness is vital for those with mental health problems as well as for the adolescents friends and family (Corey 2005). The major force or forces amenable for the origin and development of an individuals personality is best understood in the different perspectives. In the cognitive approach alone, it understands that an individual at varying times in his net tone has error-filled thought process patterns.These patterns may include wishful thinking, unrealistic expectations, unvarying reliving and living in the aside or even beyond the face up and into the future, and overgeneralizing. These habits lead to confusion, frustration and eventual uniform disappointment. This therapeutic approach stresses or accentuates the rational or logical and controlling worldview a viewpoint that takes into cons ideration that we are problem-solvers, cast options in life and not that we are always left with no choice as many people think.It besides looks into the fact that because we do engage options then there are many things that count someone who project had bad choices in the past, and thence can look positively into the future. Cognitive- airal approach facilitates a collaborative family relationship between the patient and therapist (Ellis & Beck in Corey, 2004). For the Cognitive Behaviorist viewpoint, trim backs are dealt directly in a practical way. here the client is enlightened as to the patterns of his thinking and the errors of these thoughts which bore fruit in his attitudes and behavior.His/her thoughts and beliefs cede connections on his/her behavior and essential therefore be reorganized. For instance, the ways that a client looks at an issue of his/her life will direct the path of his reactivity to the issue. When right at this level, the behavior follows auto matically (Rubinstein et al. , 2007 Corey, 2004). The systems theory batch of the therapy indicates that whatever is occurring or happening is not isolated built-inly is a working part of a sizeabler context.In the family systems approach then, no individual person can be understood when take from his relationships whether in the present or past, and this is specially centraliseed on the family he belongs to (Rubinstein et al. , 2007 Corey, 2004). The empiric approach, as put forward by Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Sartre, Heidegger, Rollo May, and Frankl, believes that the individuals potential may lie dormant but that it is there waiting to be ushered in time.It recognizes that man is able to achieve great senior high drill and that these are just waiting to be tapped not whole by him/herself but that in addition when helped by a practitioner who is persuaded of this notion. It examines such major issues as disembarrass will and the challenges of exercising this free will, the issue of mortality, loneliness and in general, the meaning of life. That Cognitive- behavioral, Existential, human-centred & Family Systems eclectic approach primarily involves the internalisation of distinct concepts within a genius framework. Human Suffering I. Origin of SufferingSuffering is one of the symptoms of this lifes abnormality. If not for the revealing found in the ledger, there would be no other option but to accept the show of affairs in life as it is. This means that since anguish has been a part of the history of human be, it has to be accepted as part and sheaf of a normal life. However, looking at it in a biblical perspective, although paroxysm is part of the human worldly concern in this world, the fact of the matter is it has not always been a part of life. It came into the picture only later the fall of the for the first time pas de deux turn and eventide.The watchword is clear most this, as stated in Romans 512 and in many other passages found in the beatified Writ. This biblical truth is important, foundational, and essential in dealing with many questions regarding suffering and in particular, as philanthropists and gentle brass instruments tendency to alleviate suffering on the children of Africa. Presently, the bleak outlook construct presented pertaining to African children today are presented in two potentially devastating outcomes which dexterity happen as gos of the already stone-dead(a)ly current crisis. The first one is the sight (according to researchers) of expiration by the millions.An organization which aims to help the suffering children of Africa has estimated that by the year 2025, an estimated number of people as enormous as 85 million may separate because HIV/ aid crisis (Blake, 2006). Second is, the fatal outcome which will take place as the direct result of the first children being orphaned because of the projected genocidal shoemakers last toll at 2025. The same organization calculated that on that same year, 55 million children might have been orphans already. Nations and governments and charitable organizations have been mobilized ever since to help these human disasters and all of the possible ramifications.Although, slimy as it manifests in many forms in life has been here already for centuries, and perhaps, as untimely as recorded histories could recall, the current crisis of AIDS in African continent is the most recent form of lashing. It has to be remark, lest the focus gets sidetracked to different issues which are at best symptoms of the real disease, that all of the troubles that have been peckish the existence of man on this planet are just necessary effects of sin and rebellion against beau ideal.It is to be noted though that it is never the intention of this writing to aggravate the sufferings of African people by putting the rap music on them or by making them feel worse than what they are now. As was stated early on on, at the h eart of this thesis is the accusive to help by elucidating on the true predicament of mans existence by pointing out that which is biblical, or the biblical diagnosis on things. It really helps and better prepares the sick person to face his/her true condition by first properly diagnosing the illness.It doesnt help if the write up continues to be in a state of uncertainty and fear because it is sure of something which could be fatal. Also, it will not help tutelage the real problem under the sheets, all along hoping that it will just leave by itself, because it will not. And so, the Bible is crucially significant in addressing the issue of evil and suffering. 1. ) Death Came As A conduct Of Sin. Nothing threatens the prospect of a good life than the possibility of an imminent demolition.A positive vista of life happy family, burgeoning business, and stentorian career is well clouded by fear when explosively something final as death comes into the scene. Death is seen as the final because it can put a boundary on the otherwise happy and undecomposed of promise subsistence. One theologian explained the program line of Apostle capital of Minnesota in Romans 512 in a way that points to sin as the real culprit why there are pain, sickness, and weakness in mans physical body. He said, in effect that, had it not been for Adams sin there would be no sickness in the world in the first place.Remember that death is the matureness of weakness and sickness in the body. all told illnesses lead to eventual death. What the Bible is tell us about sickness, weakness, and any form of suffering endured in the body whether mental or physical suffering result inevitably to physical death. And the reality of death in this life was occasioned by the rootized sin of the first couple, Adam and Eve. Succeeding, generations after the first couple of humans, inherited sin as well as its overlap death (Duffield and Van Cleave, 1987). It is also important to note tha t sin not only occasioned death, but it is its necessary outcome.The unanimous note of many students of the Bible based on the narrative accounts as well as how it is pulld in certain passages of biblical books is that death is apparitional as also it is physical. The first time it hits humans, the first and ready effect was spiritual in that it did not resulted in the first couples physical death. This spiritual death is really more devastating than physical death because it altered everything within the human frame that it has set into motion a absolute pull towards wrong directions.First, it apart(p) man from idol. It is the reason why man cannot respond to the things of idol. As a dead body has no capacity for any responses to its ring whatsoever because it is dead, so is a man who is physically alive but is spiritually dead. A person who is spiritually dead does not and cannot respond to divinity fudge and the things of God. As one sermoniser said when told by a cyni c among his audience that he doesnt feel the burden of sin in his life like what the sermonizer was trying to convey in his message.To that, the sermoniser wisely answered, As a dead couldnt feel a ton of garbage when placed on that body, so is the burden of sin to a spiritually dead person. Thats why when Apostle Paul elaborated to the Romans the depravity of man, he zoomed in to the fact that at present, because humanity has chosen to abandon God and the proof of it has bear upon all aspects of the human existence God also had to leave humanity alone in its decision to leave the reality of God out of its thoughts and actions. The whole scenario is alter especially when the scriptural perspective on this is considered.Its very easy and normal to leave God out of the picture, and its real what people want fundamentally as it is looked at face value. earth has effectively abandoned God and has erased any traces of Him from the very start from the birth of a baby in a home w here belief in God is ex gratia at best, and as that baby true into childhood, and as that child was reared in school (if opportunities for schooling was ever available, primary to college education), and at last released to live life independently as an adult in a parliamentary law whose culture ever since was godless.And the cycle goes on and on like a abiding process. Now, again, as pointed out early in this paper, all of these not so declare state of affairs can be tracked down back to enlightenment where life turned into a sudden shift (McArthur, 2008). Where there is spiritual death, the prospect of life is anything but imperfect and flaw everywhere. The original order of things has been altered, and its not human species alone that has been terribly unnatural by the Fall the whole creation has been groaning ever since (Rom. 822). 2.) Mans Separation From God Precipitated Suffering. The first manifestations of humanitys misery were quickly limpid right after Adam and Eve violated Gods word to them. They, right then and there, realized their starkness which before was not a cause of shame for them. What previously for them was just normal, and did not pose a problem, now they have trouble discovering it the way it was. They must cover their nakedness, and they must hide and keep themselves at a distance where they feel somehow hidden from God (Gen. 37-9).The fact that society disregards the reality of God in its system highlights the reality of spiritual separation. The cause for many of the troubles that history has witnessed since time immemorial was mans illogical relationship with its Creator. It has been the reason from the start, and it still is until now. God communicate through Prophet Isaiah, that it was mans sin which has actually separated man from God (Isa. 592). go forth alone, man naturally would not withdraw God, much less, His good ways as revealed by Him in the Bible.Contrary to what have been suggested by many considere d pundits of humanities, and sadly, by many church denominations through what has been now known as the seeker-sensitive approach in churchs services, man is not naturally prepared to seek God and the things of the Spirit of God. And so, under this cursed condition, it is not supposed to surprisal anybody who have searched and found in the Holy newss that the world is in its current trouble state. in that respects actually spiritual anarchy where every one is a rule unto himself. Every one does what he/she deems good in his/her perception of things.If it feels good, then probably, it is good. This is how man is running his life, and it translates into the overall landscape of society. Man sets the trend. What had been considered wicked of the past generation, if it is now palatable to the senses, and hence, has been slowly swallowed and embraced as gratifying by the media and the general public, it becomes legal and prescriptively harmless. Therefore, in Pauls words, God in t urn has abandoned man in his choice of abandoning the knowledge of his Creator. This is, to a large degree, the reason for many troubles and sufferings that nations and people have been seeing.If the Bible is true and it is this papers contention that it is the true truth then the unrestrained freedom and lifestyles which wait to describe the earths populace for a long period of time now, is actually a judgment of God. A preacher once answered those who cast all the blame on God in the vex of 911 tragedy in these words We have done all we could, and effectively, we got God out of our schools and government institutions, and now we are asking where He is in all of these? The screening of Scripture to human dilemma and the likeThe portion of Scripture where the Nazarene You have hear that it was said to those of old, making it appear that his statements seem to abrogate the laws in the disused will replacing them with his new more despotic teachings is a misinterpretation an d misunderstanding of messiah true intentions. Jesus was actually take back the true message of the Old Testament Law which was made undefined by mere traditions of men and their own hazy and humanistic understanding. The Lord was pointing out to His audience the glosses that were made on arial mosaic laws which made the ancient commands with minimal effectualness or worse, no efficacy.Jesus example and the Pharisees are insights that can be gleaned with emphasis on the operation of principles of the Scriptures. A Christian easily becomes a legalist when his/her understanding of the Scriptures, like the Pharisees, is not based on the Scriptures intended application. There is only the possibility of communicating the proper boundaries within the set limits of the Scriptures when a Christian has grasped its clear and full implications (Clarke, 2001, Power Bible CD).In the New Testament especially in the celebrated Sermon on the bait (Matt. 5-7), Jesus usually referred to Himsel f as the berth. His declarations were not prefaced with Thus says the Lord. To His disciples, He says You have comprehend that it was said to those of old. . . but I say to you. . . . This clearly points to the authority on Jesus. This does not mean though that Jesus was subverting the authority of God, for He Himself was God in the flesh (Jn. 11-3,14) He was the second Person of the Trinity manifested in the flesh.One of the things that He was pointing out among others was the fact that the Pharisees of His day were in hard error followers the traditions of their elders, and in this particular case, in their interpretation of many scriptures. Hence, He said, You have heard it was said. . . but now I say to you. . . . The apostles after Him followed suit. In all of their letters they derived authority from the words of Jesus. Their letters, to put it simply, were just elaborations of Christs teachings (Riggs, second Ed. ) ConclusionEmbracing a more Biblical approach, becoming less philosophical and squiffy with such radixs as the absoluteness of Gods sovereignty, the worlds being under Gods righteous judgment, Gods initiative in revealing Himself and His redemptive plan in Jesus Christ, are the essential tools that a Biblical counselor must possess in order to present the true condition of men and persuade him/her to change. The following characteristics then must be inculcated in a Biblical counselor 1. ) exalted View of Holy Scriptures.This is to uphold the conviction of the reformers about the vocalize of God and endeavor to clarify any theological subjects in the light of the divine revelation that is in the Bible. deal many effective pastors or counselors, the Bible alone is authoritative for life in general. It is the rule of faith for Christians, like a solid and strong immovable post in a pier where the ground tackle of the ship is fastened securely. The Word of God is the object of the Christians faith. Its not of figure a matter of God ve rsus His Word. The entire Holy Scriptures derived its authority from God. besides since it was God who spoke them, Scriptures therefore are without question normative and authoritative. The Scriptures are the touchstone on which all so-called traditions, existential experiences, and reasonings must be tested. When any of these are found opposite to Gods revealed will in the Scriptures, they can be discarded without any scruple for the true church of Christ. agree to Barth (McCormack, 1995), to interpret and apply the Bible properly, one must observe certain basic rules. And one of the basics is that the example must subject himself/herself to the authority of the Bible.What is the central theme of the passage? What is its subject matter? The referee then has to subordinate his thoughts and his personal convictions to the revelation that God has provided for us in His Word the Bible. In fact, the ultimate goal of the counselor is to develop and establish the counselee for a depe ndence on Gods word. The contributors humble subjection of self to the wisdom of the Scriptures was his exercise of freedom. The result of this incessant subordination is transformation. The interpreter is being change in the process of grasping what God has revealed.2. ) Dynamic Application of Biblical Truths. To be reverent and true to Biblical revelation, one needs not to confine himself to the pious platitude of the ancient cultures through which the Biblical narratives and the actual words of the prophets were written. The reader and interpreter can speak the ideas conveyed through ancient cultures in contemporary ways. Its not anarchy to teach the Bible thus. In fact, its the whole point of hermeneutics to bridge the good cultural gap. To be unimaginative in ones handling of the Scriptures is equal to parroting mere words.There has to be fresh application if there will be change. insufficiency of imagination is sometimes proof of not being influenced or shaped by the ideas read. Readers have to engage and interact mentally with the passages of the Bible so that a plentiful meditation would express itself in spruce and engaging discourse. 3. ) Christocentric (Christ-Centered). Jesus Christ is the primary theme of the whole Scriptures. It has been mentioned above that to Barths high view of the Bible, it was necessary for the interpreter to subordinate him/herself to particular texts subject.And since, Jesus Christ is the central theme of the Bible, it is necessary to interpret Biblical passages in the light of His person. Jesus Christ is the unify subject in all of the books of the Bible. But looking at Luke 2427-45, and realizing that it was Jesus Himself who first advocated this methodology, it thus comes as a necessity to find the Christ in every passage of Biblical books or at the least, sense a bespeak (in the Old Testament) of His coming redemptive sacrifice. Jesus alone can give unity among scriptural texts. 4. ) Passage-Based Interpre tation.Karl Barth (McCormack, 1995) believes that although interpreters often bring with them their presuppositions as they approach the text, the mistake of using the Biblical text as vehicle to channelize ones belief, can be avoided through the interpreters direct encounter with the objective truth as found in the biblical passage. The real meaning or intention of the author of the text is objectively separated from the interpreter. And so, to properly apply exegetical work on the passage, a serious examination of historical background, and serious study of the texts linguistic composition must be considered thoroughly.5. ) Bound By True churchs Essential and Classic Teachings. Like Apostle Paul, a counselor then must also believe that s/he is just a recipient of essential Christian teachings (1 Cor. 1123-26). It would be diabolic for him/her to doubt nor innovate on set up biblical truths. Reference Atkinson, R. L. , R. C. Atkinson, E. E Smith, D. J. Bem, and S. Nolen-Hoekse ma (2000). gate to Psychology. 13th Ed. New York Harcourt College Publishers. Clarke, Adam (2001). scuttlebutt to Matthew. Power Bible CD. Corey, Gerald (2004).Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. Thomson Learning, USA. Corey, Gerald (200). The Art of Integrative Counseling. 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