Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Fifa 13 Apology Rules - 1049 Words
Description Lose by the following and face up to the forfeit; 5 - Write a Facebook apology to your opponent praising them for their brilliance. 6 - You must kiss the feet of your opponent. 7 - You must make your opponent a tasty sandwich. 8 - You must be the slave of your opponent for an hour. 9 - You must eat a tablespoon of various kitchen ingredients of your opponent s discretion. 10 - You must send a Moonpig apology to your opponent 11 - Winning player gets 11 minutes on the losers Facebook to do whatever they wish (No changing passwords). Whatever is put on there has to stay for at least 11 days. 12 - You must play the next game fully naked 13 - You have to go to your next door neighbours and start†¦show more content†¦Score the winning goal with ryan giggs against arsenal and your opponent must run through the nearest public area swinging his t-shirt around in the air. Score the winning goal with Rio Ferdinand against Chelsea and the opponent has to buy all the choc ices out of the nearest shop and walk the streets giving them away!! (Supermarkets excluded) Score with a hat trick with Emmanuel Adebayor against Arsenal - Your oponent must run the full length of the garden and powerslide, regardless of the weather conditions, while all others present pelt with rubbish and leftover food. Score a hattrick with Stephen Ireland and your opponent has to stand in public with their pants down, wearing pink underpants (or superman boxes) ask to have people stand in photos with them for 30 mins Score five goals with Balotelli and your opponent must hand out monopoly money to randoms on the street saying I m rich, I m rich have some money for 30 minutes. Score 5 with Georgios Samaras and your opponent must refer to you as Jesus, for a whole week. Score five with Robin van Persie vs Arsenal and your opponent must dress up as batman and wear a sign that says just got raped by robin for 30 mins in the nearest shopping centre. Play as the Korean Republic team and win by 5 goalsShow MoreRelatedNba - a Case Study3322 Words  | 14 Pages The NBA achieves this by running programs where athletes interact with the community and the fans. These programs also serve as a means to demonstrate leadership in social responsibility and involve volunteer services and fund-raising for charity [13]. †¢ Well-thought-out formats. The recreational market has not been well addressed by using a format that is suitable for television. The NBAs industry experience and personal dedication to the sport of basketball will provide it with the needed informationRead MoreAutobilography of Zlatan Ibrahimovic116934 Words  | 468 Pagesand we laughed a lot about that. And I was actually feeling like myself sometimes. I felt ok. But then Messi started talking. Messi is awesome. Fucking unbelievable. I don t know him very well. We are very different personalities. He came to Barca 13 years old and is brought up in their culture. He doesn t have any problems with that school shit. In the team, the play revolves around him, which is natural really. He s brilliant, but now I had come, and I was scoring more than he did. He went
Monday, December 16, 2019
The Principles of Morality Free Essays
Humans must not treat each other merely as a means to satisfy an end. Human beings are objects of dignity and not a mere machine, thus deserving respect to and from each other and respect to the law as well. Respect, although a human feeling, is a self-wrought rational concept and, thus, free of influences. We will write a custom essay sample on The Principles of Morality or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is the true essence of ethics that is supposed to exist among human beings. However, as Kant implied in his Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals this is not always the case, that humans behave to each other in pursuance of freedom, human rights, violence, peace and anything attributing to his own well-being as well as to the well-being of others and the community in general. Kant has acknowledged in his arguments that aside from respect and duty, human acts accordingly based on his inclinations and, or worse, out of fear. However, it was emphasized that with obedience to law the actions would be in conformity to that law and would become a binding principle among humans. Respect is properly the conception of a worth which thwarts my self-love. Accordingly it is something which is considered neither as an object of inclination nor of fear, although it has something analogous to both. The object of respect is the law only, and that the law which we impose on ourselves and yet recognise as necessary in itself. (Kant) Humans need guidance to be enlightened and eventually be free and at the same time, need a universal law to exist among them for their own sake.  This law would be the imposing object of humans to themselves as a result of their will. This include the common day-to-day congenial acts of humanity such as honesty, faithfulness, respect for each other, trustworthiness, non-imprisonment of innocent individuals and be like the example that was in Kant’s Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals, keeping ones promises. Why is it a wrong deed for A if she took the hand of B forcing the latter to shoot C? This case would be an act of deception and coercion and obviously a crime, in which case, against the universal law. A have â€Å"bypassed†(Hare 13) the agency of B as A used B as the shooting medium. It is also a deception when A impede the rational choice and free will of B to make the decision and the action. This is a violation of the universal law and it is a treatment of humans, in this case B, as without dignity but only used as a means to achieve an end, the shooting of C. As the source of guidance to the acts, duties and obligations of humans, morality is very important. In fact, as Kant have argued, â€Å"it is only a pure philosophy that we can look for the moral law in its purity and genuineness.†This means that even morality itself may have something of its own immoralities within: a hidden motive. To someone of a morally good, or a virtuous, character that someone should perform an act without looking at the effect of that certain action or, without deriving the motive of that act from its possible effect. A virtuous character â€Å"wants†or â€Å"wills†(or what Kant calls the â€Å"principle of volition†) the performance of an act for the act itself and not from the expected results or a return that can be gained from doing such acts. As Kant have put it: â€Å"an action done from duty derives its moral worth, not from the purpose which is to be attained by it, but from the maxim by which it is determined†Moreover, the virtuous person thus acts in accordance to the â€Å"autonomy†, that would be an act of the holy will, which can be viewed as â€Å"absolutely good†according to Kant. The autonomy causes the Will of the action a â€Å"law to itself†. This is because the Autonomy of the Will is the supreme principle of morality which makes a rational being of freedom efficient and independent upon his choices and actions, as opposed to an irrational being who is fragile to influences of the external environment. However, if the will is only based on necessity of morality, this would become an obligation, and the action resulting from it is called duty. This makes autonomy as one of the important limitations of morality: â€Å"part of the dignity of life is choosing one’s own path through it. Given those limits, there can be principles so demanding that compliance simply will not be forthcoming.†(Griffin 127) Human actions have imperatives and are governed by the Ought. Acknowledging its obligations is a way for humans to be within the world with sense and understanding. However, this conception of obligation is not easily accepted or might be challenged by humans due to immaturity, ignorance or fanaticism. Humans are supposed to be rational beings that belong to an intelligible world, conscious and responsible for its actions. It is, however, very evident that humans act in the contrary and as Kant has argued, â€Å"can never conceive the causality of his own will otherwise than on condition of the idea of freedom.†This might be attributed to immaturity which not an outside force to him but something that he has self-incurred. This is the lack of courage and resolution from the side of humans to use his â€Å"own understanding without the guidance of others.†(Kant) Immaturity would hinder the purpose of morality laws that have an ultimate principle conceived to guide humans in every possible circumstances in life. Without recognizing their respective obligations, humans would be living in darkness, without a well defined function in life. This would hinder the attainment of human freedom, his free will. In Kant’s An Answer to the Question: â€Å"What is Enlightenment?†he has emphasized the value of freedom that can only be attained by an enlightened humanity. Without recognition of the obligations, there would be no duty. Without duty means without worth of morality for human actions. Works Cited Griffin, James. Well-Being: Its Meaning, Measurement, and Moral Importance. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986. Questia. 5 May 2008 ;http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o;d=26035794;. Hare, John E. The Moral Gap : Kantian Ethics, Human Limits, and God’s Assistance /. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. Questia. 5 May 2008 http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=od=102096160. How to cite The Principles of Morality, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Evolution of Electricity-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment
Question: Examine the factors relating to energy generation for urban, commercial and global use, what infrastructures this is found in (i.e. transportation, consumer electricity, etc) and how we will meet the challenges of future energy production. Answer: Affordable and reliable electricity is important in modern life. It is essential to our daily lives and supports our economy in various aspects. We use electricity to power devices, in homes, in medicine, in engineering, and in agriculture. The modern electric world began with appliances like the telegraph, light bulb, as well as telephone and continued with radio, television, and many appliances (Jakovac 2012, p. 316). This paper focuses on following the evolution of electricity, its transmission, usage, and the difference in consumption between the rural and urban residents. Although electricity has been known since the ancient times, it has only been harnessed its power for about 250 years. Benjamin Franklins electricity experiments-including the kite experimenting 1752- showed how little electricity was known in the era of the American Revolution and the first industrial revolution (Matthew 2004, p. 2). Since Franklin`s experiments, the grasp of electricity has grown tremendously and new ways of its usage to improve our lives (Institute for energy research 2014). One of the first primary breakthroughs in electricity occurred in 1832 when a British scientist Michael Faraday discovered the basic principles of electricity generation. Building on the experiments of Franklin and others, he found that he could create or induce an electric current by moving magnets inside coils of copper wire. This discovery of electromagnetic induction revolutionized the use of energy. Ideally, Faraday`s process is used in modern power production. The Institute of energy research (2014) suggests that in the modern era of power plants, coal has always generated more electricity in the U.S. than any other fuel sources. In the recent years, we have seen other sources of electricity- hydroelectricity, nuclear power and natural gas competing for the second place. The energy is also used primarily in driving the transport and communication industry. For instance, the transport industry depends on energy in driving trains, airplanes, and automobile machines among other transportation machines. Communication as well depends on sensor a system that as well depends on energy. The 19th-century inventors who began to harness electricity to useful purpose put their small generators right next to the machines that used the electricity as pointed out by Tolis (2015). The earliest distribution system was by Thomas Edison`s 1882 Pearl street station in Manhattan, and another that Edison built in Menlo Park, New Jersey. Like many others that were constructed during the next few years, they distributed power over copper lines using direct current. However, the method of distribution was so ineffective forcing most power plants had to be located within a mile of the place using the power known as the load (Matthew et al. p. 4). All the early power systems were what most people now refer to as distributed generation systems where the generators were located close to machines that used electricity. By the 1890s other inventors further developed this system of power distribution. Mastropietro, Batlle, Barroso, and Rodilla (2016) denote that the most important developm ent was high- voltage power transmission lines that adopted the use of alternating current. In addition, alternating current allowed power lines, to transmit power over much longer distances than the direct current system. At the beginning of the 21stcentury, the transmission system is a truly interconnected network with more than 150,000 miles of high voltage transmission lines. Matthew et al. (2004) also points out that with the increasingly technology-dependent society, people depend upon the network itself as much as on the power plants that use and feed the network. It hence called for the development of a sophisticated network system that involves interconnected power plants and power lines that operated at many different voltages as shown in figure 1. Table 1: Miles of High-Voltage Transmission Lines in the United States. Miles of Transmission Line Voltage AC 76,762 230 kV 49,250 345 kV 26,038 500 kV 2,453 765 kV 154,503 Total AC DC 930 250-300 kV 852 400 kV 192 450 kV 1,333 500 kV 3,307 Total DC 157,810 TOTAL AC/DC Fugure1: Illustrates todays transmission system Electricity has a significant role in industrial development it an essential factor in human well-being and development (Pourazarm 2012, p 14). According to Chopra (2015), electricity is used in various fields. For instance, engineering and technical activities use electricity as well as the communication and transport. In the field of medicine and surgery, electricity is used in treatment of diseases undergoing surgical operations likewise the theatres require electricity to operate. The entertainment industry as well as the house building and construction also currently depend on electricity. Paurazarm (2012) adds that electricity is used in the Residential sector- which includes all private buildings for heating water, air conditioning, and cooking, lighting and household electric appliances. The industrial sector such as manufacturing, mining, construction, transport and some parts of the agricultural industry like in water pumping and fisheries also depend on electricity. The st eel, copper, iron, petrochemicals, cements sugar and textile industries use the most energy in this sector. In the agricultural sector, the electricity is used mainly for pumping water for agriculture and fisheries; a Public sector which includes all government organizations and institutions, educational, religious and research centers, hospitals, and charity organizations. Tentatively lots of studies and research have been conducted on the difference in the electricity consumption in rural versus urban areas. A survey done by Craig Petersen 1980, in Utah indicates that rural dwellers use more electricity than urban dweller. Craig suggests that the difference could be that urban housing stock may be more efficient; the difference in the billing of electricity; rural locations may be colder than urban locations and those rural residents had a different demographic as it relates to electricity usage (Petersen 1982, p. 1). Michael Barnard (2013), states that the rural dwellers use more electricity (and more of every other form of energy) than urban dwellers where the ratio for electricity consumption alone is in the range of 12-34% greater for rural areas than urban areas. For instance, Table 2 contains the data obtained from a questionnaire sent to 2155 customers of Utah Power and light in spring of 1980 relating to the energy conservation efforts, the nature of their dwelling and personal characteristics-age, education and income. Table 2: Mean Values of the independent Variables in rural and Urban Areas Element Rural Urban Variables Number Mean Number Mean Degree Days of location 573 6663 676 6211 Electric Space heatinga 573 0.222 678 0.131 Electric water heatinga 573 0.635 676 0.286 Electric Clothes Dryer a 573 0.743 676 0.72 Dishwashera 573 0.424 678 0.529 Freezera 573 0.805 678 0.655 Number in house 568 3.34 669 3.5 Family income 548 16.163 654 19354 Age of Respondent 567 50.7 674 43.6 Inches of ceiling installation 496 6.7 554 6.9 From the research Petersen (1982, p. 6) concludes because there is a higher proportion of electric space and water heating in rural areas, the use of tariffs that provide preferential rates for customers using electricity for these purposes is especially beneficial to rural customers. Conversely, utility tariffs that do not differentiate by end user will impose relatively greater burdens on rural residents. Conclusion The evolution of electricity has changed the lives of and the nature of business in all industries. As a result, almost every human activity is heavily dependent on electricity. From manufacturing, to supply chain, to customer delivery of products and services to customers, electricity controls a bigger percentage of the economic efficiency of the world. However, care needs to be taken to ensure that energy is sustained and used effectively to prevent issues related to global warming, energy depletion, and other climate related to energy issues. List of References Barnard, M. (2013, January 9). Quora. Retrieved from https://www.quora.com/Power-usage-of-a-city-vs-rural-areas Chopra, A. (2015, April 22). Short Essay on Uses of Electricity. Retrieved August 23, 2017, from importantindia.com. Doren, C. V. (n.d.). instituteforenergyresearch.org/history-electricity/. Retrieved 8 29, 2014, from https://www.ushistory.org/franklin/info/kite.htm Jakovac, P 2012, 'Electricity Directives and Evolution of the Eu Internal Electricity Market',Medianali, 11, pp. 315-338, Communication Mass Media Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 25 August 2017. Mastropietro, P, Batlle, C, Barroso, L, Rodilla, P 2016, 'The evolution of electricity auctions in South America',Energy Sources Part B: Economics, Planning Policy, 11, 12, pp. 1103-1110, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 25 August 2017. Matthew, H, Brown, N, Ednin, D, Ulman, K, 2004, 'Electricity Directives and Evolution of the Eu Internal Electricity Market',National Conference of State Legislatures, Medianali, 11, pp. 315-338 Richard P. Sedano, The Regulatory Assistance Projec. (2004). Electricity Transmission. National Council on Electricity Policy , 2,6,. Pourazarm, E 2012, Doctor of philosophy thesis, school of economics, University of Wollongong. Retrieved from Elecricity demand analysis in different sectors: a case study of Iran: https:/?ro.uow.edu.au/thesis/3786 Tolis, A 2015, 'The effect of long-term expansion on the evolution of electricity price: numerical analysis of a theoretically optimised electricity market',European Journal Of Operational Research, 244, 3, pp. 939-954, Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 25 August 2017.
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