Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Fifa 13 Apology Rules - 1049 Words
Description Lose by the following and face up to the forfeit; 5 - Write a Facebook apology to your opponent praising them for their brilliance. 6 - You must kiss the feet of your opponent. 7 - You must make your opponent a tasty sandwich. 8 - You must be the slave of your opponent for an hour. 9 - You must eat a tablespoon of various kitchen ingredients of your opponent s discretion. 10 - You must send a Moonpig apology to your opponent 11 - Winning player gets 11 minutes on the losers Facebook to do whatever they wish (No changing passwords). Whatever is put on there has to stay for at least 11 days. 12 - You must play the next game fully naked 13 - You have to go to your next door neighbours and start†¦show more content†¦Score the winning goal with ryan giggs against arsenal and your opponent must run through the nearest public area swinging his t-shirt around in the air. Score the winning goal with Rio Ferdinand against Chelsea and the opponent has to buy all the choc ices out of the nearest shop and walk the streets giving them away!! (Supermarkets excluded) Score with a hat trick with Emmanuel Adebayor against Arsenal - Your oponent must run the full length of the garden and powerslide, regardless of the weather conditions, while all others present pelt with rubbish and leftover food. Score a hattrick with Stephen Ireland and your opponent has to stand in public with their pants down, wearing pink underpants (or superman boxes) ask to have people stand in photos with them for 30 mins Score five goals with Balotelli and your opponent must hand out monopoly money to randoms on the street saying I m rich, I m rich have some money for 30 minutes. Score 5 with Georgios Samaras and your opponent must refer to you as Jesus, for a whole week. Score five with Robin van Persie vs Arsenal and your opponent must dress up as batman and wear a sign that says just got raped by robin for 30 mins in the nearest shopping centre. Play as the Korean Republic team and win by 5 goalsShow MoreRelatedNba - a Case Study3322 Words  | 14 Pages The NBA achieves this by running programs where athletes interact with the community and the fans. These programs also serve as a means to demonstrate leadership in social responsibility and involve volunteer services and fund-raising for charity [13]. †¢ Well-thought-out formats. The recreational market has not been well addressed by using a format that is suitable for television. The NBAs industry experience and personal dedication to the sport of basketball will provide it with the needed informationRead MoreAutobilography of Zlatan Ibrahimovic116934 Words  | 468 Pagesand we laughed a lot about that. And I was actually feeling like myself sometimes. I felt ok. But then Messi started talking. Messi is awesome. Fucking unbelievable. I don t know him very well. We are very different personalities. He came to Barca 13 years old and is brought up in their culture. He doesn t have any problems with that school shit. In the team, the play revolves around him, which is natural really. He s brilliant, but now I had come, and I was scoring more than he did. He went
Monday, December 16, 2019
The Principles of Morality Free Essays
Humans must not treat each other merely as a means to satisfy an end. Human beings are objects of dignity and not a mere machine, thus deserving respect to and from each other and respect to the law as well. Respect, although a human feeling, is a self-wrought rational concept and, thus, free of influences. We will write a custom essay sample on The Principles of Morality or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is the true essence of ethics that is supposed to exist among human beings. However, as Kant implied in his Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals this is not always the case, that humans behave to each other in pursuance of freedom, human rights, violence, peace and anything attributing to his own well-being as well as to the well-being of others and the community in general. Kant has acknowledged in his arguments that aside from respect and duty, human acts accordingly based on his inclinations and, or worse, out of fear. However, it was emphasized that with obedience to law the actions would be in conformity to that law and would become a binding principle among humans. Respect is properly the conception of a worth which thwarts my self-love. Accordingly it is something which is considered neither as an object of inclination nor of fear, although it has something analogous to both. The object of respect is the law only, and that the law which we impose on ourselves and yet recognise as necessary in itself. (Kant) Humans need guidance to be enlightened and eventually be free and at the same time, need a universal law to exist among them for their own sake.  This law would be the imposing object of humans to themselves as a result of their will. This include the common day-to-day congenial acts of humanity such as honesty, faithfulness, respect for each other, trustworthiness, non-imprisonment of innocent individuals and be like the example that was in Kant’s Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals, keeping ones promises. Why is it a wrong deed for A if she took the hand of B forcing the latter to shoot C? This case would be an act of deception and coercion and obviously a crime, in which case, against the universal law. A have â€Å"bypassed†(Hare 13) the agency of B as A used B as the shooting medium. It is also a deception when A impede the rational choice and free will of B to make the decision and the action. This is a violation of the universal law and it is a treatment of humans, in this case B, as without dignity but only used as a means to achieve an end, the shooting of C. As the source of guidance to the acts, duties and obligations of humans, morality is very important. In fact, as Kant have argued, â€Å"it is only a pure philosophy that we can look for the moral law in its purity and genuineness.†This means that even morality itself may have something of its own immoralities within: a hidden motive. To someone of a morally good, or a virtuous, character that someone should perform an act without looking at the effect of that certain action or, without deriving the motive of that act from its possible effect. A virtuous character â€Å"wants†or â€Å"wills†(or what Kant calls the â€Å"principle of volition†) the performance of an act for the act itself and not from the expected results or a return that can be gained from doing such acts. As Kant have put it: â€Å"an action done from duty derives its moral worth, not from the purpose which is to be attained by it, but from the maxim by which it is determined†Moreover, the virtuous person thus acts in accordance to the â€Å"autonomy†, that would be an act of the holy will, which can be viewed as â€Å"absolutely good†according to Kant. The autonomy causes the Will of the action a â€Å"law to itself†. This is because the Autonomy of the Will is the supreme principle of morality which makes a rational being of freedom efficient and independent upon his choices and actions, as opposed to an irrational being who is fragile to influences of the external environment. However, if the will is only based on necessity of morality, this would become an obligation, and the action resulting from it is called duty. This makes autonomy as one of the important limitations of morality: â€Å"part of the dignity of life is choosing one’s own path through it. Given those limits, there can be principles so demanding that compliance simply will not be forthcoming.†(Griffin 127) Human actions have imperatives and are governed by the Ought. Acknowledging its obligations is a way for humans to be within the world with sense and understanding. However, this conception of obligation is not easily accepted or might be challenged by humans due to immaturity, ignorance or fanaticism. Humans are supposed to be rational beings that belong to an intelligible world, conscious and responsible for its actions. It is, however, very evident that humans act in the contrary and as Kant has argued, â€Å"can never conceive the causality of his own will otherwise than on condition of the idea of freedom.†This might be attributed to immaturity which not an outside force to him but something that he has self-incurred. This is the lack of courage and resolution from the side of humans to use his â€Å"own understanding without the guidance of others.†(Kant) Immaturity would hinder the purpose of morality laws that have an ultimate principle conceived to guide humans in every possible circumstances in life. Without recognizing their respective obligations, humans would be living in darkness, without a well defined function in life. This would hinder the attainment of human freedom, his free will. In Kant’s An Answer to the Question: â€Å"What is Enlightenment?†he has emphasized the value of freedom that can only be attained by an enlightened humanity. Without recognition of the obligations, there would be no duty. Without duty means without worth of morality for human actions. Works Cited Griffin, James. Well-Being: Its Meaning, Measurement, and Moral Importance. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986. Questia. 5 May 2008 ;http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o;d=26035794;. Hare, John E. The Moral Gap : Kantian Ethics, Human Limits, and God’s Assistance /. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. Questia. 5 May 2008 http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=od=102096160. How to cite The Principles of Morality, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Evolution of Electricity-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment
Question: Examine the factors relating to energy generation for urban, commercial and global use, what infrastructures this is found in (i.e. transportation, consumer electricity, etc) and how we will meet the challenges of future energy production. Answer: Affordable and reliable electricity is important in modern life. It is essential to our daily lives and supports our economy in various aspects. We use electricity to power devices, in homes, in medicine, in engineering, and in agriculture. The modern electric world began with appliances like the telegraph, light bulb, as well as telephone and continued with radio, television, and many appliances (Jakovac 2012, p. 316). This paper focuses on following the evolution of electricity, its transmission, usage, and the difference in consumption between the rural and urban residents. Although electricity has been known since the ancient times, it has only been harnessed its power for about 250 years. Benjamin Franklins electricity experiments-including the kite experimenting 1752- showed how little electricity was known in the era of the American Revolution and the first industrial revolution (Matthew 2004, p. 2). Since Franklin`s experiments, the grasp of electricity has grown tremendously and new ways of its usage to improve our lives (Institute for energy research 2014). One of the first primary breakthroughs in electricity occurred in 1832 when a British scientist Michael Faraday discovered the basic principles of electricity generation. Building on the experiments of Franklin and others, he found that he could create or induce an electric current by moving magnets inside coils of copper wire. This discovery of electromagnetic induction revolutionized the use of energy. Ideally, Faraday`s process is used in modern power production. The Institute of energy research (2014) suggests that in the modern era of power plants, coal has always generated more electricity in the U.S. than any other fuel sources. In the recent years, we have seen other sources of electricity- hydroelectricity, nuclear power and natural gas competing for the second place. The energy is also used primarily in driving the transport and communication industry. For instance, the transport industry depends on energy in driving trains, airplanes, and automobile machines among other transportation machines. Communication as well depends on sensor a system that as well depends on energy. The 19th-century inventors who began to harness electricity to useful purpose put their small generators right next to the machines that used the electricity as pointed out by Tolis (2015). The earliest distribution system was by Thomas Edison`s 1882 Pearl street station in Manhattan, and another that Edison built in Menlo Park, New Jersey. Like many others that were constructed during the next few years, they distributed power over copper lines using direct current. However, the method of distribution was so ineffective forcing most power plants had to be located within a mile of the place using the power known as the load (Matthew et al. p. 4). All the early power systems were what most people now refer to as distributed generation systems where the generators were located close to machines that used electricity. By the 1890s other inventors further developed this system of power distribution. Mastropietro, Batlle, Barroso, and Rodilla (2016) denote that the most important developm ent was high- voltage power transmission lines that adopted the use of alternating current. In addition, alternating current allowed power lines, to transmit power over much longer distances than the direct current system. At the beginning of the 21stcentury, the transmission system is a truly interconnected network with more than 150,000 miles of high voltage transmission lines. Matthew et al. (2004) also points out that with the increasingly technology-dependent society, people depend upon the network itself as much as on the power plants that use and feed the network. It hence called for the development of a sophisticated network system that involves interconnected power plants and power lines that operated at many different voltages as shown in figure 1. Table 1: Miles of High-Voltage Transmission Lines in the United States. Miles of Transmission Line Voltage AC 76,762 230 kV 49,250 345 kV 26,038 500 kV 2,453 765 kV 154,503 Total AC DC 930 250-300 kV 852 400 kV 192 450 kV 1,333 500 kV 3,307 Total DC 157,810 TOTAL AC/DC Fugure1: Illustrates todays transmission system Electricity has a significant role in industrial development it an essential factor in human well-being and development (Pourazarm 2012, p 14). According to Chopra (2015), electricity is used in various fields. For instance, engineering and technical activities use electricity as well as the communication and transport. In the field of medicine and surgery, electricity is used in treatment of diseases undergoing surgical operations likewise the theatres require electricity to operate. The entertainment industry as well as the house building and construction also currently depend on electricity. Paurazarm (2012) adds that electricity is used in the Residential sector- which includes all private buildings for heating water, air conditioning, and cooking, lighting and household electric appliances. The industrial sector such as manufacturing, mining, construction, transport and some parts of the agricultural industry like in water pumping and fisheries also depend on electricity. The st eel, copper, iron, petrochemicals, cements sugar and textile industries use the most energy in this sector. In the agricultural sector, the electricity is used mainly for pumping water for agriculture and fisheries; a Public sector which includes all government organizations and institutions, educational, religious and research centers, hospitals, and charity organizations. Tentatively lots of studies and research have been conducted on the difference in the electricity consumption in rural versus urban areas. A survey done by Craig Petersen 1980, in Utah indicates that rural dwellers use more electricity than urban dweller. Craig suggests that the difference could be that urban housing stock may be more efficient; the difference in the billing of electricity; rural locations may be colder than urban locations and those rural residents had a different demographic as it relates to electricity usage (Petersen 1982, p. 1). Michael Barnard (2013), states that the rural dwellers use more electricity (and more of every other form of energy) than urban dwellers where the ratio for electricity consumption alone is in the range of 12-34% greater for rural areas than urban areas. For instance, Table 2 contains the data obtained from a questionnaire sent to 2155 customers of Utah Power and light in spring of 1980 relating to the energy conservation efforts, the nature of their dwelling and personal characteristics-age, education and income. Table 2: Mean Values of the independent Variables in rural and Urban Areas Element Rural Urban Variables Number Mean Number Mean Degree Days of location 573 6663 676 6211 Electric Space heatinga 573 0.222 678 0.131 Electric water heatinga 573 0.635 676 0.286 Electric Clothes Dryer a 573 0.743 676 0.72 Dishwashera 573 0.424 678 0.529 Freezera 573 0.805 678 0.655 Number in house 568 3.34 669 3.5 Family income 548 16.163 654 19354 Age of Respondent 567 50.7 674 43.6 Inches of ceiling installation 496 6.7 554 6.9 From the research Petersen (1982, p. 6) concludes because there is a higher proportion of electric space and water heating in rural areas, the use of tariffs that provide preferential rates for customers using electricity for these purposes is especially beneficial to rural customers. Conversely, utility tariffs that do not differentiate by end user will impose relatively greater burdens on rural residents. Conclusion The evolution of electricity has changed the lives of and the nature of business in all industries. As a result, almost every human activity is heavily dependent on electricity. From manufacturing, to supply chain, to customer delivery of products and services to customers, electricity controls a bigger percentage of the economic efficiency of the world. However, care needs to be taken to ensure that energy is sustained and used effectively to prevent issues related to global warming, energy depletion, and other climate related to energy issues. List of References Barnard, M. (2013, January 9). Quora. Retrieved from https://www.quora.com/Power-usage-of-a-city-vs-rural-areas Chopra, A. (2015, April 22). Short Essay on Uses of Electricity. Retrieved August 23, 2017, from importantindia.com. Doren, C. V. (n.d.). instituteforenergyresearch.org/history-electricity/. Retrieved 8 29, 2014, from https://www.ushistory.org/franklin/info/kite.htm Jakovac, P 2012, 'Electricity Directives and Evolution of the Eu Internal Electricity Market',Medianali, 11, pp. 315-338, Communication Mass Media Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 25 August 2017. Mastropietro, P, Batlle, C, Barroso, L, Rodilla, P 2016, 'The evolution of electricity auctions in South America',Energy Sources Part B: Economics, Planning Policy, 11, 12, pp. 1103-1110, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 25 August 2017. Matthew, H, Brown, N, Ednin, D, Ulman, K, 2004, 'Electricity Directives and Evolution of the Eu Internal Electricity Market',National Conference of State Legislatures, Medianali, 11, pp. 315-338 Richard P. Sedano, The Regulatory Assistance Projec. (2004). Electricity Transmission. National Council on Electricity Policy , 2,6,. Pourazarm, E 2012, Doctor of philosophy thesis, school of economics, University of Wollongong. Retrieved from Elecricity demand analysis in different sectors: a case study of Iran: https:/?ro.uow.edu.au/thesis/3786 Tolis, A 2015, 'The effect of long-term expansion on the evolution of electricity price: numerical analysis of a theoretically optimised electricity market',European Journal Of Operational Research, 244, 3, pp. 939-954, Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 25 August 2017.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Natural Selection for the Birds Lab Report Essay Essay Example
Natural Selection for the Birds Lab Report Essay Essay Purpose:To find which birds with which beaks survive best in their environment depending on the type of nutrient available. Question:What is the consequence of the type of nutrient available on the frequence of different types of bird beaks? Hypothesis:If the nutrient type alterations in the environment. so the sum of each type of bird beaks will alter because birds with beaks more suitable to the available nutrient will be more successful over clip. We will write a custom essay sample on Natural Selection for the Birds Lab Report Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Natural Selection for the Birds Lab Report Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Natural Selection for the Birds Lab Report Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Variables:The independent variable of the lab is the type of nutrient that is available to the birds. The dependent variable of the lab is the frequence of each type-size and shape-of beaks. Materials:100 helianthus seeds100 raisins100 grains of rice2 forks2 spoons2 knivesFictile cup Procedure:1. Gather around the border of the tabular array fabric. blending the three groups reasonably equally. 2. Pick up nutrient pieces merely with your tool. utilizing the brace of utensils in one manus. imitating the action of a beak. 3. Pick up one piece of nutrient at a clip. and put it in your cup ( â€Å"stomach†) before picking another piece of nutrient. 4. Keep your organic structure off the tabular array fabric and pick up nutrient merely within your range. 5. Start merely when the instructor says â€Å"Go†and complete when all nutrient has been â€Å"eaten. †Dataâ€â€Environment with Equal Sums of Insects. Seeds. and Fruit Second GenerationFlock TenFlock YFlock ZInsects Eaten 353233Seeds Eaten344620Fruit Eaten78157Entire1479360Percentage49 %31 %20 %Fake Number of Birdsin Flock for 3rd Coevals1596 Dataâ€â€Changed Environment with Equal Sums of Insects and Seeds but No Fruit. First GenerationFlock TenFlock YFlock ZInsects Eaten306060Seeds Eaten279330Entire5715390Percentage19 %51 %30 %Fake Number of Birdsin Flock for 2nd Coevals6159 Second GenerationFlock TenFlock YFlock ZInsects Eaten1510044Seeds Eaten178044Entire3218088Percentage11 %60 %29 %Fake Number of Birdsin Flock for 3rd Coevals3189 Analysis:Based on the information in the first table flock X consumes largely fruit. When fruit was taken off there was a lessening in the figure of birds that flock X contained. Flock Y consumes largely seeds. There was no consequence on flock Yttrium when fruit was removed. Due to the fact that flock Z eats largely insects. the flock was non affected by the remotion of fruit. Decision: In this lab I learned about how favourable traits are of import when nature selects what being will last and go through down its cistrons for the following coevals to inherit. I besides learned that most species learn to accommodate to their environments so that they can hold a favourable trait to be able to last in their environment. I was able to detect that in the wilderness you need that favourable trait so that you are able to reproduce and go through down your genotypes for the following coevals of you species to inherit. I gained utile accomplishments such as how to find the following generation’s population by analysing consequences from experiments I conducted associating to the bird populations
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
IN THE DISPUTE AT THE PATENT OFFICE Essay Example IN THE DISPUTE AT THE PATENT OFFICE Essay IN THE DISPUTE AT THE PATENT OFFICE Essay IN THE DISPUTE AT THE PATENT COURT REGARDING MR. BURNS’ TRADE MARK APPLICATION Opinion I am asked to rede Mr Burns in respects to a difference originating from two hallmark applications, which have been challenged by a figure of parties. The applier has submitted two applications for trade grade enrollment, one affecting a word only’ enrollment ( Burnsey’s Bread ) , and a word and device mark’ application, which has been herein submitted as Appendix 3. I will later rede on the virtue of each resistance to the applications, and the suggested responses, separately. Ms Nadine Burns Ms Burns has challenged the enrollment of the word, Burnsey’s Bread , on the footing of subdivision 5 ( 4 ) of theTrademarks Act 1994, which regulates the construct of passing off’ . Ms Burns runs a bakeshop, which is in an indistinguishable line of concern to that of Mr Burns, and trades under the name of Burns the Bread , and Burns the Bread Again . I have discovered, by manner of seeking the public database of the Patent Office, that Ms Burns’ trading names are non registered trade Markss, and therefore overcast the direct application of the jurisprudence in this respect. However, subdivision 5 ( 4 ) ( a ) of theTrademarks Act 1994allows for a trade grade enrollment to be disallowed by virtuousness of any regulation of law†¦ protecting an unregistered trade grade or other mark used in the class of trade . Case jurisprudence has indicated that a passing off action must incorporate three demands to win: ( a ) the being of the claimant’s good will ; ( B ) a deceit ; and ( degree Celsius ) harm ( or probably harm ) to the plaintiff’s good will or repute:Reckitt A ; Colman Products Ltd v Borden Inc[ 1990 ] 1 All ER 873 ( per Lord Oliver ) . The tribunals have defined the first demand, the claimant’s good will, as a repute that has been gained by the house over the class of old ages of honest work, or by a significant outgo of money:Trego V Hunt[ 1895 ] AC 7. Given that both of Ms Burns’ bakeshops have been runing for seven old ages, it is sensible to presume under jurisprudence that Ms Burn’s has gained sufficient good will to fulfill this trial in its pure signifier. However, one must see how far this good will extends geographically, and whether it affects Mr Burn’s trade grade application. It may be possible for Mr Burns to register the trade grade on the footing that Ms Burns has non achieved good will on a big plenty graduated table to impact Mr Burn’s concern, provided that the two companies’ service radius does non overlap:Maxim’s Ltd V Dye[ 1977 ] 1 WLR 1155 ;Sheraton Corp of America v Sheraton Motels[ 1964 ] RPC 202. In respects to the 2nd trial, deceit, the action would necessitate to fulfill the trial as to confusion of beginning, which means that the populace may be placed in a state of affairs where they may be confused as to where the merchandise came from, or who supplied it:Coombe International V Scholl[ 1977 ] RPC 1. Case jurisprudence besides implies the impression of the reasonable consumer’ , in other words, would a sensible individual in the consumer’s place be expected to be able to clearly and easy separate between the two beginnings?Morning Star v Express Newspapers[ 1979 ] FSR 113. Additionally, the deceit besides needs to happen in similar industries, otherwise tribunals will by and large keep that a deceit has non occurred:McCulloch V May[ 1947 ] 2 All ER 845 ;Stringfellow V McCain Foods[ 1984 ] RPC 501. Sing these demands of the deceit trial, it would look that Ms Burns may hold cause for action in this respect. When one considers Burnsey’s Bread and Burns the Bread has similar representations, are in the same industry and may overcast the public’s ability to do a clear differentiation between the two concerns, it may be that the Patent Office will make up ones mind in favor of Ms Burns in footings of deceit. The concluding demand for a passing off action to win is for there to be harm, or likely harm, to the claimant’s repute as a consequence of this trade grade enrollment. This harm need non be touchable:Taittinger SA V Allbev Ltd[ 1993 ] FSR 641 ;Choccosuisse Union des Fabricants Suisse de Chocolat A ; Others v Cadbury Ltd[ 1998 ] RPC 117. In this respect, it may be possible that, should Mr Burns seek to put up a franchise in the same local country as Ms Burns, so the deceit may do some confusion to clients, and therefore below the belt affect Ms Burns’ repute based upon this deceit and confusion. As the instance jurisprudence suggests, the likely harm to reputation need non be touchable in order to fall within the wide and distinguishable class of harm. It would look that Ms Burns may hold evidences to fulfill the harm trial. In drumhead, Ms Burns may hold evidences to seek protection of her unregistered right to the name Burns the Bread . This right comes under subdivision 5 ( 4 ) ( a ) of theTrademarks Act 1994, and has been elaborated upon by many case in points. If Ms Burns were successful in her action, so she may seek an interlocutory injunction that would curtail Mr Burns’ ability to utilize that trade grade in the class of concern:American Cyanamid Co v Ethicon Ltd[ 1975 ] AC 396 ( per Lord Diplock ) . However, it may be in the best involvements of Mr Burns to seek a determination by the office that would register the trade grade, on the footing that Mr Burns undertakes non to run a concern that would straight vie with Burns the Bread in the same local geographic country. If Mr Burns was to do this project, so the bench may seek to keep that Ms Burns’ good will is non sufficient on a national graduated table to amount to show protection across the state. This would, in bend, mean tha t the Patent Office should disregard the challenge and registry Mr Burns’ trade grade. Mr Munch Mr Munch has written to Mr Burns in resistance to the proposed enrollment of the word trade grade, on the footing of the comparative evidences given under subdivision 5 ( 2 ) of theTrademarks Act 1994. These commissariats prohibit the enrollment of trade Markss that are indistinguishable to one registered earlier, or similar to an earlier enrollment which may take to confusion of the populace, and possible association between the two trade Markss. The two Markss must besides be in the same industry in order for protection under these commissariats to be given. Mr Munch’s trade grade was published for resistance intents on 14ThursdayMarch 2006, harmonizing to the registry of the UK Patent Office. Mr Munch has made an application in category 43 sing proviso of catering services, which is a category identical to that of Mr Burns. While Mr Munch’s grade is non at full enrollment position by the Patent Office, subdivision 6 ( 1 ) of theTrademarks Act 1994defines an earlier grade as being one which has a day of the month of application for enrollment earlier than that of the trade grade in question . Mr Munch’s initial application to the Patent Office was made on 19ThursdayDecember 2005. The common jurisprudence besides gives rise to an statement that if an applier can turn out that his or her services are provided in a different industry to that of the opposition, so enrollment will be allowed:Seahorse Trade Mark[ 1980 ] RPC 250. While it is clear that both parties to the difference have filed for enrollment of trade Markss in category 43 ( sing proviso of catering services ) , merely Mr Burns has filed in the category 30 class ( bakery merchandises ) . It would hence be sensible to reason that the two parties are in separate industries, given that Mr Burns merely supplies providing merchandises in so far as supplying mass measures of his merchandise to consumers. Mr Munch, on the other manus, specialises in big scale events, which Mr Burns does non make. Mr Munch is non a baker, and hence it would be unreasonable for this resistance to be allowed on this footing. Another common jurisprudence trial is available sing phonetically similar word Markss. Under this trial, a trade grade would non be registered if it was deemed to be phonetically similar to an earlier registered trade grade ; in so far that it would do confusion as to the beginning of the goods or services:Aristoc V Rysta[ 1945 ] AC 68. Given that the two trade Markss are non at all similar in pronunciation or sentence structure, it would be impossible for the opposition to fulfill this trial, and therefore win in an action under subdivision 5 ( 2 ) ( B ) of theTrademarks Act 1994. Overall, it would look improbable that Mr Munch would accomplish success in his resistance to the trade grade enrollment application made by Mr Burns. The earlier trade grade that Mr Munch holds the rights to, while registered and recognised for the intents of resistance in conformity to subdivision 6 ( 1 ) of theTrademarks Act 1994, does non bear important similarities to Mr Burns’ trade grade, nor does it impact the class of concern of Mr Munch in any direct manner. It has been established that the concerns of Mr Munch and Mr Burns are in separate and distinguishable industries, even though they fall within the same category for trade grade enrollment intents. It would be unreasonable for a tribunal to presume that the two trade Markss conflict with one another, as the two parties go about their concern in separate ways. Mr Burns runs a bakeshop store, while Mr Munch runs corporate events. It would be insufficient of the opposition to trust upon the statement that they have gained such important credibleness on a national and international graduated table that any usage by Mr Burns of a similar trade grade may impact upon this good will, irrespective of the industry:Oasis Shop Ltd’s Trade Mark Application[ 1998 ] RPC 631. TheOasisinstance besides bears significance in the sense that the two trade Markss in inquiry in that instance were similar, if non virtually indistinguishable, in a phonic sense. In Mr Burns’ instance, his trade grade bears small or no resemblance to an earlier registered trade grade, apart from the sharing of one word, and can non be opposed in this respect. It would be my recommendation that Mr Burns bespeak a hearing from the Patent Office, which would give him the chance to show his instance. This is to guarantee that the resistance is dealt with reasonably, and in conformity with the rules of the regulation of jurisprudence. Currently, Mr Munch has non requested a hearing through official channels from the Patent Office, which signifies that he does non desire to give Mr Burns the right of answer ; instead he intends to take action by private agencies with the Patent Office. It may good be that the Patent Office will bespeak a hearing of their ain agreement, but by bespeaking a hearing, Mr Burns would be covered in the event of absence of any such action, and it would let the Patent Office to hear both sides of the instance reasonably and in conformity with natural justness. It would hence be my sentiment that the opposition, Mr Burns, does non hold sufficient evidences to prolong an interlocutory opinion against Mr Burns, curtailing him from utilizing the grade ( or to seek amendss ) , by trusting upon subdivision 5 ( 2 ) of theTrademarks Act 1994. The two Markss are non indistinguishable, and bears small to no resemblance to one another. Mr David Burns Mr David Burns ( the opponent ) has lodged a protest against the enrollment of the device depicted in Appendix 1, submitted by Mr Burns ( the applicant ) . This challenge is made under subdivision 3 of theTrademarks Act 1994( sing the device being devoid of any distinguishable character ) , and subdivision 5 ( 2 ) of the same Act ( sing similarities to earlier registered trade Markss ) . The opposition holds the rights to the trade grade attached to this papers as Appendix 3, officially known to the Patents Office as Trade Mark Number 2311787. This image depicts a conventionalized image based on a loaf of staff of life, every bit good as the words Burnsey. Eat. Drink . The image is an artist’s feeling. The applicant’s design submitted for enrollment depicts an image of a chopped loaf of staff of life, which has non been stylised or artistically altered in any manner. Additionally, it contains the phrase Burnsey’s Bread . In respects to the resistance under subdivision 3 of theTrademarks Act 1994, such a proviso prevents trade Markss from being registered if they do non show any elements of peculiarity, or individualism, that makes that peculiar owner unique from other concerns in a similar line of work:AD2000 Trade Mark[ 1997 ] RPC 168 ;Proctor A ; Gamble’s Trade Mark Application[ 1999 ] RPC 673. This definition by the tribunal has been specialised to keep that trade Markss which depict the goods or services to which they are applied can non be held as distinctive:H. Quennel Ltd’s Application[ 1954 ] 72 RPC 36. In sing these common jurisprudence readings of subdivision 3 of theTrademarks Act 1994in the applicant’s fortunes, it is clear that there are sufficient evidences for this enrollment to be opposed. It would most likely by the opponent’s statement that, because the device merely depicts staff of life, and non in any typical signifier, it would non be possible to hol d this device registered in conformity with the Act. This can be deduced by mention to the opponent’s registered grade, which uses a conventionalized artistic design to separate the concern and its goods and services. Given this clear deficiency of differentiation, it would look that the opposition has a valid instance in jurisprudence, under subdivision 3 ( B ) of the Act, to hold this enrollment dismissed under absolute evidences. The opposition besides makes an extra claim, mentioning subdivision 5 ( 2 ) of theTrademarks Act 1994as comparative evidences for refusal. To confirm such a claim, it by and large requires an premise to be made by the tribunals, based upon some finding of fact. Under subdivision 6 ( 1 ) of the above Act, any trade grade that has an earlier initial application day of the month than the applicant’s will be considered an earlier mark for the intents of subdivision 5 ( 2 ) and, given that the opposition made the application on 3rdOctober 2002, this is clearly the instance. Furthermore, if the opposition can turn out that the applicant’s trade grade is in a similar industry to his or her ain, and such a grade would do confusion in the public head as to the beginning of the goods, so the grade may non be registered:Seahorse Trade Mark[ 1980 ] RPC 250 ;Aristoc V Rysta[ 1945 ] AC 68. Given that the applicant’s grade is virtually indistinguishable, nevertheless non expres sly, so this may be evidences for non enrollment. The applicant’s grade appears on the device as Burnsey’s Bread . The opponent’s appears as Burnsey. Eat. Drink. . This may do the populace to believe that the opponent’s grade is simply an alternate version of the applicant’s, and therefore they may be confused as to who really provided the goods. Therefore, the opposition would most likely win in seeking an interlocutory opinion forestalling the enrollment and usage of the applicant’s trade grade in its current signifier. It would be my recommendation that the applicant seek to amend his design, based upon the strength of the opposition’s instance in this affair. There is small opportunity of success if the applicant seeks to prosecute enrollment of the word and device grade in its current signifier. It would be in the applicant’s best involvements to do the image and words something typical and non-similar to others, possibly by utilizing a anonym and a conventionalized artistic design. General Conclusions Based on the information presented to me for sentiment, I would propose that Mr Burns has ground to seek to hold the word trade grade registered, nevertheless I would urge discontinuation of proceedings of the word and device grade. The resistance to the word merely trade grade seems to miss significant virtue, and may be easy defeated at a hearing by the Patents Court. However, the word and design trade grade present a figure of issues that would necessitate to be resolved before it could be passed. There is no clear defense mechanism at jurisprudence which would let the trade grade to be passed in its current province, given its similarities to other trade Markss in its industry. Therefore, I would rede Mr Burns to travel to a hearing at the Patents Court to settle the affairs between himself and Mr Munch and Ms Burns, for the grounds I have outlined above. The jurisprudence proves that Mr Burns may hold a instance against these two parties. Bibliography Books Bently, L and Sherman, B,Intellectual Property Law( 2001, 2neodymiumerectile dysfunction ) , London: Oxford University Press Cornish, W and Llewelyn, D,Intellectual Property: Patents, Copyright, Trade Marks and Allied Rights( 2003, 5Thursdayerectile dysfunction ) , London: Sweet and Maxwell Hart, T and Fazzani, L,Intellectual Property Law( 2004, 3rderectile dysfunction ) , London: Palgrave Phillips, J ( erectile dysfunction ) ,Butterworths Intellectual Property Law Handbook( 2003, 6Thursdayerectile dysfunction ) , London: Butterworths Phillips, J, and Firth, A,Introduction to Intellectual Property Law( 2001, 4Thursdayerectile dysfunction ) , London: Butterworths Legislation Trademarks Act 1994 Cases AD2000 Trade Mark[ 1997 ] RPC 168 American Cyanamid Co v Ethicon Ltd[ 1975 ] AC 396 Aristoc V Rysta[ 1945 ] AC 68 Choccosuisse Union des Fabricants Suisse de Chocolat A ; Others v Cadbury Ltd[ 1998 ] RPC 117 Coombe International V Scholl[ 1977 ] RPC 1 H. Quennel Ltd’s Application[ 1954 ] 72 RPC 36 Maxim’s Ltd V Dye[ 1977 ] 1 WLR 1155 McCulloch V May[ 1947 ] 2 All ER 845 Morning Star v Express Newspapers[ 1979 ] FSR 113 Oasis Shop Ltd’s Trade Mark Application[ 1998 ] RPC 631 Proctor A ; Gamble’s Trade Mark Application[ 1999 ] RPC 673 Reckitt A ; Colman Products Ltd v Borden Inc[ 1990 ] 1 All ER 873 Seahorse Trade Mark[ 1980 ] RPC 250 Sheraton Corp of America v Sheraton Motels[ 1964 ] RPC 202 Stringfellow V McCain Foods[ 1984 ] RPC 501 Taittinger SA V Allbev Ltd[ 1993 ] FSR 641 Trego V Hunt[ 1895 ] AC 7
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to get a job at a startup
How to get a job at a startup Want to join a startup, but you’re not sure where to start? Or maybe you think you’re out of the running because tech isn’t your thing? Never fear, even if you’re not a coder or designer, there are still a few choice jobs out there that might just have your name on them. If you’re eager, have a varied skill set, and are willing to contribute to a team effort with energy, you’re in the running. Here are a few tricks to make yourself a viable candidate for a startup gig.Bolster your LinkedIn.First and foremost, attack your LinkedIn profile to make it shine. Remember that companies often search prospective employees by keyword, so keep your experience and certifications up to date and detailed. Make sure your network is solid, and don’t be too shy to ask for endorsements or recommendations. Get involved in professional groups and link them on your profile. Start posting content relevant to the industry you hope to join- show youâ€℠¢re involved and savvy before even sending in an application or going in to interview.Do your research.If you find a company you’re thrilled by, start getting really nerdy. Dig deep learning all you can about that company’s product. Research their culture, getting as good an on-the-ground sense of the place as you possibly can. If you’re still jazzed and sure you would fit in and have something fantastic to contribute, start drafting a pitch of exactly how and why you fit into that specific company to put into your cover letter. The people who look for new hires want specifics- if you don’t tailor your application package directly to them, you won’t seem special or stand out.Learn the industry as a whole.The startup world is intensely competitive. Every company has to build itself up from nothing and the field can be cutthroat. The more you know and understand about the industry and a company’s main competitors, the more you can contribute. This is especially important in the interview stage. When you go in there, know more than they expect you to based on your resume. Don’t leave any doubts that you understand the current climate inside and out.Establish an online presence.Build an online presence that expands beyond LinkedIn. Make sure all your social media platforms and profiles are up to date and that you’re building a solid and sellable brand for yourself with what you post and how you post it. How you present yourself via all channels will show your tech savviness and your ability to brand yourself- both skills startups find invaluable.Don’t try too hard to be quirky.It’s one thing to show off your individuality- the experience, skills, and passions that make your application stand out from the crowd. But remember that even though the startup world is young and modern, you’re still going through a job application process. Take every step seriously, act like a grownup, and let yo ur interests and skills speak for themselves. You can be engaging without acting like a kid. If you’re forcing a personality, it’s easy to tell.Get yourself out there.You’ll never get a startup gig from nothing if you don’t work for it. Start applying on sites like AngelList, and look on sites that specialize in startups, like StartUpHire or VentureLoop. In addition, look for and attend startup-specific networking events in your area.If you find one company you want to target, you can also find the CEO/founder/key exec’s email and shoot them a line to express your interest. Don’t make your email vague and generic- include relevant links to your social media profiles and explain exactly why you would be a perfect fit for that specific company. Follow up if people are receptive and don’t forget to send thank you notes. In general, be responsive, kind, and sharp- when you’re on the ball, people take notice.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Romanticism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Romanticism - Assignment Example A woman being violated without her knowledge is the scariest thing for a woman. Any man would want to try and protect a woman from demonic rape. This portrait is very scary. The emotions evoked are terror, fear, horror, and sheer disgust. The cultural context factors might have been the poem being written about a nightmare that the art was supposed to depict. b.) Goya’s Inquisition Scene is an oil on canvas dated 1816. This painting deals with many sublime topics such as inhumanity to man, violence, and death. Goya was trying to prove how cruel the Spanish Inquisition was. The dunce cap on the condemned and the blood dripping shows inhumanity and violence. The verdict is already been decided, despite this kangaroo court. The painting’s atmosphere was dark and somber. Goya is trying to show the injustice of the Spanish Inquisition. Goya’s work reflects the Spanish Inquisition although the work was created after the first Inquisition and the second Inquisition. His painting style shows the seriousness of the charges brought in the Inquisition. This is the best Goya
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Criticise my friends business idea....its not really a topic, there is Essay
Criticise my friends business idea....its not really a topic, there is no topic as such - Essay Example For instance, the case study illustrates that there are only thousands of people worldwide that have sought these biohacking magnetic implants. Thus, there is an indication that it could be problematic to gain considerable demand. This is not advantageous for the marketing entity in the provided case study. It might be more advantageous for the friend in the case study to, first, consider a more mass market strategy in order to gain the attention of consumers that would appreciate these magnetic implants. The provided case study is limiting the marketer to a niche market which could also limit profit success. However, there is some possibility that utilising a tattoo chain as the chosen marketing intermediary could have some degree of success. For example, a recent study showed that consumers in their 20s, today, are happy with life and seek to explore having fun and tend to be attracted toward a variety of premium products which seek to build social identity (Executive Digest 2008). It is rather commonly understood, from a marketing perspective, that tattooing is often an outward expression of self identity and uniqueness from a social perspective. Thus, theoretically, this would be an ideal channel for marketing and sales focus by providing unique products to a younger market that is seeking adventure and the desire to explore fun. The case study provided evidence that magnetic implants could, in theory, create a new type of emotional experience by allowing the consumer that accepts these implants to be different from others in society or in their own age group. Why is this important in supporting the plans for the â€Å"friend†in selecting the tattooing chain as the appropriate marketing solution? Marketing and social sciences teach businesspersons that individuals in society often make what is referred to as social comparisons, the process of viewing others in the social environment and identifying how one might be superior to others (Suls, Martin a nd Wheeler 2002). People in society, as a rather homogenous whole, want to believe that they are superior to those through which social comparisons occur. A person’s total well-being, according to theory, is greatly enhanced when one believes they have this superiority over others in society (Taylor and Brown 1988). Magnetic implants, which would theoretically provide opportunities to sense electromagnetic fields or even pick up metal objects utilising only their skin (via assistance from the implant) is currently something that is not common in society. Hence, it would give the individual who receives the implant the ability to enhance their personal and emotional well-being as they would have opportunities to constantly make positive social comparisons and feel superior to others. With this in mind, the marketing entity in the provided case study is selecting tattoo chains as a proper marketing channel as this environment already provides said uniqueness that often services a need to show others in the social environment that they are different and helps to confirm and affirm self-identity. Morgan and Hunt (1994) further emphasise that relationship marketing is a strategy that can enhance the viability of a brand as it provides loyalty and often leads to positive word of mouth. Tattoo chains not only have to provide quality art products (as
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Instructional strategies exam essay Essay Example for Free
Instructional strategies exam essay Essay Teachers are constantly challenged to ensure that teaching strategies employed in the classroom are appropriate the learning styles and experiences of the learners. As far as possible instructional strategies should be modified to take into consideration the unique characteristics of individual learners and aim to discover the best way forward when dealing with specific learning styles. Cooperative learning strategies are useful in teaching learners who function best in learning sessions that take into concern their individual needs, interests and abilities as well as provide opportunities for interaction and discussion with and among other learners. Constructivists have long established that learning cannot be separated from real-life experiences as both share a symbiotic relationship (Huang, 2002, p. 28). Bringing real-life situations into the learning environment will facilitate and enhance learning while knowledge, skills and attitudes gained in learning provide opportunities for additional life experiences. Cooperative learning strategies have a great amount of flexibility in the classroom and make it possible for the teacher to effectively match learning style to teaching strategy. Cooperative learning strategies are therefore quite attractive for adult learners as there is a multiplicity of activities and tasks that can be brought into any one learning experience to make learning not only effective but meaningful. These strategies are also useful in ensuring that learners have some amount of freedom and independence, as well as participate actively in their own learning. In a learning session using cooperative learning strategies individuals can be assigned to interest groups at the beginning of the session. Interest groups are individuals who may share either the same background or viewpoint. Interest groups are assigned either based on the particular task to be covered in the lesson or based on previously defined characteristics such as favorite type of food, music, TV shows etcetera. This is simply to ensure that all learners feel a sense of belonging by being able to identify with at least one other person in the group and therefore all will be motivated to actively participate in the lesson. Countless authors have pointed to the merits of using small groups as an effective teaching strategy to ensure participation and involvement (see Slavin, 2000). At the beginning of the lesson students are presented with the objectives and given precise guidelines of what they will be required to do throughout the lesson. Each group, that would have been identified previously, is given a particular aspect of the lesson to report or focus on and even within the group each member is assigned a specific responsibility and, of course, made aware how his/her role fits into the group task and the general lesson. In this way students will be accountable, not only for their own learning but also for the learning of the rest of the members who will be dependent upon him/her to correctly complete what is required. Kounin is famous for stressing this concept of accountability in learning. He also argues that it is essential to maintain the involvement of all students in all aspects of the lesson (as cited in Slavin, 2000, p. 373). Direct instruction often cannot be avoided in delivering lesson content depending on the material to be covered and may be essential in some cases. Thus in this setting direct instruction has its place but is supplemented with other strategies to ensure its effectiveness in meeting lesson objectives. To make a topic more meaningful and of immediate interest to the learners suggestions are gathered as to possible topics to explore, that can be aligned well with the overall curricular goals. By using the direct teaching method the teacher delivers the content to the entire class but each group is at that time paying particular attention to the aspect that is most relevant to the task they had been previously assigned. Visual aids and demonstrations, as appropriate, are used to enhance the impact of the lesson. A PowerPoint ® presentation would be particularly attractive to learners incorporating computer graphics, animation and even sound so that learners are able to interact with the lesson on a variety of levels. An alternative to the direct teacher or a supplemental to it would be to invite an outside speaker to deliver the specified topic. This guest speaker could be someone that the class nominates or someone that has expertise as well as being able to gain the interest and attention of the learners. Using either direct teaching, the PowerPoint ® or the guest speaker the group function is still maintained. At the end of these sessions groups meet to collaborate on completing the task assigned. In completing this task learners use problem solving skills to ensure that objectives are met. Working collaboratively group members have to explore alternatives for solving the problem or accomplishing the task that has been assigned. Included in the discussion is a decision on what aspect of the presentation is relevant or irrelevant to the task they have been assigned and the most appropriate way of organizing their work. They will also have to choose the most appropriate form in which to present their information. Each group is required, whether as a part of the session or in a subsequent session, to present their task to the rest of the class. As a part of the task description the teacher allows each group the flexibility of choosing whatever approach they feel will best be suited to presenting their information to the entire class. Role-play, simulation, demonstration, presentation or any other method could be adopted by the learners based on their individual preference. Alternatively all groups could role-play their particular scenario. Role-playing can be used to develop problem solving skills and to assess how much and how well learning has occurred. There is still a considerable amount of flexibility in that the groups use their own styles and ideas to come up with an appropriate situation to depict the problem they were assigned to. All members of the group will be required to roll-play ensuring that group activities are not manipulated by a specific set of learners and so that some learners do not opt out. Feedback of course, in any learning context is essential. Peer evaluation in this situation is useful. A discussion can ensue after each group role-plays or presents. Other classmates give feedback on the same issues and present possible alternatives to the solution that was taken or discuss why the option taken was the most appropriate for the particular issue at hand. Additionally comments relevant to the lesson could also be made. Learners in the small-group and large-group context are therefore able to cooperatively learn from each other by sharing ideas and making suggestions. Evidently learners are given a lot of independence within the specific guidelines and a lot of self-directed learning takes place. All these are essential for learners to make the most out of learning sessions and are preferable to techniques that are teacher-centered rather than learner-centered. In this way learners are actively participating in learning not just being passive listeners and observers. Throughout the lesson the teacher plays the role of facilitator or guide but the learners are the ones actively involved in the learning experiences and thus they would reap much more benefit. References Huang, H. (2002). Toward constructivism for adult learners in online learning environments. British Journal of Educational Technology, 33(1), 27-37. Slavin, R. E. (2000). Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice. (6th ed. ). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Sustainable Agriculture Essay -- Research Paper Ranching Farming Paper
Sustainable Agriculture Agriculture has been a fundamental component of human societies for centuries. It is so fundamental in fact that it is often forgotten by those dependent on its products, but not directly involved in the production. As we enter the 21st century, agriculture is beginning to receive more attention from the general public as the implications of farming are realized and the problem of potential world wide food shortage is addressed. With the future in focus, much of agricultural establishment uses words like biotech, and high-tech to describe their goals for U.S. agriculture. With few exceptions, traditional agriculturalists see a continuing trend of industrial agricultural practices that continue to drive production to fewer, larger, and more specialized production units which are virtually responsible for all stages of the production globally. This increased specialization is dependent on new biological technologies and information technologies at all levels from farms on which the foo d is produced to the markets where it is distributed. While these forecasts are legitimate, a growing number of agriculturalists, concerned public, and educators envision a very different future for agriculture. Such a view is represented in the writings of John E. Ikerd, an agricultural economist and Professor Emeritus at the University of Missouri. In his paper, "Sustainable Agriculture: a necessary alternative to industrial agriculture", Ikerd questions whether the guiding trends of agriculture in the past hundred years can continue to be the guiding force of agriculture. He argues the while the tools of the "high-tech" future may be different from the tools of the industrial age, the objectives to specialize, mechan... ...l>. --- "Sustainable Agriculture: A Positive Alternative to Industrial Agriculture" 7 December, 1996. October 4, 2002 <http://www.ssu.missouri.edu/faculty/jikerd/papers/ks-hrtld.htm>. --- "Rethinking the Role of Agriculture in the Future of Rural Communities" 25, January 2002. October 4, 2002. <http://www.ssu.missouri.edu/faculty/JIkerd/papers/YaleRural%20Studies.html>. Pretty, Jules N. Regenerating Agriculture: Policies and Practice for Sustainability and Self-reliance. Washington, D.C.: Joseph Henry Press, 1995. --- "Supporting Policies and Practice." Facilitating Sustainable Agriculture. ed. N. G. Roling and M.A.E. Wagemakers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1998. USDA Press Release. "Fitting Farming Practices to Minimize Water Pollutionà ¤ 17 November 2000. November 10, 2002 <http://www.pestlaw.com/x/press/2000/USDA-20001117A.html>.
Monday, November 11, 2019
History of Aluminum Essay
Aluminum as a metal came to its existence only 200 years ago. However, Dmitry Eskin noted that almost 2000 years ago, Pleny the Elder â€Å"mentions a strange, light, and silvery metal in his Historia Naturalis which might indicate that aluminum may have been discovered accidentally and then forgotten†(Eskin 2008, p. 1). Citing the work of Pleny the Elder, Eskin puts it: â€Å"One day a gold smith in Rome was allowed to show the Emperor Tiberius a dinner plate of a new metal. The plate was very light, and almost as bright as silver. The goldsmith told the Emperor that he had made the metal from plain clay. He also assured the Emperor that only he, himself, and the gods knew how to produce these metal from clay. The emperor felt immediately, however, that all his treasures of gold and silver would decline in value if people started to produce this bright metal of clay. Therefore, instead of giving the goldsmith the regard expected, he ordered him to be beheaded†(p. 1). The existence of this young metal was established by an Englishman H. Davy in 1808 which he called â€Å"aluminium,†but this name was later changed to Aluminum (USA). Thus, both aluminium (U. K. ) and aluminum continues to be use to call this metal. Nevertheless, it was not until 1825 that pure aluminum was extracted by the Dane N. C. Oerested, though actually, he was only able to produce tiny amounts. Eskin pointed out that between 1827 and 1845, the German F. Wohler â€Å"developed the first process to produce aluminum powder by reacting potassium with anhydrous aluminum chloride†(p. ). It was also Wohler who determined some physical properties of aluminum such as its density which according to Eskin, â€Å"appeared to be the most remarkable characteristic of the new metal†(p. 1). Citing the description of Jules Verne about this newly discovered metal in his â€Å"From the Earth to the Moon†in 1865, Verne wrote: â€Å"This valuable metal possesses the whiteness of silver, the indestructibility of gold, the tenacity of iron, the fusibility of copper, the lightness of glass. It is easily wrought, is very widely distributed, forming the base of most rocks, is three times lighter than iron, and seems to have been created for the purpose of furnishing us with the material for our projectile†(p. 2) By 1854, a French chemist by the name of Henri Etienne Sainte-Claire Deville improved the method used by Wohler which facilitated the aluminum commercial production that resulted to the dropping of price from approximately $1200 per kilogram in 1852 to just about forty dollars per kilogram in 1859. But aluminum’s price remained costly for voluminous use. Not long when Charles Martin Hall discovered an inexpensive method for the aluminum production. Mary Bellis noted that extracting pure aluminum was not easy as it is never found free in nature. This difficulty made aluminum a precious metal during this period, but with Martin hall’s invention of aluminum processor which was patented in 1888 had made aluminum processing easy that brought aluminum price down to an even lower at eighteen cents a pound (Bellis, Mary). According to the American society for metals, aluminum is the most â€Å"abundant metal in the earth’s crust†(ASM, ASM International Handbook Committee 1990, p. 35) was a development of this century. It derives its name from the Latin alumen meaning bitterness. The ASM International stated that aluminum was first exhibited in 1855, but it was difficult to obtain during this period that it was more expensive than gold. During this time, companies producing aluminum had difficulty attracting buyers due to its high cost at $2 a pound. It was only after one manufacturer discovered, it made good, inexpensive tea kettles that the price declined at cents a pound, and by the 1900 it was down to 32 cents per pound (p. 35). Production of aluminum however, was low until World War II, but in 1963, the aluminum industry which was undreamed of during the 1900, employed 35, 970 people in 951 plants with payroll of $221, 567,000. Thus in the first seven months of 1968 alone, more than 412,000 Mg (450 tons) of aluminum were cast in the United States. John Gilbert Kaufman and Elwin L. Rooy pointed out that the first important market for aluminum were the castings following the commercialization of the Hall-Heroult electrolytic reduction process (p. 1). Kaufman and Rooy stressed that at first application were merely â€Å"limited to curiosities such as house numbers, hand mirrors, combs, brushes, tie clamps, and decorative lamp housings that emphasized the light weight, silvery finish, and novelty of the new metal†(p. 1). Furthermore, Kaufman and Rooy cited that cast aluminum cookware was invented and was a welcome alternative to cast iron and brass pots, pans, and kettles (p. ). As the production of aluminum increases, its cost steadily declined, and by the end of the 19th century, â€Å"important engineering application became economically viable†(p. 1). From this point onward, the use of aluminum in some industry features prominently. Kaufman and Rooy stated that the use of aluminum played important role electrification. Aluminum was well suited to the electrification demand of a low-density, corrosion resistant, and high-conductivity wire and cable. Aluminum was also suited to transmission towers and cast installation hardware, and was also in demand to automotive pioneers who â€Å"sought innovative materials and product forms to differentiate the performance and appearance of their products†(Kaufman & Rooy, p. 1). More importantly, Kaufman and Rooy noted that when the Wright Brothers succeeded in powerful flight, engine and other parts in cast aluminum â€Å"represented the beginning of a close collaboration with what would become the aviation industry†(p. 1). The earliest design rules for aluminum structures according to Randolph Kissell and Robert L. Ferry were developed at Alcoa around 1930 and were used â€Å"to design the aluminum deck and floor beams installed on the Smithfield street Bridge in Pittsburg in 1933 (Ferry 2002, p. 217). After the publication of the American Society of Civil Engineers of an article entitled â€Å"Specification for Structures of a Moderate Strength Aluminum Alloy of High Resistance to Corrosion†in 1952 and similar other publications in 1956, major aluminum producers led by Alcoa as the number aluminum producer, followed by Reynolds and Kaiser began to developed structural design books for their product (Kissel & Ferry, p. 17). From this point on, aluminum has become important components of the construction manual series which included the following: Section 1: Specifications for aluminum structures; section 1A: Commentary on Specifications for Aluminum Structure; section 2 Illustrative Examples of Designs; Section 3: Engineering Data for Aluminum Structures; and, section 5: Specification for Aluminum Sheet Metal Work in Building Construction (p. 18). From its humble beginnings, the use of aluminum has evolve from simple curiosities such as house numbers, combs, pins, and other small items made from aluminum, to become an important material in almost business industries from automotive to aero space industry, to construction industry. Below is a classification table for aluminum which characterizes its description and its properties.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
California Space Heaters
New line of invented, convection, kerosene space heaters Due to high energy prices In the ass, the units were expected to do well The target market was aimed at low Income consumers who had electric heating systems – especially In the east Also would be used by those consumers who had their heat shut off 1) Is this heater a socially useful product? Should it be produced at all? Yes, based on the incremental benefits of existing heating mechanisms, the space heater is a socially useful product.More cost efficient, enabled heat to be focused where needed eliminating unnecessary waste In rooms where heat wasn't needed, and could enable certain demographics to have heat where they otherwise wouldn't (due to high energy prices). 2) under what legal standards will consumer In]rules be dealt with? Liability lawsuits were probable should there be injuries or adverse health consequences. Strict liability in tort would in all likelihood be the applicable liability standard, so the compa ny could be held liable even if an injury were due to reasonable misuse by a consumer.Total costs would include the cost of liability insurance, legal and court costs, and the time of management required by the cases. Insurance costs could be reduced by adding safety features. 3) What framework should the company use to make decisions about which product safety features to add? Given that framework, which particular product safety features should they add? The company should weigh the costs of the bare bones option of the space heater.From here determine the costs and benefits of adding subsequent safety features while incorporating the likelihood of harmful effects based on the data that they have. Electric spark ignition should clearly be incorporated given that it reduced the likelihood of death by an estimated 50%. 4) Should the company offer a line of products with various safety features/price combinations from which customers can choose? How should the product be priced? Ther e should be one consistent, standard safety level that the company should strive o achieve.By implementing different safety levels, the company runs a large risk of legal risk of future penalties and the final price should have an optimal balance between cost of parts and labor vs. future liability. 1) What were the underlying cases of the spill? 2) Evaluate the political and economic logic of the $20 billion fund from both President Obama and BSP point of view. 3) Should the U. S. Government change the way that it regulates this industry? Implement policies that minimize risk California Space Heaters There is a fine line between how much safety a corporation should provide to the consumer regarding its products vs. how much responsibility of safety should fall on the average consumer. Take, for instance, the all too familiar McDonald’s coffee episode. Does McDonald’s have a responsibility to its customers to ensure the coffee isn’t hot enough to scald if spilled upon one’s lap? Or should the customer be held responsible for their own safety in regards to common sense judgment? This is what California Space Heaters, Inc. CSH) must consider when deciding exactly which products to launch. Kerosene heaters are often times used in shops and garages as well as inside homes. They are quite a bit heavier than standard electric space heaters, which tip over easily. Because of their weight (and low center of gravity with fuel), kerosene heaters are typically very sturdy. Tipping over a kerosene heater takes some doing. Additionally, because there is fuel involve d, people are probably more cautious than they might be with an electric heater. Users have the responsibility to use extreme caution when operating any fuel-based component, especially any type of heating device. Due to the stability of these types of heaters, a corporation should not be held liable for recklessness that results in a kerosene heater tip-over. Using these arguments, I would recommend that CSH does not incorporate an automatic cut-off when tipped over on any of its units. Instead, one of the most important features that should be implemented is an electric spark ignition. The first danger of no electric start option is simply the repetitive lighting of a match. While it is the users’ responsibility handling matches safely in their own home, a combustible fuel is also involved, which increases danger significantly. According to CSH engineers, adding an electric start option would decrease the probability of death by 50%. Even though the cost of the feature is relatively high at $19. 50, the risk of death is simply too high to ignore. A corporation that has been given such estimates from its engineering department has a responsibility to implement a safety device. Electric start is the single most important ption that should be incorporated on all models for safety reasons. The profile of users in a shop or garage setting differs greatly from users in a home. Users in a shop or garage are more likely to be mechanically inclined. Additionally, safety features are arguably more important in a home than in a shop or garage. In a home, the heater is typically closer to combustibles, including furniture, curtains, and carpet. Due to these v ariables, CSH should market an indoor/outdoor heater and an outdoor only heater. The only necessary option on the outdoor heater is the electric start, as previously discussed. A shop or garage user will likely be more mechanically inclined and able to adjust the wick accurately. A thermostat shouldn’t be needed because the unit will less likely be near combustibles. Overheating due to flare-ups will not be as big of an issue either because of the surroundings, not to mention the user is more likely to notice flare-ups because the unit will only be operating when he or she is in the garage or shop, in most cases. A removable tank would also not be necessary since fill-up is easier outdoors. On the other hand, the indoor/outdoor heater should have three options incorporated on the base model. The first is the electric start option, as mentioned previously. The second most important option is the wick stop. This option keeps users from lowering the wick too much, which causes inefficiency and increased emissions. The average home user is probably less likely to know how to operate the wick for ideal combustion. And because the unit is operating indoors, emission control is much more important than it is in a garage or shop where there is more ventilation. The third and last option absolutely necessary for the indoor heater is a removable tank. Refueling a tank indoors is dirty, aromatic, and more dangerous than refueling outdoors. A removable tank also eliminates the need for a siphoning system. A tank level gauge is just a â€Å"bell and whistle†not needed for a base model. An electric wick adjustment is an option that could be implemented on higher-end models, but is not a big safety concern, so does not justify the high cost. For both indoor and outdoor heaters, it would be very important to apply warning labels in clear view on the kerosene heater in regards to asphyxiation, proper wick adjustment methods, re-fueling methods, and other pertinent safety information. The cost of the basic heater without any safety options is $44. To add the electric ignition for the outdoor model, the cost would be $63. 50. Adding the wick stop and removable tank to the indoor model, the cost would be $76. With an average of a 95% markup for retail, the outdoor unit would sell for about $124. The indoor unit would sell for about $144. 50. The safety features implemented for these base models do three things. First of all, they address basic safety concerns that are considered (at least in part by the engineers) to be relatively dangerous to the average user. Secondly, by keeping the safety features to a minimum and including only the options deemed pertinent to safety, it keeps the price as low as possible, while maintaining corporate responsibility. And lastly, by implementing these features (though few), insurance premiums per unit should drop from the estimated $55 per unit. In conclusion, corporations have a responsibility to provide reasonably safe products, but consumers must also use common sense judgment and take responsibility for their own actions. By introducing these base model products as suggested, sales shouldn’t lag far behind the estimated 2,000,000 units annually; and on top of that, the units can be something CSH can proudly produce knowing that safety precautions have been provided to customers. Oh, and my view on the McDonald’s coffee case? Whether the coffee was 100 or 200 degrees, the customer who spilled the coffee was solely to blame.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Henry Light Horse Harry Lee in the American Revolution
Henry Light Horse Harry Lee in the American Revolution Born at Leesylvania near Dumfries, VA on January 29, 1756, Henry Lee III was the son of Henry Lee II and Lucy Grymes Lee. A member of a prominent Virginia family, Lees father was a second cousin of Richard Henry Lee who later served as President of the Continental Congress. Receiving his early education in Virginia, Lee then moved north to attend the College of New Jersey (Princeton) where he pursued a degree in classical studies. Graduating in 1773, Lee returned to Virginia and commenced a career in law. This endeavor proved short-lived as Lee quickly took an interest in military matters following the Battles of Lexington and Concord and the start of the American Revolution in April 1775. Traveling to Williamsburg the following year, he sought a place in one of the new Virginia regiments being formed for service with the Continental Army. Commissioned as a captain on June 18, 1775, Lee led the 5th Troop of Colonel Theodorick Blands light cavalry battalion. After spending the fall equipping and training, the unit moved north and joined General George Washingtons army in January 1776. Marching with Washington Incorporated into the Continental Army in March, the unit was re-designated the 1st Continental Light Dragoons. Shortly thereafter, Lee and his troop largely began to operate independently from Blands command and saw service in New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania in conjunction with forces led by Major Generals Benjamin Lincoln and Lord Stirling. In this role, Lee and his men largely conducted reconnaissance, foraged for supplies, and attacked British outposts. Impressed with their performance, Washington effectively made the unit independent that fall and began issuing orders directly to Lee. With the beginning of the Philadelphia Campaign in the late summer of 1777, Lees men operated in southeastern Pennsylvania and were present, but not engaged, at the Battle of Brandywine in September. After the defeat, Lees men retreated with the rest of the army. The following month, the troop served as Washingtons bodyguard during the Battle of Germantown. With the army in winter quarters at Valley Forge, Lees troop earned fame on January 20, 1778, when it thwarted an ambush led by Captain Banastre Tarleton near Spread Eagle Tavern. Growing Responsibility On April 7, Lees men were formally separated from the 1st Continental Light Dragoons and work commenced to expand the unit to three troops. At the same time, Lee was promoted to major at the request of Washington. Much of the rest of the year was spent training and organizing the new unit. To cloth his men, Lee chose a uniform featuring a short green jacket and white or doeskin pants. In an effort to ensure tactical flexibility, Lee had one of the troops dismounted to serve as infantry. On September 30, he took his unit into battle at Edgars Lane near Hastings-on-Hudson, NY. Winning a victory over a force of Hessians, Lee lost no men in the fighting. On July 13, 1779, a company of infantry was added to Lees command to serve a fourth troop. Three days later, the unit served as a reserve during Brigadier General Anthony Waynes successful attack on Stony Point. Inspired by this operation, Lee was tasked with mounting a similar assault on Paulus Hook in August. Moving forward on the night of the 19th, his command attacked Major William Sutherlands position. Overrunning the British defenses, Lees men inflicted 50 casualties and captured over 150 prisoners in exchange for two killed and three wounded. In recognition of this achievement, Lee received a gold medal from Congress. Continuing to strike at the enemy, Lee raided Sandy Hook, NJ in January 1780. Lees Legion In February, Lee received authorization from Congress to form a legionary corps consisting of three troops of cavalry and three of infantry. Accepting volunteers from across the army, this saw Lees Legion expand to around 300 men. Though ordered south to reinforce the garrison at Charleston, SC in March, Washington rescinded the order and the legion remained in New Jersey into the summer. On June 23, Lee and his men stood with Major General Nathanael Greene during the Battle of Springfield. This saw British and Hessian forces led by Baron von Knyphausen advance in northern New Jersey in an attempt to defeat the Americans. Assigned to defend the Vauxhall Road bridges with the assistance of Colonel Mathias Ogdens 1st New Jersey, Lees men soon were under heavy pressure. Though fighting tenaciously, the legion was nearly driven from the field until being reinforced by Brigadier General John Stark. That November, Lee received orders to march south to aid American forces in the Carolinas which had been severely reduced due to the loss of Charleston and the defeat at Camden. Southern Theater Promoted to lieutenant colonel and having earned the nickname Light Horse Harry for his exploits, Lee joined Greene, who had assumed command in the South, in January 1781. Re-designated the 2nd Partisan Corps, Lees unit joined with Brigadier General Francis Marions men for an attack on Georgetown, SC later that month. In February, the legion won an engagement at Haw River (Pyles Massacre) as well as helped screen Greenes retreat north to the Dan River and evade pursuing British forces under Lieutenant General Lord Charles Cornwallis. Reinforced, Greene returned south and met Cornwallis at the Battle of Guilford Court House on March 15. Fighting commenced when Lees men engaged British dragoons led by Tarleton a few miles from Greenes position. Engaging the British, he was able to hold until the 23rd Regiment of Foot arrived to support Tarleton. Rejoining the army after a sharp fight, Lees Legion assumed a position on the American left and harried the British right flank for the remainder of the battle. In addition to operating with Greenes army, Lees troops worked with other light forces led by individuals such as Marion and Brigadier General Andrew Pickens. Raiding through South Carolina and Georgia, these troops captured several British outposts including Fort Watson, Fort Motte, and Fort Grierson as well as attacked Loyalists in the region. Rejoining Greene in June after a successful attack on Augusta, GA, Lees men were present for the final days of the failed siege of Ninety-Six. On September 8, the legion supported Greene during the Battle of Eutaw Springs. Riding north, Lee was present for Cornwallis surrender at the Battle of Yorktown the following month.    Later Life In February 1782, Lee left the army claiming fatigue but influenced by a lack of support for his men and a perceived lack of respect for his accomplishments. Returning to Virginia, married his second cousin, Matilda Ludwell Lee, in April. The couple had three children prior to her death in 1790. Elected to the Congress of the Confederation in 1786, Lee served for two years before advocating for the ratification of the US Constitution. After serving in the Virginia legislature from 1789 to 1791, he was elected Governor of Virginia. On June 18, 1793, Lee married Anne Hill Carter. Together they had six children including future Confederate commander Robert E. Lee. With the beginning of the Whiskey Rebellion in 1794, Lee accompanied President Washington west to deal with the situation and was placed in command of military operations. In the wake of this incident, Lee was made a major general in the US Army in 1798 and elected to Congress a year later. Serving one term, he famously eulogized Washington at the presidents funeral on December 26, 1799. The next several years proved difficult for Lee as land speculation and business difficulties eroded his fortune. Forced to serve a year in debtors prison, he wrote his memoirs of the war. On July 27, 1812, Lee was severely injured when he attempted to defend a newspaper friend, Alexander C. Hanson, from a mob in Baltimore. Set upon because of Hansons opposition to the War of 1812, Lee sustained multiple internal injuries and wounds.  Plagued by issues relating to the attack, Lee spent his final years traveling in warmer climates in an attempt to relieve his suffering. After spending time in the West Indies, he died at Dungeness, GA on March 25, 1818. Buried with full military honors, Lees remains were later relocated to the Lee Family Chapel at Washington Lee University (Lexington, VA) in 1913.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
African American Press Essay Example for Free (#2)
African American Press Essay ? ?â€Å"We wish to plead our own cause. Too long have others spoken for us. Too long has the public been deceived by misrepresentation of things which concerns us dearly,†written on the front page of the first African-American owned newspaper, Freedom’s Journal. Freedom’s Journal was published on March 16, 1827 by a group of free African-American men in New York City. Freedom’s Journal was published the same year slavery was abolished in New York and was used to counter racist commentary published in the mainstream press. Cornish and John B. Russwurm served, respectively, as its senior and junior editors where they worked together to publish four-page, four-column weekly newspapers. Though The Freedom’s Journal was not the first African-American paper published, it was the first Africa-American owned newspaper. Freedom’s Journal consisted of news on current events, anecdotes, editorials and used to address contemporary issues such as denouncing slavery, advocating for black people’s political rights, the right to vote, and speaking out about lynching. Cornish and Russwurm desire were to give African-Americans the freedom to voice their thoughts, ideas and opinions. They sought to improve conditions for more than 300,000 newly freed men and women living in the North. They fulfilled this desire, by employing 14 to 44 agents each year to collect subscriptions. Each agent was paid $3 a year for their work. To encourage black achievements Freedom’s Journal featured biographies of celebrated black figures and continued to promote better living conditions by printing schools that were open to blacks, job offering and housing listings. Freedom’s Journal, eventually, circulated 11 states, the District of Columbia, Haiti, Europe and Canada before ceasing publications in 1829. During that time, Russwurm became the sole editor of Freedom’s Journal, after Cornish resigned in 1827. Russwurm began to promote the Colonization Movement which was frowned upon by majority of the newspaper’s readers. The Colonization Movement was a movement that was conceived by members of the American Colonization Colony where they began repatriating free African-Americans back to Africa. When the Freedom’s Journal shifted in complete support of colonization, it lost most of its readers and in March 1829 Freedom’s Journal ceased publication. Even though Freedom’s Journal existed for two years, its two years of existence helped spawn other papers. Since then, African American press has evolved and has substantially increased in the population over the years. After Freedom’s Journal, African-Americans had begun establishing and owning newspapers. It began May 1829, when Cornish attempted to revive the Freedom’s Journal under the name The Rights of All, however, the publication was not successful and failed after a year. David Walker, hired as an agent for Freedom’s Journal, became a well known, anti-slavery writer which was inspired by his experience with Freedom’s Journal. In 1830, Walker’s published his most famous publication known as Appeal which called for slaves to rebel against their masters, â€Å"†¦they want us for their slaves, and think nothing of murdering us†¦therefore, if there is an attempt made by us, kill or be killed†¦and believe this, that it is no more harm for you to kill a man who is trying to kill you, than it is for you to take a drink of water when thirsty,†(Walker). Another attempt at publication, Samuel Cornish, along with, Philip Bell, and Charles Bennett Ray launched The Weekly Advocate, January 1837. Later, the men changed the name to The Colored American March 4, 1837. The Colored American main purpose was to strengthen the moral, social, and political elevation of colored people as well as emancipation of slaves. The Colored American became well-known in the North because of the wide spread support of abolitionists, African-American churches and local abolition societies, and Caucasian allies. The Colored American published 38 articles, becoming an important paper of its time. The last edition of The Colored American was published on Christmas day in 1841. Other early African American newspapers include the Provincial Freeman, published in 1854, which was the first African-American owned newspapers to be published in Chatham, Ontario, Canada. The North Star was an anti-slavery newspaper published in 1847 by Frederick Douglas. He later agreed to merge it with the publication Liberty Party Paper with Gerrit Smith creating the Frederick Douglass’ Paper, in Rochester, New York. The National Era was published in Washington, D. C. in 1847 by the American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society. The Liberator was probably the best-known publication during the era, published by William Lloyd Garrison in Boston between 1831 and 1865. Other anti-slavery newspapers of note include the Friend of Man, published weekly for the New York State Anti-Slavery Society from 1836 through 1842. The Emancipator, originally known as Genius of Universal Emancipation, was one of the first anti-slavery newspapers published in the United States by Benjamin Lundy in 1819 and National. Anti-Slavery Standard established in 1840. All of these newspapers advocated for the abolition of slavery and for the civil rights of all African Americans. By the start of Civil War, more than 40 black-owned and operated papers had been established throughout the United States. After the end of the Civil War, more than 100 newspapers were beginning to publish. Many of the major African-American owned publications include, Baltimore Afro-American, also known as The Afro, was founded by a former slave, John H. Murphy, SR. , in 1892. Today, The Afro is the longest-running African-American, family-owned newspaper in the United States. The Chicago Defender was founded by Robert Sengstacke. Abbott on May 5, 1905. The Chicago Defender included writing pieces from the well-known Langston Hughes, Gwendolyn Brooks and Willard Motley. The Pittsburgh Courier an African-American newspaper published in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1910. The Pittsburgh Courier became the most widely circulated newspaper in America for African-Americans. During its peak, the Pittsburgh Courier circulated around 450,000 publications, with more than 400 employees in 14 cities. The Pittsburgh Courier discussed major issues impacting African-American communities. It campaigned against segregation and poverty, and promoted the social advancement of blacks. In the 1930s, the Pittsburgh Courier urged Black voters to vote Democrat, creating a political alliance that still exist to this day. Other publications includes, The Philadelphia Tribune (1912-2001), Atlanta Daily World (1931–2003), Cleveland Call & Post (1934-1991), Los Angeles Sentinel (1934–2005), New York Amsterdam News (1922–1993), and Norfolk Journal and Guide (1921-2003). With African-American newspaper publication on the rise, organizations to help promote the publication began to form to support African-American journalist. In 1940, Robert Sengstacke Abbott, founder of Chicago Defender, along with other African-American publishers, organized the National Negro Publishers Association. The members of the National Negro Publishers Association worked together, â€Å"harmonizing our energies in a common purpose for the benefit of Negro journalism†, (Sengstacke). Today, the National Negro Publishers Associations is composed of more than 200 black newspapers in the United States and the Virgin Islands. In 1975 in Washington D. C. , 44 African-American journalists founded the National Association of Black Journalists. The National Association of Black Journalist’ purpose was to provide quality programs and services to and advocate on behalf of black journalists. These organizations are still going strong today and have contributed greatly to the African American population. Today, there isn’t a firm count of how many African American newspapers circulating the United States, however, according to Allied Media Corporation, an ethnic marketing firm, they have listed 250 newspapers in circulation. The National Newspaper Publishers Association, better known as the Black Press of America, assist in the publication of African-American owned newspapers, counts more than 200 black-owned newspapers as its membership. As you can see, since the Freedom’s Journal, the number of newspaper publications has increased. It began with the main purpose being that Africa-Americans would stick together to fight the constant oppression they were under. Now that we don’t see African-American oppression, as we did then, publications has different focal points. Many of the newspapers provide news and insight on African-American culture, including a variety of perspectives from leaders, celebrities, trendsetters and great minds from the African-American community. The Freedom’s Journal created a new stepping stone for the African-American population. It provided the platform for issues and concerns pursuant to ensuring our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and to preserve a legacy of black conservatism for generations to come. References 2, M. A. (n. d. ). Early African American and Anti-Slavery Newspapers | Marjory Allen Perez. Genealogy & Family History | Search Family Trees & Vital Records . Retrieved August 1, 2013, from http://www. archives. com/experts/perez-marjory/early-african-american-and-anti-slavery-newspapers. html Black Newspapers Listing | The Network Journal. (n. d. ). Black Business | Black News, Career Ideas for Black Professionals. Retrieved August 1, 2013, from http://www. tnj. com/lists-resources/black-newspapers-listing David Walker, 1785-1830. Walker’s Appeal, in Four Articles; Together with a Preamble, to the Coloured Citizens of the World, but in Particular, and Very Expressly. African American Press. (2016, Dec 21).
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The Arab Spring Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
The Arab Spring - Research Paper Example The Arab Spring came into existence as a response to the lack of political freedom in the various countries in which it has occurred. At first, they were peaceful protests some of which became armed struggles whose aim was to topple the autocratic regimes ruling over these countries. According to Ben-Meir , the rebellion against such governments was due to the fact that instead of taking into consideration the calls of their people to allow them freedom that is more political. These autocratic regimes responded with violence against peaceful protesters, a move that may have been spurred by their conception that their authority was being threatened and that there was a need for them to reclaim such authority by using brute force. The use of force against unarmed civilians led to the discrediting of the legitimacy of such governments and calls for the stepping down of these leaders were made from many international organizations and governments. Moreover, in cases such as Libya and Syr ia, the peaceful protests suddenly became fierce armed rebellions against the government that attacked the unarmed civilians.Jones states that protesters in the Arab Spring made very good use of modern technology such as social networks in order to organize protests as well as making people outside their countries aware of what was really going on because of the media blackout that had been created by the autocratic regimes. Many of these regimes had banned and continue to ban international journalists from having access.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Aboriginal Residential Schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Aboriginal Residential Schools - Essay Example According to this report, it is obvious that there are highly-paid government jobs available in such areas, however, the Inuit community is unable to avail such opportunities due to lack of formal education. In some cases, even if a member of the Inuit community is formally educated he is not qualified for that particular job. Consequently, the burden of unemployed individuals has to borne by the Canadian government. According to the findings of this study, the poverty of aboriginals is not only linked with unemployment. Lack of secondary education coupled with poor health and living conditions also worsen their economic situation. The difference between the majority non-Aboriginal population and minority Aboriginal peoples speaks volumes about the imbalance in Canadian society. It is imperative to raise their living standards by encouraging them to pursue higher education so that they can meet the demands of the job market. Alternatively, specific jobs for Aboriginals should be created so as to streamline their workforce in the mainstream labor market. It is indeed a daunting task to redress the disarray that has been made out of residential schools, but the Canadian government is grave about making definite changes. The government is also serious about resolving the problem of unemployment as this places an undue burden on the national economy. If the Aboriginal population could contribute somehow towards the national economy, the Canadian economy and society both would benefit a great deal from such measures.
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