Monday, September 30, 2019
The Host Chapter 27: Undecided
I felt my way back to my prison hole. It had been weeks and weeks since I'd been down this particular corridor; I hadn't been back since the morning after Jared had left and Jeb had set me free. It seemed to me that while I lived and Jared was in the caves, this must be where I belonged. There was no dim light to greet me now. I was fairly sure I was in the last leg-the turns and twists were still vaguely familiar. I let my left hand drag against the wall as low as I could reach, feeling for the opening as I crept forward. I wasn't decided on crawling back inside the cramped hole, but at least it would give me a reference point, letting me know that I was where I meant to be. As it happened, I didn't have the option of inhabiting my cell again. In the same moment that my fingers brushed the rough edge at the top of the hole, my foot hit an obstacle and I stumbled, falling to my knees. I threw my hands out to catch myself, and they landed with a crunch and a crackle, breaking through something that wasn't rock and didn't belong here. The sound startled me; the unexpected object frightened me. Perhaps I'd made a wrong turn and wasn't anywhere near my hole. Perhaps I was in someone's living space. I ran through the memory of my recent journey in my head, wondering how I could have gotten so turned about. Meanwhile, I listened for some reaction to my crashing fall, holding absolutely still in the darkness. There was nothing-no reaction, no sound. It was only dark and stuffy and humid, as it always was, and so silent that I knew I must be alone. Carefully, trying to make as little noise as possible, I took stock of my surroundings. My hands were stuck in something. I pulled them free, tracing the contours of what felt like a cardboard box-a cardboard box with a sheet of thin, crackly plastic on top that my hands had fallen through. I felt around inside the box and found a layer of more crackly plastic-small rectangles that made a lot of noise when I handled them. I retreated quickly, afraid of drawing attention to myself. I remembered that I'd thought I'd found the top of the hole. I searched to my left and found more stacks of cardboard squares on that side. I tried to find the top of the stack and had to stand in order to do so-it was as high as my head. I searched until I found the wall, and then the hole, exactly where I'd thought it was. I tried to climb in to ascertain if it really was the same place-one second on that bowed floor and I would know it for certain-but I could not get any farther than the opening. It, too, was crammed full of boxes. Stymied, I explored with my hands, moving back out into the hall. I found I could go no deeper down the passageway; it was entirely filled with the mysterious cardboard squares. As I hunted along the floor, trying to understand, I found something different from the crowd of boxes. It was rough fabric, like burlap, a sack full of something heavy that shifted with a quiet hissing sound when I nudged it. I kneaded the sack with my hands, less alarmed by the low hiss than by the plastic crackle-it seemed unlikely that this sound would alert anyone to my presence. Suddenly, it all came clear. It was the smell that did it. As I played with the sand-like material inside the bag, I got an unexpected whiff of a familiar scent. It took me back to my bare kitchen in San Diego, to the low cupboard on the left side of the sink. In my head I could see so clearly the bag of uncooked rice, the plastic measuring cup I used to dole it out, the rows of canned food behind it†¦ Once I realized that I was touching a bag of rice, I understood. I was in the right place after all. Hadn't Jeb said they used this place for storage? And hadn't Jared just returned from a long raid? Now everything the raiders had stolen in the weeks they'd been gone was dumped in this out-of-the-way place until it could be used. Many thoughts ran through my head at once. First, I realized that I was surrounded by food. Not just rough bread and weak onion soup, but food. Somewhere in this stack, there could be peanut butter. Chocolate chip cookies. Potato chips. Cheetos. Even as I imagined finding these things, tasting them again, being full for the first time since I'd left civilization, I felt guilty for thinking of it. Jared hadn't risked his life and spent weeks hiding and stealing to feed me. This food was for others. I also worried that perhaps this wasn't the entire haul. What if they had more boxes to stow? Would Jared and Kyle be the ones to bring them? It didn't take any imagination at all to picture the scene that would result if they found me here. But wasn't that why I was here? Wasn't that exactly what I'd needed to be alone to think about? I slouched against the wall. The rice bag made a decent pillow. I closed my eyes-unnecessary in the inky darkness-and settled in for a consultation. Okay, Mel. What now? I was glad to find that she was still awake and alert. Opposition brought out her strength. It was only when things were going well that she drifted away. Priorities, she decided. What's most important to us? Staying alive? Or Jamie? She knew the answer. Jamie, I affirmed, sighing out loud. The sound of my breath whispered back from the black walls. Agreed. We could probably last awhile if we let Jeb and Ian protect us. Will that help him? Maybe. Would he be more hurt if we just gave up? Or if we let this drag on, only to have it end badly, which seems inevitable? She didn't like that. I could feel her scrambling around, searching for alternatives. Try to escape? I suggested. Unlikely, she decided. Besides, what would we do out there? What would we tell them? We imagined it together-how would I explain my months of absence? I could lie, make up some alternative story, or say I didn't remember. But I thought of the Seeker's skeptical face, her bulging eyes bright with suspicion, and knew my inept attempts at subterfuge would fail. They'd think I took over, Melanie agreed. Then they'd take you out and put her in. I squirmed, as if a new position on the rock floor would take me further away from the idea, and shuddered. Then I followed the thought to its conclusion. She'd tell them about this place, and the Seekers would come. The horror washed through us. Right, I continued. So escape is out. Right, she whispered, emotion making her thought unstable. So the decision is†¦ quick or slow. Which hurts him less? It seemed that as long as I focused on practicalities I could keep at least my side of the discussion numbly businesslike. Melanie tried to mimic my effort. I'm not sure. On the one hand, logically, the longer the three of us are together, the harder our†¦ separation would be for him. Then again, if we didn't fight, if we just gave up†¦ he wouldn't like that. He'd feel betrayed by us. I looked at both sides she'd presented, trying to be rational about it. So†¦ quick, but we have to do our best not to die? Go down fighting, she affirmed grimly. Fighting. Fabulous. I tried to imagine that-meeting violence with violence. Raising my hand to strike someone. I could form the words but not the mental picture. You can do it, she encouraged. I'll help you. Thanks, but no thanks. There has to be some other way. I don't get you, Wanda. You've given up on your species entirely, you're ready to die for my brother, you're in love with the man I love who is going to kill us, and yet you won't let go of customs that are entirely impractical here. I am who I am, Mel. I can't change that, though everything else may change. You hold on to yourself; allow me to do the same. But if we're going to – She would have continued to argue with me, but we were interrupted. A scuffing sound, shoe against rock, echoed from somewhere back down the corridor. I froze-every function of my body arrested but my heart, and even that faltered jaggedly-and listened. I didn't have long to hope that I'd just imagined the sound. Within seconds, I could hear more quiet footsteps coming this way. Melanie kept her cool, whereas I was lost to panic. Get on your feet, she ordered. Why? You won't fight, but you can run. You have to try something-for Jamie. I started breathing again, keeping it quiet and shallow. Slowly, I rolled forward till I was on the balls of my feet. Adrenaline coursed through my muscles, making them tingle and flex. I would be faster than most who would try to catch me, but where would I run to? â€Å"Wanda?†someone whispered quietly. â€Å"Wanda? Are you here? It's me.†His voice broke, and I knew him. â€Å"Jamie!†I rasped. â€Å"What are you doing? I told you I needed to be alone.†Relief was plain in his voice, which he now raised from the whisper. â€Å"Everybody is looking for you. Well, you know, Trudy and Lily and Wes-that everybody. Only we're not supposed to let anyone know that's what we're doing. No one is supposed to guess that you're missing. Jeb's got his gun again. Ian's with Doc. When Doc's free, he'll talk to Jared and Kyle. Everybody listens to Doc. So you don't have to hide. Everybody's busy, and you're probably tired†¦Ã¢â‚¬ As Jamie explained, he continued forward until his fingers found my arm, and then my hand. â€Å"I'm not really hiding, Jamie. I told you I had to think.†â€Å"You could think with Jeb there, right?†â€Å"Where do you want me to go? Back to Jared's room? This is where I'm supposed to be.†â€Å"Not anymore.†The familiar stubborn edge entered his voice. â€Å"Why is everyone so busy?†I asked to distract him. â€Å"What's Doc doing?†My attempt was unsuccessful; he didn't answer. After a minute of silence, I touched his cheek. â€Å"Look, you should be with Jeb. Tell the others to stop looking for me. I'll just hang out here for a while.†â€Å"You can't sleep here.†â€Å"I have before.†I felt his head shake in my hand. â€Å"I'll go get mats and pillows, at least.†â€Å"I don't need more than one.†â€Å"I'm not staying with Jared while he's being such a jerk.†I groaned internally. â€Å"Then you stay with Jeb and his snores. You belong with them, not with me.†â€Å"I belong wherever I want to be.†The threat of Kyle finding me here was heavy on my mind. But that argument would only make Jamie feel responsible for protecting me. â€Å"Fine, but you have to get Jeb's permission.†â€Å"Later. I'm not going to bug Jeb tonight.†â€Å"What is Jeb doing?†Jamie didn't answer. It was only at that point I realized he had deliberately not answered my question the first time. There was something he didn't want to tell me. Maybe the others were busy trying to find me, too. Maybe Jared's homecoming had returned them to their original opinion about me. It had seemed that way in the kitchen, when they'd hung their heads and eyed me with furtive guilt. â€Å"What's going on, Jamie?†I pressed. â€Å"I'm not supposed to tell you,†he muttered. â€Å"And I'm not going to.†His arms wrapped tightly around my waist, and his face pressed against my shoulder. â€Å"Everything is going to be all right,†he promised me, his voice thick. I patted his back and ran my fingers through his tangled mane. â€Å"Okay,†I said, agreeing to accept his silence. After all, I had my secrets, too, didn't I? â€Å"Don't be upset, Jamie. Whatever it is, it will all work out for the best. You're going to be fine.†As I said the words, I willed them to be true. â€Å"I don't know what to hope for,†he whispered. As I stared into the dark at nothing in particular, trying to understand what he wouldn't say, a faint glow caught my eye at the far end of the hallway-dim but conspicuous in the black cave. â€Å"Shhh,†I breathed. â€Å"Someone is coming. Quick, hide behind the boxes.†Jamie's head snapped up, toward the yellow light that was getting brighter by the second. I listened for the accompanying footsteps but heard nothing. â€Å"I'm not going to hide,†he breathed. â€Å"Get behind me, Wanda.†â€Å"No!†â€Å"Jamie!†Jared shouted. â€Å"I know you're back here!†My legs felt hollow, numb. Did it have to be Jared? It would be so much easier for Jamie if Kyle were the one to kill me. â€Å"Go away!†Jamie shouted back. The yellow light sped up and turned into a circle on the far wall. Jared stalked around the corner, the flashlight in his hand sweeping back and forth across the rock floor. He was clean again, wearing a faded red shirt I recognized-it had hung in the room where I'd lived for weeks and so was a familiar sight. His face was also familiar-it wore exactly the same expression it had since the first moment I'd shown up here. The beam of the flashlight hit my face and blinded me; I knew the light reflected brilliantly off the silver behind my eyes, because I felt Jamie jump-just a little start, and then he set himself more firmly than before. â€Å"Get away from it!†Jared roared. â€Å"Shut up!†Jamie yelled back. â€Å"You don't know her! Leave her alone!†He clung to me while I tried to unlock his hands. Jared came on like a charging bull. He grabbed the back of Jamie's shirt with one hand and yanked him away from me. He held on to his handful of fabric, shaking the boy while he yelled. â€Å"You're being an idiot! Can't you see how it's using you?†Instinctively, I shoved myself into the tight space between them. As I'd intended, my advance made him drop Jamie. I didn't want or need what else happened-the way his familiar smell assaulted my senses, the way the contours of his chest felt under my hands. â€Å"Leave Jamie alone,†I said, wishing for once that I could be more like Melanie wanted me to be-that my hands could be hard now, that my voice could be strong. He snatched my wrists in one hand and used this leverage to hurl me away from him, into the wall. The impact caught me by surprise, knocked the breath out of me. I rebounded off the stone wall to the floor, landing in the boxes again, making another crinkly crash as I shredded through more cellophane. The pulse thudded in my head as I lay awkwardly bent over the boxes, and for a moment, I saw strange lights pass in front of my eyes. â€Å"Coward!†Jamie screamed at Jared. â€Å"She wouldn't hurt you to save her own life! Why can't you leave her alone?†I heard the boxes shifting and felt Jamie's hands on my arm. â€Å"Wanda? Are you okay, Wanda?†â€Å"Fine,†I huffed, ignoring the throbbing in my head. I could see his anxious face hovering over me in the glow of the flashlight, which Jared must have dropped. â€Å"You should go now, Jamie,†I whispered. â€Å"Run.†Jamie shook his head fiercely. â€Å"Stay away from it!†Jared bellowed. I watched as Jared grabbed Jamie's shoulders and yanked the boy up from his crouch. The boxes this displaced fell on me like a small avalanche. I rolled away, covering my head with my arms. A heavy one caught me right between the shoulder blades, and I cried out in pain. â€Å"Stop hurting her!†Jamie howled. There was a sharp crack, and someone gasped. I struggled to pull myself out from under the heavy carton, rising up on my elbows dizzily. Jared had one hand over his nose, and something dark was oozing down over his lips. His eyes were wide with surprise. Jamie stood in front of him with both hands clenched into fists, a furious scowl on his face. Jamie's scowl melted slowly while Jared stared at him in shock. Hurt took its place-hurt and a betrayal so deep that it rivaled Jared's expression in the kitchen. â€Å"You aren't the man I thought you were,†Jamie whispered. He looked at Jared as though Jared were very far away, as if there were a wall between them and Jamie was utterly isolated on his side. Jamie's eyes started to swim, and he turned his head, ashamed of showing weakness in front of Jared. He walked away with quick, jerky movements. We tried, Melanie thought sadly. Her heart ached after the child, even as she longed for me to return my eyes to the man. I gave her what she wanted. Jared wasn't looking at me. He was staring at the blackness into which Jamie had disappeared, his hand still covering his nose. â€Å"Aw, damn it!†he suddenly shouted. â€Å"Jamie! Get back here!†There was no answer. Jared threw one bleak glance in my direction-I cringed away, though his fury seemed to have faded-then scooped up the flashlight and stomped after Jamie, kicking a box out of his way. â€Å"I'm sorry, okay? Don't cry, kid!†He called out more angry apologies as he turned the corner and left me lying in the darkness. For a long moment, it was all I could do to breathe. I concentrated on the air flowing in, then out, then in. After I felt I had that part mastered, I worked on getting up off the floor. It took a few seconds to remember how to move my legs, and even then they were shaky and threatened to collapse under me, so I sat against the wall again, sliding over till I found my rice-filled pillow. I slumped there and took stock of my condition. Nothing was broken-except maybe Jared's nose. I shook my head slowly. Jamie and Jared should not be fighting. I was causing them so much turmoil and unhappiness. I sighed and went back to my assessment. There was a vast sore spot in the center of my back, and the side of my face felt raw and moist where it had hit the wall. It stung when I touched it and left warm fluid on my fingers. That was the worst of it, though. The other bruises and scrapes were mild. As I realized that, I was unexpectedly overwhelmed by relief. I was alive. Jared had had his chance to kill me and he had not used it. He'd gone after Jamie instead, to make things right between them. So whatever damage I was doing to their relationship, it was probably not irreparable. It had been a long day-the day had already been long even before Jared and the others had shown up, and that seemed like eons ago. I closed my eyes where I was and fell asleep on the rice.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
A Not-For-Profit Medical Research Center Essay
The sole aim of this report is for marketing and promotional purposes of the Not-for-Profit medical research center. There is an increasing interest in the reporting of Not-for-profit organizations However, annual reports are part of an overall strategy to communicate with stakeholders, to donors and users, and can help foster public trust and build community and government support. It also helps build organization reputation, and can be a key means of reaching new donors, partners, volunteers and sponsors. ORGANIZATIONAL PURPOSE The Not-for-Profit medical research center is an organization engage on research, on diseases regarding aging. The Organization relies on raised funds from varying sources, including public, individual and the federal government. USERS OF OUR REPORT/STAKEHOLDER The users of our Report range from the stakeholders, to past donors including future donors. MISSION/VISION Our vision is a world free from aging diseases. We research into diseases related to aging. The Not-for-Profit medical research center is committed to produce a shorter, simpler and easy to read report that can be used for marketing and promotional purposes, to have it mailed to the stakeholders, past donors and high potential future donors. This is our vision and mission for our future outlook. STRATEGY Not-for-profit medical research center continuously collect data from patients, parents etc. And identify issues and make adjustments to our methods based on user/stakeholders demand. 1 Our strategy is aimed at determining long term goals and objectives which will strengthen our relationship with stakeholders, encourage our past and future donors and subsequently improve our organization. We have identified stakeholder needs and we have set certain machineries and strategies in place to achieve optimum satisfaction. We work closely with stakeholders and staffs to create the strategic plan that define our vision. We will continue to find new ways to obtain acceptable results on aging diseases and guarantee users satisfaction. The communication strategy we developed and implemented have been of benefit to our users, stakeholders and donors. We will expand our effort to improve our objectives. Due to our obvious progress, individuals, public and government have been very reliant on funding and support. GOALS AND PERFORMANCE Our goals and performance range from successful research regarding aging diseases to our stakeholder’s satisfaction in past years. We have been funded by the general public, individuals, groups and government. And donations to our organization are without seizing, and we have effectively utilized the funds and donations to develop and improve on our research efforts. RISK OPPORTUNITIES Despite our fiscal strength, insufficient funding remains a primary area of concern to our organization. The Executive board of the Not-for-profit medical research center is very much aware of the high risk and potential impact on our organization if there are no increase in funding and donations from individuals, public and/or from government. So funding remains one of our top most priorities for continuous operation. FINANCIAL AND NON-FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHT Our patients and parents have testified how our products have impacted their lives. Through this means and outcome monitoring, we have identified critical elements to ensure success and stakeholders satisfaction. The Not-For-Profit medical research center financial outcomes are higher than average and our outcome measures, matched our goals for the year. 2 FUND RAISING METHODS AND OUTCOME The Not-For-Profit medical research center continues to experience strong and increase funding through generous donations. We raise funds that are used to run our programs and operations and our outcomes are measured far above average. OUTLOOK FOR THE FUTURE We will continue to provide solutions to aging diseases through our research and products and thus, improve our methods and performance. ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE AND LEADERSHIP Our staffs consist of Grace, a marketing specialist, Levi a writer/editor, Lakysha, a staff assistant and her husband who is a photographer. And we have Alexis as director of external affairs, and also the stakeholders. GOVERNANCE The Not-for-Profit medical research center board of directors are ultimately responsible for governance, management and operations of the organization. The Board members bring personal experience to the table and are deeply committed to the aims and objectives of the organization. The Principal Director of the board is accountable both to the staffs and the Not-for -Profit medical research center and our product users. Activities, services and programs are executed by our staffs and volunteers, while administrative responsibilities are delegated to the executive directors. The identification and management of risk is also taken care of by the board. CONCLUSSION Our organization is a Not-for-Profit organization, and our research has been on aging diseases and the research center is reliant on funding and donations. Our annual Report possesses new and improved features with intent to show the benefit of the research center and impact on People’s lives. 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We acknowledge the support of stakeholders to the success of our programs, our past donors, patients and parents who are fans and users of our product and we are grateful to our team of experts/staffs who applied all necessary skills to achieve our great success. Our board of Directors are not left short of sincere gratitude and appreciation. REFERENCE Successful project management Gido & Clement 5th edition (Page 130-131) 4
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Plan to Pursue at the University of California Personal Statement
Plan to Pursue at the University of California - Personal Statement Example Also, since my aunt is a businesswoman, working as an executive director in Li and Fung Trading Ltd, one of the largest trading logistics company in the world, I gained enough orientation and perspectives on economics in terms of both micro and macroeconomic exposures of the firm’s trading relationships with other institutions and its effect on the macro level. As a marketing trainee, I realized the importance of understanding the theoretical framework and concepts on economics as various economic models assist in understanding real word business implications of trading and could assist in predicting organizational behavior, in general. I am aware that by pursuing a degree in economics, I would be accorded the opportunity to be illuminated on economic problems and factors affecting organizations including policy design and analysis of alternatives to make the appropriate decisions which would maximize profits and growth potentials. The involvement with Li and Fung Trading Ltd provided the impetus for a more determined stance to pursue a degree in Economics. I was made more aware that most organizational problems can be analyzed and evaluated through an economic analysis approach and the kind of solutions that economic principles suggest are enormous and diverse. I would like to be instrumental in assisting my current and future organizations in determining effective solutions to problems through a better understanding of the local economy, national and world’s most pressing problems and the determination of appropriate approach to solve these problems through economic perspectives. Through working with Li and Fung Trading Ltd, I developed the necessary discipline and skills to pursue higher education. Through interrelationships with colleagues and groups, I developed group and interpersonal skills, as well as communication skills needed in academic disciplines.Â
Friday, September 27, 2019
The Future Gulf Currency Union Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Future Gulf Currency Union - Essay Example However, one has to be concerned about the factors that led to the success of monetary unions for the US and Euro-zone. The economy of the Gulf States is homogenous in nature, which relies heavily on oil. In contrast, the economy of the Euro-zone and US is heterogeneous with each state relying on diversified economic sectors. The economics of the currency unification are clearly spelt out by Mundell (1961) in his theory of optimum currency areas. According to Mundell R. A. (1961), for a successful currency union there should be factor mobility within the region of currency union, while there should be factor immobility between other regions in the world. So what are these factor mobility and factor immobility for the case of the Gulf States? These are factors of production within the region of currency union. The mobility of factors of production helps to compensate for asymmetrical economic shocks in the region of currency union. The asymmetrical economic shocks are normally adjusted for by the flexibility of the currency exchange rates. Without these adjustments or the mobility of the factors of production, unemployment and inflation would result. In line with the premise advocated by Mundell R. A., (1961), there should be little movement of factors of production outside the region of currency union. This paper will examine the case of the Gulf States in order to form an opinion on whether a monetary union is feasible based on the theory of optimum currency areas advocated by Mundell R. A. (1961). The situations leading to the formation of United States and Euro-zone currency union will be examined in order to determine how well they compare with the impending Gulf Monetary Union. The paper will further examine the economies of the six member countries, namely; Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (UAE), and see the impacts, which the use of a common currency can have on them. The factors that can
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Current Problems with the US Public Education Essay - 103
Current Problems with the US Public Education - Essay Example Low-income is the source of poverty for a number of Americans today. According to (Strauss 1), the numbers of students of children, from preschool to 12th grade, that benefit from the federal free and subsided feeding have increased exponentially over the years. Children from low-income backgrounds now dominate most of the public schools. Despite the magnitude of the problem, the federal education policy has not considered poverty to be a major challenge to the education system in the United States. It is obvious that students find it difficult to cope with school hence ends up missing classes or are psychologically affected by the poverty levels in their homes. To emphasize the magnitude of the problem of poverty, a study by National Student Clearinghouse Research Center showed that schools with high-income students sent more students to college as opposed to those that have been sent by schools dominated by low-income students (Strauss 1).The No Child Left Behind Act is one of the major policies that give the parents a leeway to choose schools for their children. The law allows parents to consider taking their children to schools of their choice while at the same time providing a free tutoring platform for schools that do not perform well. Safety is also captured as a major consideration in the choice of the school that the parent prefers. The law provides that both local and state school districts should provide information to the parent in order to make an informed choice of the school to take their child.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Criminal justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6
Criminal justice - Essay Example The application of GIS will increase and enhance criminal analysis capacities and law enforcement operation. Law enforcement agencies have been using GIS since early 1970s (Albert & Leipnik, 2003). In 1970s, technological advancements in the field of computers made computerized pin mapping available only to large police agencies. These systems were complex and required mainframe computers in order to be operational. The development of client server technology in 1980s made it possible for GIS to be obtainable at inexpensive cost. However, it was in 1990s when GIS technology progressed because of strong, efficient personal computers that were capable of handling considerable amounts of data. When implementing GIS, the organization will require efficient and enhanced computer systems to manage the rising number of records in their database. It will be essential to provide the staff with consistent power backup, archival gadgets and software, good quality printer having the ability to give color prints, user responsive GIS mapping software (Asbell, 2003). The law enforcement agency will be required to buy and install several copies of the mapping and provide it to the crime analyst. Advance computer networks will be required in order to connect to its own local network as well as countrywide network in order to distribute and share the data in all the existing departments of the organization (Burns, Leipnik, & Evans, 2003). This will enable all crime analysts to exchange data and examine all the reports. The computer system has to be aided with Computer Dispatch System to make the records management efficient and operational (Messina & May, 2003). The purpose of GIS is to successfully handle and control resources; offer enhanced and improved situational alertness, make more knowledgeable and up to date assessments in an appropriate manner, increase planned and functional planning, effective communication, understanding the crime in a
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Boxing culture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Boxing culture - Research Paper Example Boxing goes as far back as the second and third millennium BC. Archaeologists have found drawings and tablets that suggest that fist fighting was something that begun a long time ago, it may not have been as sophisticated as it is right now, and usually they would result in dangerous and deadly battles. Homer’s Iliad gives a good depiction of a possibly early era boxing fight. He writes it in the Mycenaean era and sometimes they would beat each other with fists until one of them died. (Fleischer) The very first ever boxing match was documented in 1681 and it took place in Britain. This happened when the Duke of Albemarle initiated a fight between his own butler and butcher and offered a prize to the winner. After a few years, boxing began to grow. All over England, matches were held. Years later, a match resulted to an opponent being killed, and this prompted a man known as Jack Boughton to develop the very first set of rules and had them published in 1743. There were twelve p rominent rules and this was when wearing of gloves was first brought in. This is where the knockout rule came about that stated that if a man was down and couldn’t continue for thirty seconds, then the fight was over. Broughton’s rules had the welfare of the players in mind. Because of his contribution, he is considered â€Å"the Father of Boxing†. The point where boxing really began to revolutionize was in 1865 when John Sholto Douglass, the Eighth Marquess of Queensberry wrote new boxing rules that basically transformed the sport to what it is today. In these new rules, he introduced the time of three minutes per round. He also made the wearing of gloves mandatory and prohibited wrestling during the match. These rules really kicked in when James Corbett defeated John Sullivan with the new established rules. He was the first world heavyweight champion under the Queensberry rules. It was in the early 19th century that boxing was first included in the St. Louis O lympic Games. Beginning with that, many talented fighters all over the world began flocking and they would fight for titles. This went on, really well into the 21st century. In 1927, the National Boxing Association (NBA) was formed. This was the very first authorization body to oversee the sport. The main goal of the NBA was to get talented boxers together to fight, to make sure there were no ethical problems, and to make the sport even more popular than it was at the time. Today, there are three governing bodies over boxing. They are the World Boxing Council (WBC), International Boxing Federation (IBF), and the World Boxing Association (WBA). (Fox) Today, the Marquis of Queensberry rules are still being used. Some of the rules include that there should be up to three judges at ringside to score the game. Each boxer is also assigned a ring corner where he will take breaks, and enter in at. Another general rule of boxing is that hitting below the belt, biting, pushing or any of the l ike is prohibited. To avoid this, the boxer should have his shorts pulled up so as to not hit the genitals. A boxer cannot hold the ropes for support while he is punching or drop anywhere below the waist of the opponent while punching.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Any piece of Art work that is done by georgia o'keeffe Essay
Any piece of Art work that is done by georgia o'keeffe - Essay Example 2. Formal Qualities The Cliff Chimneys, a 36 ? 30 inches painting 3. Subject She was highly motivated and inspired by the stark, but extensively colored yellow and red hills and cliffs occupying the Ghost Ranch area. Additionally, she liked the jagged cliff formations that occupied the land near the Abiquiu village, and this prompted her to purchase a house in Ghost Ranch (â€Å"O’Keeffe's O'Keeffes: The Artist's Collection†). The Abiquiu village being surrounded by the Navajo hills and cedar trees, Georgia enjoyed walking around Ghost Ranch. The experience of the hills, cliffs and environment in general that she encountered in Ghost ranch that motivated her to paint The Cliff Chimneys. B. Price (Inc. why?) The Cliff Chimneys painting is currently being sold at $ 279 by Reproduction Gallery. However, the rice is bound to increase if the customers wish to enlarge it and make a bigger size of the original painting. The increase in price is accountable since producing a bi gger size of the original painting requires additional oil and canvas as well as frame (â€Å"O’Keeffe's O'Keeffes: The Artist's Collection†) C. Placement (Where is it?) The Cliff Chimneys is currently being displayed at Milwaukee Art Museum. This is after it was presented by Georgia O’Keeffe Foundation and Gift of Jane Bradley Pettit Foundation. D. Cultural context O’Keeffe was inspired by the events and discoveries that she encountered in the South and West regions of the Taos regions to make the painting. She was highly motivated and inspired by the stark, but extensively colored yellow and red hills and cliffs occupying the Ghost Ranch area. Additionally, she liked the jagged cliff formations that occupied the land near the Abiquiu village, and this prompted her to purchase a house in Ghost Ranch (â€Å"O’Keeffe's O'Keeffes: The Artist's Collection†). The Abiquiu village being surrounded by the Navajo hills and cedar trees, Georgia enjoy ed walking around Ghost Ranch. The experience of the hills, cliffs and environment in general that she encountered in Ghost ranch that motivated her to paint The Cliff Chimneys I. The Artist (Name) Georgia Totto O’Keeffe A. Background Georgia Totto O’Keeffe was born on 15th November, 1887, in a ranch house near Sun Prairie, Winconsin. Her father, Francis Calyxtus O'Keeffe was of Irish descent while her mother Ida (Totto) O'Keeffe was of Hungarian descent. It is from her maternal grandfather, George Totto that Georgia O’Keeffe got her name. She was the second born in her family of seven children, as well as the first daughter. B. Education and Influences She started her schooling in Town Hall School, Sun Prairie. It is during her early days in school that Georgia O’Keeffe began to gain interests in art (â€Å"O’Keeffe's O'Keeffes: The Artist's Collection†). This is attributed to the fact that by age ten she had already made up her mind of bec oming an artist; thus, together with her younger sister they started receiving art instructions from Sara Mann, a local water-colorist. O’Keeffe attended Sacred Heart Academy, Madison High School, and later Catham Episcopal Institute for her high school education. She later pursued artistic training at the School of Art Institute based in Chicago and the Art Students League based in New York. It is while studying at Arts Students League that she won a scholarship to attend an outdoor summer school located in Lake George. C. Intention Georgia’
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Compare and contrast essay Essay Example for Free
Compare and contrast essay Essay Brown Brothers; How Negative Stereotypes Affect Polynesian And Maori In New Zealand My demographic is: high school cleaning ladies, fast food burger-making, factory boxpacking, rubbish truck drivers, bus drivers, taxi drivers, sober drivers and living off the pension joy riders  I am a dropout. These are all ideas raised and challenged by Joshua Iosefos 2011 viral speech, Brown Brother. Brown Brother is one of three texts that will be examined, compared and contrasted in this essay. The second text, Manurewa, is a short film based on the South Auckland murder of Navtej Singh, a liquor shop owner. The third text is Fish Heads, a short story written by Aparina Taylor, that focuses on a group of Maori boys who live in the city. The media is a huge culprit for the negative stereotyping that has been brought upon pacifica people. Brown people are more than what they are portrayed to be through media. Films such as Manurewa reinforce many of the negative stereotypes that have been brought upon Pacific people. The stereotype of brown people is a negative one, one of unemployment, one of crime, one of violence. In Manurewa each one of these stereotypes were portrayed. The men in the short film were all unemployed, all committed crime and all showed violence. â€Å"Bro Town, Sione’s Wedding, and do I have to mention the GC? Now I dont mean to condescend I mean these shows are great, dont get me wrong but can anyone explain: will there ever be a time when our representation goes deeper than putting our own people to shame?†Joshua Iosefo, in his Brown Brother speech, spoke about this issue – how the media represents brown people in a negative light. He highlights how these types of shows create and enforce the stereotypes that brown people now have to live by. While these shows are meant to entertain, this negative reinforcement only show the bad side of Polynesian and Maori people. One of the major themes of the film Manurewa is about people being trapped by low expectations and invisible boundaries. People can become trapped from attaining success, trapped from fulfilling their potential, and trapped from being heard. The message in the film Manurewa is that not all brown people are bad, but the expectations that their stereotypes have created for them along with the people that they are surrounded with often leads to them making horrific mistakes. In this true story, a good person has been surrounded with unemployed, violent people and ultimately ends up committing a murder. In the beginning of the film the boy shows that he does have love and passion in his heart through feeding and nurturing the horse. After the murder the three older men are happy and excited but the boy was completely distressed about what he had done. These two scenes clearly show that the boy is a good person who simply made a bad mistakes because of the people that he was surrounded by. When Joshua Iosefo performed Brown Brother at the Tedx conference, he explained how brown people are trapped because of expectations, and surroundings. Meaning that the expectations that have been set from the stereotypes as well as the people that they are surrounded by impact greatly and almost trap brown people from success. He used a box as an example, where he explained that each side of the box needs to be kicked down in order for Maori and Polynesian people to succeed. People need to make the change themselves through their own actions. Brown people need to stop being what the stereotypes expects them to be and need to start proving that they are better than the stereotype. In the short story, Fish Heads the Maori boys are short of money but they do not let this stop them. All four boys are employed, they all work for the little money that they have and they show that there is no reason to live the way that the stereotype expects them to live. They are not violent, they do not commit crimes and they do not drink alcohol excessively. They respect people and they are happy living a simple wholesome life. Similarly, Joshua Iosefo talks about beating the stereotype, about standing up and showing that you are better than the stereotype. â€Å"You can do all things through Christ, Philippians 4:13. You are more than capable. And I don’t say that just to make you feel better, I say that because I know. Cause your creator told me to tell you so. Yo u will go places, you will tell stories, so do not feel afraid or alone for your God and your family and your home will forever be inside the marrow of your bones. So do not fret, do not regret. For where you go, you take us with you. Brown brother, do not be afraid to be the first, the first to graduate, the first to climb, the first prime minister, or the first good wife  brown brother, do not be afraid to be the change. Not in skin tone or colour, but a change in mindset. From one brown brother, to another†. These are the powerful words that Joshua pointed at people living under the expectations that the stereotype has set for them. This powerful message is aimed st those who have been beaten by the expectations that have been set by the stereotype. The three texts, Manurewa, Brown Brother and Fish Heads clearly illustrate that there are negative stereotypes and low expectations for Polynesians and Maori in New Zealand. These stereotypes can lead people to feel that they are stuck and defined by their stereotype. Joshua Iosefos speech, talked of the stereotype that was his demographic but also said that Polynesians needed to be responsible for overcoming or changing this stereotype. In the film Manurewa, the inability for Isaac to escape from this cycle of negativity lead the once caring teenager to associate with bad people and ultimately lead to him murdering an innocent man. Whereas in contrast, the text Fish Heads showed that if people are r emoved from negative environments and influences, they are able to live in a non-stereotypical way.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Pacific oil company Essay Example for Free
Pacific oil company Essay The Pacific Oil Company went into negotiations with Reliant Manufacturing, and its goal was to sign a more long-term agreement. Pacific assumed that the new contract would be signed with no major hurdles or objectives, and that the dominant point of negotiation would be price. Jean Fontaine, who is the marketing vice president for Pacific Oil, went into a negotiation process with Reliant. Jean started the process several years before Reliant Manufacturing’s contract was up, hoping to beat her competition to the lower price offers and leave with a contract extension of 5 years. Unfortunately, Jean did not properly research her client’s needs or adequately project what the outcome might be. Because of this, Pacific Oil Company was not prepared to address the concerns and requests that Reliant brought up during the negotiation. Though both parties wanted to move quickly toward signing a contract, Pacific Oil Company elongated this process because it did not have a thorough negotiation strategy that included a contingency plan or best alternatives. Pacific oil also neglected to draw out its best alternatives or bottom line in advance. Staying on the Same Page in Business Negotiations Pacific believed that other elements of the contract might be discussed, but that no dramatic changes would be expected. Because of Pacific’s lack of strategic planning, they wasted valuable time, money, emotional stress and energy. They also risked losing other opportunities that could have been more favorable for them. Adding to the problem was Pacific’s assumption that Reliant would sign a new contract quickly. Because of the time and money spent on traveling and negotiating back and forth, and the potential need for new technology development, which would be based on the contract’s outcome, Pacific Oil Company became increasingly desperate to finalize a contract with Reliant. As a result, Reliant obtained the advantage needed to make more demands during negotiations. Additionally, Reliant was aware of Pacific Oil’s dependence on its business, and took full advantage of these opportunities.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Realist Theory of International Relations
Realist Theory of International Relations Introduction Sovereign States are the main actors in International system, and they are the most influential when it comes to the International stage. States are majorly concerned about their security, territory expansion, order, justice, welfare, freedom and power. States has a function under a political theory, an ideology that analyse how States should run its relations with other States and principles to handling political situations. Also a State must be aware of its States actions and when a problem rises, it must use the best approach to resolving it. Realist share a view on International relations such as the causes of war and stability of peace, the structure of International system is regarded as a necessary factor to explanation of questions in International affairs. This essay advocates for the realist theory, as its an International relations theory focused on anarchy, State actors, rational actors and States survival and its best described as personal perspective on International re lation. Realist are of the notion that theories ought to consist of facts and giving meaning and sense to situations. The character of foreign policy can be seen through the political acts and the consequences of the acts. From this we can see the actions and objectives of statesmen, and consequences of their actions. Realist assumes that Statesmen actions are driven by their self-interest (power) and history has proven this assumption. Besides the theoretical element, a normative element is also considered. It shares the need for a theoretical understanding, to make the rational element of political reality obvious. States are guided by national interest, although the interest might vary depending on the circumstances. The State can be seen as a unitary actor. Because States problems are majorly defined by the nature of the international system, their actions are basically a responds to external rather than domestic political forces.(Ole, 2006; P5). In response to the suggestions that scholars should devise and test theories of foreign policy, Waltz writes that there is a lot which is included in an analysis while very little is included in theories. He opined that due to foreign policy which is driven by internal and external factors, it does not amount to such an autonomous realm, a truly theoretical explanation of it should not be strived for, rather a mere analyses should be considered and it may include a relevant factor to a particular case(Walt, 1996. Pp54-55) In this light, an analysis of the strength and weakness of the realist theory using the case study approach. An analysis with the realist paradigm in the Middle East context which in my opinion is weaker than its counterparts. They control a good amount of the world energy both oil reserves and natural gas reserves according to a statistic review. Realists are of the view of coming up with direct answers to problems, they characterise the State as a government which defends its border, protects the citizens, enforce laws and make politics peaceful and totally different from the International politics(Mearsheimer, 1995 P5). The supreme model of international relations for almost six decades has been Realism, because it provides a well structured understanding of the collapse of post-World War I international order in Europe and far East and also in World War II and the Cold War. Classical realism on human nature has always had a pessimistic theory, self interest behavior are not limited to few leader and its very basic and also a core of a realist theory. Because human nature is constant and unavoidable in International relations and in order to avoid problems, modern realist have focused less on human nature instead on the structure of the system to understand the state behavior better. The lack of precision in which the classical realist use the concept of balance of power, power and national interest has been noted by critics. They noted a refutation between the perspective and central descriptive component of realism. Nations and nations leaders seem to act in the motion of interests in terms of power, while other Statesmen give recognition and consider the interests of other nations. Power in classical realism obviously plays a major role but the connection between political outcomes and relative power balances is less than fascinating, pointing out the need for enriched analyses with other variables . The difference between usable options and power as capabilities is very important in such a nuclear age, for example just like the Soviets learnt in Afghanistan and the United States discovery in Vietnam. September 11, 2001, terrorist attack on New York and Washington is much of an illustration of the lack of consistency between political impact and material capability. History and political science insight and evidence has critically being viewed by classical realist, the search for clarification has led modern realist to search for similarities and insights. The main focus is often economics, which modern realists have used different borrowed concept such as game theory, theories of firms and market, rational choice, bargaining theories and expected utility. The search for precision has brought up rich theories and models such as the game theory which Mortan Kaplan relates as types of international systems which includes- Unit-veto, tight bipolar, universal, balance of power, loose bipolar and hierarchical. Some other scholars have developed means of understanding international relations by good explanation of system level. Realism theory is not a clearly defined theory, scholars who have studied it differ in interpretation of the theory, some scholars have argues that it is formed within a general establishing state (Feruson and Mansbach, 1988; p79). While other would argue that it is a loose framework (Rosenthal,1991; p7), One standing view of realists by commentators of international relations theory is that the realists are believers of state as the actor in international politics and they are much concerned of the balance of power in a state. The state act a certain way due to the character of people and this is closely related to the theory of Thucydides on human nature that speaks of egoism, power drive and self-interest. They desperately desire protection for themselves only excluding every other, only in cases where they are to gain from an inclusion. This then creates a ground for the sate itself, making it a selfish state that seeks protection and assurance of survival for itself only at the cost of other state to fall, which is somehow also considered an achievement (Heywood, 2011; p67). According to Kenneth Waltz in his theory of international politics, the theory of war is also involved with the system level and not just the state attributes and theory of human nature. Waltz proceeded by agreeing that new beginnings brings in new concepts and he was of the motion that international system basic structure hasnt change one bit, things are still the same, states as the main actor in world politics, Waltz believed that changes in the system that has taken place in history was as a result of nuclear weapon discovery. Some States changed in the security provision for themselves and including other States due to Nuclear weapons, the nuclear weapon somehow defined how power in States in terms of security, but still the anarchic structure of international political system has not being changed by nuclear weapons and it is this anarchical structure that makes Realism to be the superior theory of international relations. Security competition between States has being mistaken to be an outdated notion, but this notion has been shattered by the Middle East interstate conflicts, terrorism, human right violation, religious fundamentalism and other enormity which has taken place. The anarchical situation happening in the Middle East is best described by Realism. Hence it has be proven by the conflict in Pakistan, Iran, Iraq and interstates conflicts in Africa that security competitions are not antiquated but alive. Waltz theory was used to conclude on the characteristics of international relations, which includes some unclear theory about the contemporary international system such as system stability on anarchical character maintenance and no change in the number of major actors. A theory of the foundation on the three main proposition to determine the structure of international relations was brought by Waltz due to the avoidance of reductionism. The first focus was to concentrate on how the system is ordered. The contemporary system is not hierarchical though it is different in many ways. The other main proposition is the behaviour of the state and the contemporary system and anarchic system are similar because the anarchical system is based on a sovereign state. Realism is recognized to have little historical concept of States, Neo-realism main problem is to rely on a preoccupation of Great Power relation. It favours the powerful minority over the weak. While for Realism, the state is the main actor in the aspect of international politics. This seems to be an issue because the realists sees the state to be having a massive unchanging structure. This was certainly a problem for the Middle East because they are the outcome of foreign domination. Conceptualization of states is limited, as it takes account for no agency according to neorealist theory. Negative Internal factors regarding state behaviour is not considered. For example the rejection of the impact to the pursuit towards Arabic Israeli peace by the Pan Arabism. Transnational Islamist politics was useful in helping to elaborate on the Iraq-Iran war adjustment of behaviour in religious aspects since the Iranian revolution(Gause 1999). Realist theory has also being unable to explain and analyse conflict issues, the examination of the conflict in the Middle East has being contrary to the neo-realist unwarranted claim on the predominance of factors in elaborating on the behaviour of states. It is believed by Fred Halliday that neo-realism possess not a reasonable predictive capacity and even explanation to the management and reduction of Middle East conflicts. The inability of these, results from the fact that conflicts are twisted complicated with state building and this forms a political communities that is not addressed by both theories(Halliday 2005.) There has being serious theoretical criticism and accusations on realism from both scholars and others on the unimportance of its marginalizing of the world which it tried to systematize(Burchill). The realities of present days has being brought to light the importance of realism. An analysis on International Relations theory has proven that realism for a fact has some weaknesses but still I root for the theory for bringing awareness and understanding of the time we live in and also the concept of realism has being relevance in the understanding of the society and the world at large, giving an idea of how to deal with situations at hand. Realism has being very useful in dealing with difficult issues affecting the International community today. The balance of power concept gotten from the philosophy of power as a main factor of realism. For example, After the Franco-Prussian War, the world order progressed, which lead to a stronger Germany, The milestones that made a logic in the historical process was the Versailles-Washington world order which was after World War I and Yalta-Potsdam world order which was after World War 11.(Carr, 1995). The world has always had a problem of power struggle, the balancing of power and war . Meanwhile war has being a means of changing and shaping modern states. Theorist and policy makers would prefer to believe that there is a way power can be balanced but the truth is power is far from being balanced. An evidence is the United States, as a super power, it has not being very productive in ensuring other nations have a genuine peaceful environment. It is best for a state to preserve its balance of power instead of shifting it as a way of raising conflicts and instability. To some, it is believed that balance of power means resorting of war. States are suppose to get along and sort out their problems with the world but that is where the issue of competition comes in, National interest takes a better part of the situation and state find themselves in a competitive environment.(Buzan,1996). It is certain that every state or nation leader would want to put the interest, independence and survival of its citizen first as a primary factor and also the condition of its existence. Realist theory has appeared to be a useful theory to states by fulfilling the interest of the nation, the theory has given an opportunity for a better understanding of the true human nature and shown things in their real nature. I would totally agree that realism to an extent isnt perfect and cannot have solutions to all problems but still it is able to make contribution and understanding to world issues and challenges. Realism is a vibrant theory, due to the use of it in present day IR and the role it plays in nation states, power, national interest, security, conflict and all. The weakness of the theory doesnt it make it irrelevant, but it can be combined with other theories to make a better outstanding outcome. It is clear that till present day, realism is still alive in so many aspects of international relations, such as in the political life of states, nations interest, sovereignty, war, conflict, security and power. Realism has served state as a point of understanding the world since it shows a good sign of useful thinking. It appears that realism has something valuable to offer to the world in describing it and it can either be accepted or disagreed with. For instance, most nation are going through some development changes, economic crisis which is affecting a lot of nations. State are by all means doing everything in their power to protect their interest and this may lead to some kind of consequences. There can be a rise of negative feelings between states due to national boundaries which could result to conflict. In cases like this, it might be useful to look at realism to get some answers or possible solutions to a situation like this. Waltz, Carr and Morgenthau have all done a good job for giving a clearer picture of what the world really is, rather than what is should be. The focus on the reality of the system has being a better move, rather than focusing on unrealistic political ideas. The theory provides a reasonable explanation to thing, thus it has being highly recognised and used in IR. Realist are of the notion that practice creates theory and not theory creating practice(Carr). They are of the believe that state have the privilege to use organizational forces such as military interventions, still there are still a level of terrorism in the world and state are the ones privilege to use organized forces then non-state actors. The fact that realism is only focused on its own core assumption and not studying other factors that affects international relations, this would lead it as the most used theory in IR that gives understanding to contemporary international affairs. Realism has served the political world v ery well , giving a foundation of how people conduct International Relations. It is clear that realism is more than a theory and cannot be understood by the scientific explanation of international relations, Realist theory is one that relies on the political and historical conditions, the ethical standards and the importance in making political decisions was definitely judged. It also has being very useful in cautioning against moralism, legalism and progressivism and other that fail to view reality of State interest and power. Therefore realism is an essential tool for states, in protecting the interest of citizens, securing their safety, preventing of conflicts and war or anything that threatens the global peace. References Ayoob, Mohammed (1998). Subaltern realism: international relations theory meets the third world. In Stephanie G. Neuman (ed.), International Relations Theory and the Third World. St. Martins Press. Pp 31-54. Artur Marsalis, 2012. The International Relations theories; its strengths weaknesses. British Middle Burchill, Scott, et al., Theories of International Relations, London, Palgrave, third edition, 2005. East Center for Studies Research Buzan, Barry, ‘The Timeless Wisdom of Realism?’ in Smith, Steve, Booth, Ken and Zalewski, Marysia, eds., International Theory: Positivism and Beyond, Cambridge University Press, 1996. Carr, E.H., The Twenty Years Crisis 1919-1939: An Introduction to the study of International Relations, (London: Papermac, 1995). Dougherty, James and Pfaltzgraff, Robert (eds), Contending Theories of International Relations, 1981.Elman, C., 1996. Horses for Courses: Why Not Neorealist Theories of Foreign Policy?. Security Studies, 6(1), pp. 7-53. Ferguson Yale H., R. W., 1988. The Elusive Quest: Theory and International Politics. 1st ed. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press. Heywood, A., 2011. Global Politics. 1st ed. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Hinnebusch, R., 2003. The International Politics of the Middle East. UK: Manchester University Press. John J. Mearsheimer, 2001. â€Å"The Tragedy of Great Power Politics†. New York: Norton Kegley, Charles, ‘The Neoidealist Moment in International Studies? Realist Myths and New International Realities’, International Studies Quarterly, vol. 37, 1993. Morgenthau, Hans J., 1946. Scientific Man Versus Power Politics, Chicago: Chicago University Press Morton Kaplan, System and Process in International Politics (New York, 1957). Ole R. Holsti., 2006. Theories of International Relations , 1962. â€Å"The Intellectual and Political Functions of a Theory of International Relations,†in Politics in the 20th Century, Vol. I, â€Å"The Decline of Democratic Politics,†Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Robert Jackson, G.S.,2013 , Introduction to International Relations Theories and Approaches. 5th ed. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press Rosenthal, J. H., 1991. righteous realists political realism, responsible power, and American culture in the nuclear age. 1st ed. louisiana: Louisiana State University Press. Waltz , Kenneth N. International Politics Is Not Foreign Policy, Security Studies 6 (Autumn 1996), 54-55 ,2000. Structural Realism after the Cold War. International Security 25, no. 1 (Summer 2000): 5-41. Williams, Michael C. (ed.), 2007. Realism Reconsidered: The Legacy of Hans Morgenthau in International Relations, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Hope, C. , 2012. The Telegraph. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 January 2015] United Nations, 2013. Press Release. [Online]Available at: [Accessed 6 January 20
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Three Admirable Souls :: essays research papers
Three Admirable Souls There are different people that have certain qualities that make us admire them. Some people have their own admirable souls. The three nationally known figures that I admire and respect are Jackie Robinson, Billy Graham, and Condolezza Rice, due to all of their recognizable tributes that they have given not only to their families but to everyone around the world. The first person I admire and respect is Jackie Robinson there are many reasons for my admiration for Mr. Robinson. To begin with Jackie Robinson proved to be a man of courage and self respect. He earned and proved this courage and self respect by accepting a very challenging invitation to become the first African American to enter the Major League Baseball, where there was only Caucasian players. For example, when he first began to play he was faced with racism with this also came along, discrimination, physical, and verbal abuse. While facing this racism, Jackie Robinson held on to proving himself a man of self respect and looking forward to proving that a man should not be valued or accepted by the color of his skin, but by the inward person, which makes us who really are. Jackie Robinson behaved like a gentleman despite of all the challenges before him and so by doing this he gained respect by those around him and opened opportunities for other African American players to enter the National Baseball League. These are the qualities of Jackie Robinson courage, humbleness, and self respect that have come to make me admire and respect him. The second person that I admire and respect is Billy Graham. Billy Graham is a world famous evangelist that has been called to preach the Gospel according to his religious belief. Billy Graham began his ministry in the United States and England for the "Youth of Christ Crusade", which eventually led him to have large-scale evangelistic campaign in Los Angeles in 1949. I admire his dedication to his ministry because he has taken the gospel so that every one will have an opportunity to receive salvation according to his religious belief. Billy Graham is still obedient to the calling of his ministry because of his fifty six years of preaching and at the age of eighty seven his obedience is still having an influence on young and older people. Those who have had an encounter with Mr. Graham have had their faith stronger and have spiritually grown.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Controversy Over Music Censorship Essay -- Media
The Controversy Over Music Censorship Censorship in music is a very controversial subject in today’s society. What is considered a form of artistic expression to some is also considered vulgar and inappropriate to others. But who ultimately gets to decide what is considered vulgar and what is not? Who decides who hears what in the music industry? The RIAA is responsible for applying the Parental Advisory stamp on every album that is released in the United States. The FCC is responsible for making sure that no vulgarities or controversial comments are aired on radio or television. But why is some content edited and other content not? I will try and explain these questions in our article. What decides whether or not the Parental Advisory stickers get placed on an album? The RIAA follows seven guidelines in applying this important notice. 1) Contemporary cultural morals can not be offended or mocked in any way, shape or form. 2) The context of words can not be used offensively. This includes curse words. 3) The context of the song itself must not be offen...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Black Boy Isolation Essay
In Richard Wright’s book, â€Å"Black Boy,†the main character who also narrates the story is Richard himself since the book is written from his point of view; we find out a lot about how Richard feels and get detailed accounts of how he reacts to the things that happen to him. Even though Richard tries hard to relate to all groups of people around him, he cannot because he is so different, so much more independent and strong willed than the masses around him, these and other forms of isolation help shape Richard Wright’s character throughout the novel. In Richard’s neighborhood when he lives with his grandma, the thing that separates him most from everyone else is religion. Richard decided he is an atheist at a very young age, which also demonstrates his ability to think independently, even under pressure. He is persistent and stands by his view, because he cannot relate to the one imposed on him. He says, â€Å"Perhaps if I had †¦ remained basically unaffected. (pg 112) Richard believes that religion cannot give him anything more than he already has, so he rejects it as pointless even though everyone around him is trying to persuade him to accept God or else â€Å"lose his soul†and countless other threats. But, Richard is strong and doesn’t pay attention to any of these threats, which in a way separates him from his entire neighborhood. This and going to a religious school where all his peers have dry personalities, contributes to his isolation as a child. And, since he does not believe that God cares about him, this may increase his loneliness even more. So Richard starts to look to other things, such as writing, as a way to create a world for himself in which he does not feel isolated. Another group that he feels very far from is his immediate family. Ever since Richard was little, he has been beaten, threatened, scared and hungry and he mostly associates these feelings with members of his family. Because of the lack of love around him, Richard cannot believe in true love, which is a scar for life. For example when he meets Bess he says, â€Å"I stared at her†¦ then I was sorry that I had said it,†(pg 218. ) When Bess tries to be nice to Richard he is shocked and cannot understand how some people can love so purely and simply. He also comes to realize that he has a very different understanding of the word â€Å"love†than Bess because he has never been loved by anyone nor had any real family life. So, his isolation from his family early in life becomes a handicap later when he is unable to accept true love, which isolates him even more from people in his dult life. The last and most important group Richard cannot relate to at all is the white community. He is so different from the other blacks; willing to question racism, independent, not wanting to be treated like everyone else and with a deep, unique understanding that racism is wrong. He also voices his concerns more than the other blacks, so he has to bear a lot of violence and putdowns throughout his life. He has a conversation about this with Griggs, an old schoolmate: â€Å"Do you want to get killed? †¦ don’t anybody act a damn bit like it. (pg 183) and then contemplates this idea: â€Å"It was simply †¦ my way with everybody. †(pg 185) This is the most important isolation in the book because even though it applies to all blacks it applies to Richard even more because he is different from the whites as well as the blacks. This makes him not part of either community; he cannot understand the way black people act like whites are superior and he cannot understand the way white people act like blacks are inferior. Richard is again isolated from everyone around him. In conclusion, because of the ignorance and intolerance of all the people around him, black and white, Richard can never relate to anyone, which makes him lead a very lonely and detached life. This in turn motivates him to find a better life, whether it would be in the North or in novels/writing. Because of this isolation and narrow-mindedness of people around him, Richard aspires to be someone and to prove to the people who don’t believe in him and his values that he will continue to be an individual no matter what.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Southern United States and White People
DBQ Essay Many African Americans gained freedom of slavery from 1775 to 1830 during the same period the institution of slavery was expanded. Slavery was expanded because of the profits from growing cotton and the industrialization the North had. Although there were free African Americans in America, they were still mocked. (Doc . I) The people during this time period were still ignorant and were not enlightened. David Walker was a free African American who proposed to white people since it was quite similar to the American Revolution. (Doc.J) Walker showed the white people that African Americans deserved freedom. Some slaves did not want to wait for the white people to grant them there freedom, so therefore they took action to gain that freedom. (Doc. G) As the African American took action, Nat Turner started his own riot and killed about 50 people. This would be the reason why slaves should not be given freedom since they were violent. During the earlier time period, indentured serv ants were offered by the British with freedom in America if they joined the British. (Doc.A) This was agreeable to the slaves because they were no longer helpless. However, slaves attempted to runaway because the price was high to gain freedom. The British lost the war and did not keep the promise for slaves. The slaves were seen as savages; they would be in danger in society but also to themselves if they were freed. (Doc. E) If slaves were freed, the white and African Americans would not be getting along because there are not planters. In Doc. C, the picture showed the difference between the percentages of the slaves from 1790 to 1830.The North did have enough industry so they had to let go some of the slaves. The South gained a lot of slaves in order to keep their industry wealthy. In the south slaves were used on plantations to grow their cotton, tobacco, and sugar. There were many challenges that led both slaves and free African Americans to work hard to gain their freedom. The y had some help with the North as well. Without the three groups, King Cotton, King Wheat, and King Corn, working together, slavery would have been continuing for the longest time.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Cafes Monte Case Essay
The company located in Milan, Italy. It was found by Mario Salvetti as a manufacturer and distributor of premium finest coffees. The company faces a hard decision that may affect their future. The company wants to know whether or not they should keep working in the same investing. An important meeting was there among the top management team’s members to discuss the future of the company. The company’s performance was good in 2000. Profit was shown at the financial statement. Giacomo Salvetti the CEO of the company needs to decide which to choose as the business strategy for the company: 1) Keep working in the premium coffee market. 2) Transfer to the private brands market. The current capacity of the coffee production in 2000 was 350,000 K/M , with added additional capacity of 150,000K/M. The cost of the additional units was 6 billion liras. More facts about the profitability and the liquidity were required beside the cash flow and the profit plan to quantify strategic alternatives and to help in making this decision. The idea of changing was not easy to the CEO to accept without a clear image of the financial consequences. The report was provided by the marketing manager showed that the premium market is very volatile. On the other hand, the private brands market is more stable. (Full capacity at the price of 8,800 liras). Price is lower in the private market than the premium. The volume is depending of the number of retailers. ( Every additional retailer need at least 500,000 K/Y). The report was provided by the manufacturing director showed that costs are different in each amount of the volume and quality of beans. These costs include the cost of beans, labor and fixed cost. The company is able to save 65% of selling costs, 75% of R&D costs and 50% of administrative costs, if they choose the private brands market.(Director of strategic planning). Private brands’ retailers will pay slowly- 90 days instead of 30 days. (Financial officer). I took the sales price as the current price 8,800 liras. Most of the expenses are decline compare to what they were in 2000 beside also the profit. Marketing expenses were no longer there because the marketing percentage became 0% in this volume of the private market. The reason of having this decline is the gross margin of the private market comparing to the margin of the premium market. Sales price and cost in private market are less than what they are in the premium market. Cash flows are not stable during the year. It looks vary from quarter to another. In the cash flows, the retailers will pay in 90days (3months) period of time as what it is in the private market. The cash opining was 50% in the first month and 25% in next 2 months. The other expenses were divided by the 12 months equally. Variable and selling costs are showing in page(5). I don’t recommend the full transition to private market. The profit will be lower than what it is even if it is less volatile. There is no reason for the company to lose its premium market if the profit is low, too. I would support the chance of mixing the premium and the private markets together, because of the profitability there.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Holden Account Management
efox Account Plan Account: ANZ Operations and Technology Pvt Ltd Total WSP Revenue: $40,000 Total CDSP Revenue: $0 Sales Professional: Amit D Bhattacharya 29/11/2010 Page 1 of 12 efox by Holden International www. holdenintl. com efox Account Plan Corporate Goals & Initiatives Corporate Goals: undefined Corporate Initiatives: undefined 29/11/2010 ANZ Operations and Technology Pvt Ltd Page 2 of 12 efox by Holden International www. holdenintl. com efox Winning Sales Plan Account: ANZ Operations and Technology Pvt Ltd Opportunity: NPLC Bangalore-Mumbai Value: $40,000 Close Date: May 11 2010 Sales Professional: Amit D Bhattacharya Sales Prediction Opportunity is closed 29/11/2010 Page 3 of 12 efox by Holden International www. holdenintl. com efox Winning Sales Plan Discovery Expanded Opportunity Analysis Solid Emerging Weak Non-existent Excellent Good At parity Marginal Bad Disadvantaged Tentative Disconnected Severely at Risk Strong Growing At Risk Nov 29 2010 Dominant Secure Value Premise Business Quality Competitive Strength Political Alignment Summary Can We Add Value? – Value Premise Client Involvement in Value Discovery Business Impact -11 0 Driving Mechanism Measurability -3 -4 -3 0 -3 0 -15 -4 Should We Pursue? – Business Quality Geography/Resourceable Funding Risk Assessment Future Value to Us 0 0 0 Time frame Client Competence Profitability to Us 0 Can We Compete? – Competitive Strength Solution Compatibility Client History Philosophical Alignment 0 0 Competitor's Solution Compatibility Competitor's Client History -4 -3 -4 -27 -4 -3 -56 Competitor's Philosophical Alignment -4 Are We Politically Aligned To Win? – Political Alignment Decision-Making Process Leverage Political Leverage Appropriate Executive Sponsorship Established Momentum -4 -4 -4 0 Competitor's Decision Process Leverage -4 Competitor's Political Leverage Competitor's Approp. Exec. Sponsorship -4 Competitor's Established Momentum Total Score 29/11/2010 ANZ Operations and Technology Pvt Ltd NPLC Bangalore-Mumbai Page 4 of 12 efox by Holden International www. holdenintl. com efox Winning Sales Plan Establish Value Value Statements Sharath S, Lead – Technology, O We can provide the ethernet link as needed by you to reduce the choking and proper running of the applications as the current bandwidth is choked. Critical Business Issues Traffic is very high on the existing link which leads to choking Area of Improvement Upgrading of the bandwidth capability in the existing link Business Impact Credibility Need to release the choking and Track record of having provided the IT applications will run more similar links to Sonata Software, smoothly IBM etc Value Proposition Beginning April 28th 2010 as a result of the new link from TTSL, ANZ Operations and Technology Pvt Ltd will be able to effectively increase the bandwidth on the existing link resulting in effective removal of the choking for proper running of the IT applications with the economic payback of increased productivity of employees. We will document our delivered value by **. 29/11/2010 ANZ Operations and Technology Pvt Ltd NPLC Bangalore-Mumbai Page 5 of 12 efox by Holden International www. holdenintl. com efox Winning Sales Plan Competitive Strategy Differentiation Analysis Our Strategy Competitor Strategy for Strategy Coaching Prompt 29/11/2010 ANZ Operations and Technology Pvt Ltd NPLC Bangalore-Mumbai Page 6 of 12 efox by Holden International www. holdenintl. com efox Winning Sales Plan Political Support Support Base Map MV VM RP SS VB RP Ravi Pangal, Head – Transitions, E Agenda: Contribution: VM Viswas M, Head – IT strategic Sourcing and asset Management, M Agenda: Contribution: VB Vaidyanathan B, Manager Facilities, O Agenda: Contribution: MV Mahendran V, Head – IT Infrastructure, M Agenda: Contribution: SS Sharath S, Lead – Technology, O Agenda: Contribution: 29/11/2010 ANZ Operations and Technology Pvt Ltd NPLC Bangalore-Mumbai Page 7 of 12 efox by Holden International www. holdenintl. com efox Winning Sales Plan Ravi Pangal, Head – Transitions, E Agenda: Contribution: Fox Evaluator 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ravi Pangal has exerted influence outside of his or her organizational authority Ravi Pangal has knowledge of his or her company's mission and business goals, as evidenced in his or her working to directly or indirectly advance them Ravi Pangal is an effective risk taker, in terms of his or her ability to assess and manage risk Ravi Pangal demonstrates integrity, in terms of not being willing to compromise his or her company or individuals within the Power Base to advance his or her own aspirations Ravi Pangal is a good listener Ravi Pangal can appropriately and successfully work in exception to company policy Ravi Pangal influences important decisions before they are formally made Ravi Pangal has a close relationship with others who possess expertise that he or she personally does not have, but that can be important Ravi Pangal is not arrogant about his or her knowledge or accomplishments as evidenced by his or her willingness to have others receive the credit for accomplishments Ravi Pangal is diplomatic in how he or she operates, as evidenced by rarely taking people on in a confrontational manner 1-Most Likely True 0-Don't Know -1-Doubt this is true -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 2-Confident this is true -2-Confident this is not true Contact Evaluator 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 My discussions with Ravi Pangal touch upon potential opportunities beyond the curre nt business opportunity Ravi Pangal utilizes e or my company as a nontraditional resource through which value can be derived Ravi Pangal makes an effort to assist me in cost-justifying the value that we can contribute Ravi Pangal introduces or references me to influential people in the account Ravi Pangal has a clear strategy for establishing us as the preferred supplier Ravi Pangal utilizes his or her internal contacts to provide me with business insights and information of a privileged nature Ravi Pangal openly discusses his or her company's plans, projects, and personnel with me Ravi Pangal can articulate my personal or company's long-term strategy for building a relationship with his or her company and how the current opportunity contributes to its advancement Ravi Pangal takes the initiative in assisting me in the current business development opportunity I feel my relationship with Ravi Pangal transcends the business development opportunity at hand 2-Almost Always 1-Often 0-Som etimes -1-Rarely -2-Almost Never -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 29/11/2010 ANZ Operations and Technology Pvt Ltd NPLC Bangalore-Mumbai Page 8 of 12 efox by Holden International www. oldenintl. com efox Winning Sales Plan Viswas M, Head – IT strategic Sourcing and asset Management, M Agenda: Contribution: Fox Evaluator 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Viswas M has exerted influence outside of his or her organizational authority Viswas M has knowledge of his or her company's mission and business goals, as evidenced in his or her working to directly or indirectly advance them Viswas M is an effective risk taker, in terms of his or her ability to assess and manage risk Viswas M demonstrates integrity, in terms of not being willing to compromise his or her company or individuals within the Power Base to advance his or her own aspirations Viswas M is a good listener Viswas M can appropriately and successfully work in exception to company policy Viswas M influences important decisions before they are formally made Viswas M has a close relationship with others who possess expertise that he or she personally does not have, but that can be important Viswas M is not arrogant about his or her knowledge or accomplishments as evidenced by his or her willingness to have others receive the credit for accomplishments Viswas M is diplomatic in how he or she operates, as evidenced by rarely taking people on in a confrontational manner 1-Most Likely True 0-Don't Know -1-Doubt this is true -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 2-Confident this is true -2-Confident this is not true Contact Evaluator 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 My discussions with Viswas M touch upon potential opportunities beyond the current business opportunity Viswas M utilizes me or my company as a nontraditional resource through which value can be derived Viswas M makes an effort to assist me in cost-justifying the value that we can contribute Viswas M introduces or references me to influential people in the account Viswas M has a clear strategy for establishing us as the preferred supplier Viswas M utilizes his or her internal contacts to provide me with business insights and information of a privileged nature Viswas M openly discusses his or her company's plans, projects, and personnel with me Viswas M can articulate my personal or company's long-term strategy for building a relationship with his or her company and how the current opportunity contributes to its advancement Viswas M takes the initiative in assisting me in the current business development opportunity I feel my relationship with Viswas M transcends the business development opportunity at hand 2-Almost Always 1-Often 0-Sometimes -1-Rarely -2-Almost Never -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 29/11/2010 ANZ Operations and Technology Pvt Ltd NPLC Bangalore-Mumbai Page 9 of 12 efox by Holden Internation al www. holdenintl. com efox Winning Sales Plan Vaidyanathan B, Manager Facilities, O Agenda: Contribution: Fox Evaluator 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Vaidyanathan B has exerted influence outside of his or her organizational authority Vaidyanathan B has knowledge of his or her company's mission and business goals, as evidenced in his or her working to directly or indirectly advance them Vaidyanathan B is an effective risk taker, in terms of his or her ability to assess and manage risk Vaidyanathan B demonstrates integrity, in terms of not being willing to compromise his or her company or individuals within the Power Base to advance his or her own aspirations Vaidyanathan B is a good listener Vaidyanathan B can appropriately and successfully work in exception to company policy Vaidyanathan B influences important decisions before they are formally made Vaidyanathan B has a close relationship with others who possess expertise that he or she personally does not have, but that can be important Vai dyanathan B is not arrogant about his or her knowledge or accomplishments as evidenced by his or her willingness to have others receive the credit for accomplishments Vaidyanathan B is diplomatic in how he or she operates, as evidenced by rarely taking people on in a confrontational manner 1-Most Likely True 0-Don't Know -1-Doubt this is true -1 0 0 -1 1 0 1 0 -2 0 2-Confident this is true -2-Confident this is not true Contact Evaluator 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 My discussions with Vaidyanathan B touch upon potential opportunities beyond the current business opportunity Vaidyanathan B utilizes me or my company as a nontraditional resource through which value can be derived Vaidyanathan B makes an effort to assist me in cost-justifying the value that we can contribute Vaidyanathan B introduces or references me to influential people in the account Vaidyanathan B has a clear strategy for establishing us as the preferred supplier Vaidyanathan B utilizes his or her internal contacts to provide me with business insights and information of a privileged nature Vaidyanathan B openly discusses his or her company's plans, projects, and personnel with me Vaidyanathan B can articulate my personal or company's long-term strategy for building a relationship with his or her company and how the current opportunity contributes to its advancement Vaidyanathan B takes the initiative in assisting me in the current business development opportunity I feel my relationship with Vaidyanathan B transcends the business development opportunity at hand 2-Almost Always 1-Often 0-Sometimes -1-Rarely -2-Almost Never 0 -1 0 0 1 -2 -1 0 -1 -1 29/11/2010 ANZ Operations and Technology Pvt Ltd NPLC Bangalore-Mumbai Page 10 of 12 efox by Holden International www. holdenintl. com efox Winning Sales Plan Mahendran V, Head – IT Infrastructure, M Agenda: Contribution: Fox Evaluator 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mahendran V has exerted influence outside of his or her organizational authority Mahendran V has know ledge of his or her company's ission and business goals, as evidenced in his or her working to directly or indirectly advance them Mahendran V is an effective risk taker, in terms of his or her ability to assess and manage risk Mahendran V demonstrates integrity, in terms of not being willing to compromise his or her company or individuals within the Power Base to advance his or her own aspirations Mahendran V is a good listener Mahendran V can appropriately and successfully work in exception to company policy Mahendran V influences important decisions before they are formally made Mahendran V has a close relationship with others who possess expertise that he or she personally does not have, but that can be important Mahendran V is not arrogant about his or her knowledge or accomplishments as evidenced by his or her willingness to have others receive the credit for accomplishments Mahendran V is diplomatic in how he or she operates, as evidenced by rarely taking people on in a confr ontational manner 1-Most Likely True 0-Don't Know -1-Doubt this is true -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 2-Confident this is true -2-Confident this is not true Contact Evaluator 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 My discussions with Mahendran V touch upon potential opportunities beyond the current business opportunity Mahendran V utilizes me or my company as a nontraditional resource through which value can be derived Mahendran V makes an effort to assist me in cost-justifying the value that we can contribute Mahendran V introduces or references me to influential people in the account Mahendran V has a clear strategy for establishing us as the preferred supplier Mahendran V utilizes his or her internal contacts to provide me with business insights and information of a privileged nature Mahendran V openly discusses his or her company's plans, projects, and personnel with me Mahendran V can articulate my personal or company's long-term strategy for building a relationship with his or her company and how the current opportunity contributes to its advancement Mahendran V takes the initiative in assisting me in the current business development opportunity I feel my relationship with Mahendran V transcends the business development opportunity at hand 2-Almost Always 1-Often 0-Sometimes -1-Rarely -2-Almost Never -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 29/11/2010 ANZ Operations and Technology Pvt Ltd NPLC Bangalore-Mumbai Page 11 of 12 efox by Holden International www. holdenintl. com efox Winning Sales Plan Sharath S, Lead – Technology, O Agenda: Contribution: Fox Evaluator 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sharath S has exerted influence outside of his or her organizational authority Sharath S has knowledge of his or her company's mission and business goals, as evidenced in his or her working to directly or indirectly advance them Sharath S is an effective risk taker, in terms of his or her ability to assess and manage risk Sharath S demonstrates integrity, in terms of not being willing to compromise h is or her company or individuals within the Power Base to advance his or her own aspirations Sharath S is a good listener Sharath S can appropriately and successfully work in exception to company policy Sharath S influences important decisions before they are formally made Sharath S has a close relationship with others who possess expertise that he or she personally does not have, but that can be important Sharath S is not arrogant about his or her knowledge or accomplishments as evidenced by his or her willingness to have others receive the credit for accomplishments Sharath S is diplomatic in how he or she operates, as evidenced by rarely taking people on in a confrontational manner 1-Most Likely True 0-Don't Know -1-Doubt this is true -2 0 -1 0 1 -2 1 1 -2 1 2-Confident this is true -2-Confident this is not true Contact Evaluator 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 My discussions with Sharath S touch upon potential opportunities beyond the current business opportunity Sharath S utilizes me or my company as a nontraditional resource through which value can be derived Sharath S makes an effort to assist me in cost-justifying the value that we can contribute Sharath S introduces or references me to influential people in the account Sharath S has a clear strategy for establishing us as the preferred supplier Sharath S utilizes his or her internal contacts to provide me with business insights and information of a privileged nature Sharath S openly discusses his or her company's plans, projects, and personnel with me Sharath S can articulate my personal or company's long-term strategy for building a relationship with his or her company and how the current opportunity contributes to its advancement Sharath S takes the initiative in assisting me in the current business development opportunity I feel my relationship with Sharath S transcends the business development opportunity at hand 2-Almost Always 1-Often 0-Sometimes -1-Rarely -2-Almost Never -2 -2 -2 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 0 0 29/11/20 10 ANZ Operations and Technology Pvt Ltd NPLC Bangalore-Mumbai Page 12 of 12 efox by Holden International www. holdenintl. com
American History Essay Example for Free (#6)
American History Essay African American (597) , American history (69) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints â€Å"The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil†was a wise phase once uttered by Hannah Arendt. I love this quote because is perfectly describes the two boys from â€Å"American History X,†Danny and Derek. These two boys have seen and done it all when it comes to hate groups, as both were members of a neo-nazi hate group. Neo- Nazi hate groups use authoritarian, scapegoat, normative, and exploitation theories to justify their hate, discrimination, and torture of anyone who isn’t a part of the â€Å"supreme race,†or white. Boy Danny and Derek end up in this life from an early age. Parents are one of the biggest, if not the biggest influence on a child’s life. When Danny and Derek were both relatively young they looked up to their father, thought of him as the â€Å"ideal†man. However their father was a racist, influencing almost every thought the boys had. At family dinner when talking about about a black school teacher their father said, â€Å"It’s nigger bullshit,†and warned Derek not to buy into the equality teachings. Because Danny and Derek both looked up to their dad so much, this would be and example of the exploitation theory. Exploitation theory is when one societal group, in this case whites, use hostility to keep their position and power intact. This really come into play after Danny and Derek’s father was murdered and Derek believes it was a race related killing. Right after their father died, Derek joined a neo-nazi hate group known as the DOC(Disciples of Christ). Being extreme believers in the white supremacy movement, the DOC acted out with violence and extreme hatred toward any other race, especially blacks. Derek, being a high ranking member, murdered 2 black men for the cause. He served three years for the murders, which impacted his whole family tremendously. At the beginning of Derek’s sentence he did not want any visitors, claiming it would be to hard to see his family. He made friends with other neo-nazi members in prison, but soon started realizing that they were not serious about the cause like he was. He also started becoming friends with his black work partner who said, â€Å"I ain’t the nigger in here, you are†Derek started realizing that white supremacy what basically just a scapegoat. Meaning that the followers of the movement were just trying to find someone to blame for their problems, which in this case happened to be the blacks. After befriending his black work mate he realized that blacks are human too. Once he could recognize blacks as human he finally felt guilt for killing to people, not niggers, people. Derek was determined to help his brother and family by getting them out of the gangs and hate. One of the biggest influences on Derek while in jail was his principal from high school. He was a black man with experience in dealing with â€Å"troubled youth.†He gave Derek the push he needed by saying, â€Å"Has anything you’ve done made your life better?†. Later Derek told Danny, â€Å"It’s just because I was pissed off†. I think this was Derek’s way of responding to his principal, he really didn’t believe in the cause it was more of just an outlet for his anger that his father would have approved of. While Derek is locked up. American History. (2016, Oct 18). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you
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